Resignation Or Acceptance? 5 Effective Methods To Stop Resigning

Do you know what the true meaning of resignation is? Do you think you accept or resign yourself to failures or frustrations? Discover how to stop resigning yourself to achieve all your goals.

What is resignation and how does it differ from acceptance?

There is a lot of talk about accepting, but the meaning that people normally give to this word is quite far from reality. When we experience difficult situations or have problems we always hear others tell us that we have to accept them or resign ourselves Do we know what one or the other option really means?

What is acceptance?

In many cases, people feel bad, lost, resentful, with negative emotions such as anger or rage against themselves or against others due to the lack of acceptance

The definition of acceptance states that it is an optimistic, open-minded attitude toward adaptation or resolution of a difficult situation or conflict with ourselves or others. Acceptance is synonymous with moving forward and not staying stuck in the problem. In this way, acceptance implies an active and proactive attitude, an internal search for solutions or resources for coping.

The acceptance It denotes a mature, adult attitude, since we become aware of the situation and its possibility of resolution (or not). There are times when we cannot solve what is presented to us, and acceptance means accepting that situation of not being able to solve it, but analyzing what path we can take and what actions to take to live in harmony with ourselves without feeling guilty. nor blocked.

Therefore, acceptance has positive consequences for the person, since it empowers and makes us stronger in the face of adversity and provides us with an improvement in our mental health.

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What is resignation?

Unlike acceptance, meaning of resigned or resignation It is a pessimistic, closed-minded attitude, since it does not allow us to adapt naturally to reality. When we talk about resignation, we talk about a passive posture with respect to what happened, it is similar to saying to ourselves “well, this is what I have been dealt with and I can’t change it, therefore I get depressed.”

So much so that the resignation is synonymous of adopting a childish attitude, since we rebel against life, the situation or any problem that has happened to us. We stay focused on the problem, on our bad luck for having to live with it, and therefore we give in to the negative thoughts it provokes. This translates into fears, anxiety, depression, rage, anger, frustration… that is, emotional disorders, which do not favor adaptation and personal improvement. As you can see, the consequences are very negative and this generates more problems since we focus on the problem rather than the solution.

The difference between the two is great, so it is important to know how we are acting. When someone says they have resignation face We are pointing out that negative attitude towards life and difficulties.

Signs that you have resigned

How do you know if you have resigned?

On many occasions we do not feel completely identified with the meaning of resigned Despite this, perhaps we are in a situation of resignation. In this way, there are some signs with which we can identify resignation in our attitude.

1. Decreased productivity

One of the most perceived signs in people who choose resign It is precisely through productivity. When someone feels resigned, it is very likely that they will perform their tasks less effectively.

2. Loss of motivation

Motivation is one of the elements that most effectively tells us if we are in a situation. resignation situation On many occasions when we feel unmotivated it can mean that we have resigned ourselves to an objective or goal.

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3. Decrease in creativity and innovation

To the resign A person’s creativity decreases with respect to the task they are carrying out. So much so that inspiration and enthusiasm are lost when performing that action.

4. Depression

When one person has resigned In many situations, this feeling of frustration can trigger depression. This is due to the negative thoughts that develop when facing our goals or objectives.

5. Constant complaints

To the resign Many people do not realize that they end up constantly complaining about everything that happens around them. So much so that on many occasions, someone who is resigned can be detected in this way.

6. Recurrent laziness

When a person feels constant laziness in many of their daily tasks, it is a clear sign that they are in a resignation situation In this way, when we mention that someone has a face of resignation we are referring precisely to this attitude.

10. Lack of concentration

Lack of concentration is one of the consequences of resignation In this way, all the errors we make in our tasks increase, making us feel even worse about our decisions.

These are some of the main characteristics when we are in a resignation situation At these moments it is essential to realize the true meaning of resigned and try to visualize a solution to respect.

How to stop resigning?

How to stop resigning yourself and learn to accept situations?

There are a series of guidelines that can be followed to guide us towards the path of acceptance and leave behind everything that is. synonymous with resignation

  • Stop to observe how we are acting

It is important that we stop for a moment to observe how we are responding to the situation, as this can help us change course before we are more affected. leave behind the resignation face It is complicated, but reflecting and thinking about how we act can help us be more aware of all our actions. Let’s use the DEPA method (Stop to observe thoughts and emotions, Slow down the physical and emotional state using relaxation techniques, Think alternatively, actively seeking solutions, and Act following an action plan based on the ideas you have had about it. ).

  • Give us permission to make mistakes

This is a very important step to leave the resign or be resigned, since we often seek perfection and do not tolerate failure. We give in to our demanding thoughts (I should…, I should…) and frustration prevents us from focusing on finding solutions.

  • Observe our thoughts and emotions

Emotions are very important, since negative thoughts lead us to negative emotions, and this has a direct impact on our self-esteem and the conception of ourselves, which can cause us to enter into a attitude of resignation instead of one of acceptance (because we perceive ourselves as helpless in the situation or incapable)

  • Give us time to process things

Immediacy is a big problem in our society, since we want to achieve acceptance and well-being now and we have to be aware that acceptance is an active process that requires time and involvement on our part. On many occasions we end with an attitude and saying phrases of resignation because we are too demanding of ourselves.

  • Focus on the present

It is very important to maintain a posture of full attention in the present since if we look too much at the past or the future we can be affected by negative emotions such as frustration, depression or uncertainty and anxiety. The resignation It is synonymous with constantly thinking about the past or the future and stopping enjoying our present.

  • Work on ourselves

Every change requires involvement and personal development requires us to take time to cultivate ourselves. Meditation is a good resource to learn to stay in the present while helping us to know ourselves as well as our self-boycott mechanisms.

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As we see, accepting is not resign, so if you feel overwhelmed because you see that you cannot move forward, perhaps working on yourself with the help of a professional who can give you these tools is a good idea. Don’t give up and act actively!