The Enjoyment Of The Victim

Are there as many victims as it seems? Are we not abusing this category? Is it really beneficial to acquire victim status?

Are there as many victims as we are taught in the media?

Today everything happens through him media filter, the media determines what succeeds and what does not, what is good and what is bad, the protection of the weak is boasted, and as a consequence of this, presenting oneself as weak is a fruitful path for those who want to obtain something from the Other. . The usual complainer, adapted to new times. The key is in the countenance, the posture, in how you say what you say.

He media empire It sets us as a condition something as old as the Roman Empire: “Caesar’s wife must not only be decent, but also appear to be so”, but now it is no longer necessary to be so, it is enough to appear so.

Are there as many victims as it seems?

Possibly for this reason, there is a proliferation of victims all types. It becomes impossible to elucidate who is the victim and who is the executioner when everyone claims the role of victim for themselves.

What the political correctness guarantees the victim is the right to compensation, and therefore priority attention over the rest. Before it was said: “women and children first” today we talk about “care for victims.” To care for the victims, restraining orders are imposed, social and even employment improvements are offered. But let us remember that the status of victim is often acquired just by appearing (or saying) to be one.

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For this reason, I am tired of seeing how there are always smart people who they pretend to be victims to benefit from privileges that have been provided for those who truly are, without scruples of harming someone they accuse of being an executioner. For example: cases in which the woman falsely denounces her husband for mistreatment, knowing that this will bring her benefits in the judicial distribution of marital assets, or men who declare themselves victims after mistreating her partner.

But even in cases where a victim is justly protected, there is something really serious that is happening, and it is the inconvenience that occurs when a victim takes excessive advantage of their condition. What happens then? That she doesn’t want to stop being a victim. This is very serious, especially for the person concerned, because to stop being a victim one must want to stop being a victim, and this often means giving up a status in which the subject is comfortably accommodated.

What does enjoyment consist of?

What is enjoyment?

This is what the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan defined as joy It is an undoubtedly painful, unwanted situation, but it provides the subject with a benefit that he is not capable of giving up.

And from here a slavery is born, one of the worst slavery: those that come from inside If the person cannot renounce the role of victim, they will always be a victim, and when you are a victim, you cannot be many other more positive things: you cannot succeed, enjoy, relax, laugh… you cannot be happy.

For the media, victims are a big deal, because they mean guaranteed sales and audiences. For politicians, celebrating victims is a way to reduce support from their rivals. But with every applause we give them for being victims, with every compassionate act, we invite victims to stay in that role and we push them towards a horrible life sentence.

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There are situations in which innocent people are inevitably harmed. Sometimes they are very people weak, which can be the object of evil intentions of others. It is inevitable that there will be victims. But if we want to help, with the wounds of the soul, just as with those of the body, let’s help them heal.

I have a pending question: Are we not also guilty of seeing victims in others just to calm our anguish, the anguish that arises when we think that this misfortune could have touched us? This is the paradox of talking beings: We do not know what really moves us and that is why we continually surprise ourselves when we look at ourselves in the mirror of our actions. But that’s another story, and we’ll talk about it another time.