Logotherapy, How To Find The Meaning Of Your Life?

Have you ever felt lost? Can’t find your way? Logotherapy uses the search for meaning as an effective method to combat different diseases, discover what it consists of

What is logotherapy created by Viktor Frankl?

According to psychiatrist and neurologist Viktor Frankl, humans are motivated by something he called the ‘will to meaning‘, equivalent to the desire for find meaning in life In this way, Frankl was even able to argue that life can have meaning even in the most adverse circumstances. So much so that the motivation to be able to fight against these misfortunes came precisely from finding this same meaning. Frankl discovered that everything can be taken from humans except one thing: the attitude to face any situation that comes our way in life. For this reason, this researcher believed that when we can no longer change a stage, we choose to change ourselves.

Who was Viktor Frankl?

Viktor Frankl was a professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Vienna during the 20th century. This character is known from his book, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning‘and for his contribution to psychology with logotherapy

The highlight of this psychiatrist was his experience in the Auschwitz concentration camps. During the three hard years he spent in them, Frankl was able to develop his well-known theories on human resilience and make logotherapy It was in these circumstances that this author maintained the belief that the only freedom that no one can take away from you is the freedom to choose the attitude in which you face life.

What is logotherapy?

Have you ever felt lost in your own life? Logotherapy consists of a psychotherapy that focuses on helping its patients overcome a crisis of meaning In this way, together with this type of therapy, we try to reach the goal of each person reaching a solution for themselves that includes a certain social responsibility and constructive relationships. Many psychologists (through this and other therapies) can help you find your own path in those moments where you feel like you are lost.

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Frankl saw in his logotherapy theory an ability to improve existing therapies in psychiatry and psychology. According to the same author, there are three concepts that make up logotherapy: freedom of will, the will to meaning and the meaning of life.

  • Freedom of the will: Through this concept, the psychiatrist shows us that any human being is completely able to decide and take a position against both internal and external conditions. That is, we are all capable of choosing our responses regardless of the circumstances.
  • Will for meaning: This concept establishes that humans are also free to achieve both their goals and the purpose in life According to the same author, our main objective is to search for meaning or what is the meaning of the life we ​​lead. So much so that we are able to overcome both pleasure and pain for a meaningful cause.
  • The meaning of life: Through this conception, Frankl establishes that meaning is an objective reality and not an illusion or personal perception. In this way, human beings have both the freedom and the responsibility to give the best of themselves in order to reach their goals. meaning of life

Evidence of the benefits of logotherapy

Is there evidence of the effectiveness of logotherapy?

Logotherapy is applied in various areas of psychology. When this therapy is used in a consultation, it can be focused through specific techniques such as paradoxical intention and dereflection to address anxiety problems, compulsive disorders, obsessions and phobias.

On the other hand, improvements have also been seen in patients in physiological terms. Logotherapy is effective when facing both suffering and physical pain or loss. This therapy gives good results when people suffer from the so-called ‘existential void ‘ where they experience boredom, apathy, emptiness and even depression.

  • Acute stress and post-traumatic stress disorder: Through therapies based on logotherapy The effectiveness of this method has been proven to empower people with symptoms of post-traumatic stress. So much so that patients have been able to free themselves from their symptoms and increase their ability to develop an autonomous life.
  • Treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction: In logotherapy we can see parallels with other better-known therapies. One of them can be found when facing alcoholism and drug addiction. Frankl observed that when individuals experience a existential void In their lives, what he called ‘massive neurotic triad’ may appear. This was characterized by aggression, depression and addiction to harmful substances. In this way, the psychiatrist ended up arguing that when people can take advantage of their own freedom and find the meaning of life, they no longer have the need or desire to turn to alcohol or drugs.
  • Anxiety and depression: In various studies, the effectiveness of logotherapy has been proven to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety Furthermore, there are many cases in which the effectiveness of Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy can be observed to treat these two diseases so present in today’s society.
  • Group logotherapy: There is much evidence to support the benefits of logotherapy in group sessions. Through these group therapies, participants obtained greater psychological well-being, as well as better relationships, more autonomy, and developed their own personal growth.
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How can logotherapy benefit you?

How can logotherapy help you?

Through the logotherapy, Viktor Frankl He saw it possible to transform suffering into personal achievements. Guilt thus became an opportunity to improve oneself. Therefore, this psychotherapy aims to help people make better use of all their personal and physical resources to be able to resist adversity. In order to reach these personal goals, the author and psychologists use three main techniques.

  1. Dereflection: This technique is used to help people see a problem from afar or through another perspective Therefore, the main goal is to see all the nuances of a situation to stop wasting time ruminating on the same problem.
  2. Paradoxical intention: Through this technique we try to make people desire what they fear most. This type of therapy emerged for those cases of anxiety or phobias in which the humor and ridicule They can be used to confront a paralyzing fear. A good example of this type of technique can be seen when someone is afraid of feeling stupid in front of others. With this technique, the patient is encouraged to look foolish on purpose to stop experiencing fear. In many cases, fears disappeared when these situations were no longer given such importance.
  3. Socratic dialogue: In the logotherapy Socratic dialogue is used as a tool to help the patient in the process of self-discovery through their own words. In this way it would be possible to reach the purpose or meaning of life through this discourse. Through this therapy, the psychologist points out patterns of words and helps the patient see the meaning in them. So much so that the person himself ends up realizing an answer that is waiting to be discovered.
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Today, logotherapy overlaps with other newer forms of treatments. So much so that many of these techniques are used in cognitive-behavioral therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy. Still, logotherapy used independently has many benefits in the physical and psychological sphere