There Is Only One Life!

In everyday situations, the human mind always responds in two very basic ways. Paralysis and action.

There is only one life!

Most of the time when faced with a difficulty of any kind, be it work, family, or social, we always have to complain. To stay still for a while regretting what has happened to us, blaming ourselves for what happened, even looking for the reason outside of our own behavior and blaming someone for what we have done. With this path we only become victims, beings who do not learn at the moment, and we only revel in this so-called error.

We stagnate, and we stay still, looking to see who comes to give us the master recipe to solve our lives. We feel insecure, without decision, without weapons to face a situation that seems irremediable to us or that we have asked for. This whole approach is old, as if we could not reverse the situation. As if in this life the role of martyrs is determined for us.

It’s not real, the mind acts according to our own plan

In the face of any adversity, we must focus on getting out of it, on look for ways and solutions that they make us abandon as soon as possible what seems like a mistake and is simply a lesson that we must overcome.

If we react with action, we begin to consider known alternatives because of our lived experience or we risk venturing into new paths, the problem will disappear more quickly. Because we put all our mental capacities on alert to get out of that matter. Because if we fall we activate all our memories to get back on our feet in the shortest time possible.

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And it is important to reflect on actions because dear friends, life is only one and it has good and bad moments, but we have to squeeze it out and take advantage of it. Staying to cry is not the way, Look for solutions It is a smarter way to act.

Always in the face of what disturbs us,
accept that it happened as it happened, and that we can and it is in our hands to ensure that it does not happen again and that we learned from that bad time, and above all how long it took us to resolve it.

Yes because our maximum value is in time, and standing still in regrets is not going to make things change, let’s give value to our time and take advantage of it to enjoy more and regret less.