What Are Nervous Tics And Why Do They Occur?

What are nervous tics? Why do tics occur in adults and children? Discover the causes, examples and how the different types of tics that exist are treated.

What are nervous tics?

The nervous tics They involve irregular, uncontrollable, unwanted and repetitive movements. People who suffer from any of the types of tics that exist can suffer from it in any part of the body, being a condition that affects those who suffer from it in many ways. Normally, people who suffer from nervous tics usually develop them during childhood. In many cases, tics are temporary and end up disappearing after a year. Despite this, some people with these childhood tics can develop a chronic disorder.

What are nervous tics?

A tic It is an abrupt, uncontrollable movement or sound that deviates from the ‘normal’ gestures that a person can have. One of the most common examples of tics is rapid and repeated blinking of the eyes.

People with nervous tics They usually experience them differently than other cases of tics. These can be expressed through uncontrollable movements or noises. In the vast majority of cases, childhood tics usually last less than a year.

Why do tics occur?

Research shows that in most cases there are the following causes that favor the development of nervous tics

  • Genetics: Studies indicate that disorders developed by the tics they can be inherited. In fact, a genetic mutation can cause Tourette syndrome in some cases.
  • Brain abnormalities: These can also be responsible for tic disorders. In fact, these brain abnormalities could also influence disorders such as depression or ADHD.
  • Neurotransmitters: Some research suggests that transient tic disorder could be closely related to neurotransmitters.
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The different types of tics that exist

Types of tics

There are different types of tics that point to one mental health disorder or another. Among them, we find the following:

  1. Transient tic disorder: These types of nervous tics They affect up to 10% of children during their first years of life. They usually last between one month and 12 months. Typically people with this disorder experience a muscle or motor tic. Furthermore, these can vary or even worsen over time.
  2. Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder: They are those tics that appear before the age of majority and that last more than a year. These tics can be motor or vocal, but they do not occur at the same time. Normally, these symptoms disappear with adulthood.
  3. Tourette syndrome: It is a neurological disorder characterized by multiple tics, both motor and vocal. In fact, it is the most serious and least common tic disorder. In most cases, nervous tics due to this syndrome usually improve with age.

Symptoms of nervous tics

People who suffer from tics often experience the following.

  • Motor tics: These include tics, such as head and shoulder movements, blinking, shaking, tapping, snapping fingers, or touching things or other people. Motor tics tend to appear before vocal tics, although this is not always the case.
  • Vocal tics: They are sounds, such as coughing, clearing the throat, or grunting, or repeating words or phrases.

Tics can also be divided into the following categories:

  • Simple tics: are tics sudden and fleeting movements that use few muscle groups. Examples include nose twitching, rapid eyes, or throat clearing.
  • Complex tics: They involve coordinated movements that use several muscle groups. Examples include jumping or walking in a certain way, making gestures, or repeating words or phrases.
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In the vast majority of cases in which tics people often experience a lot of tension and stress.

Examples of tics

People who are affected by nervous tics They usually present them in different ways. Among the most common examples of tics we find the following:

  • Simple tics are associated with random movements that have no apparent purpose, such as blinking or grimacing.
  • Complex tics involve a series of movements and appear to have a purpose. For example, repeating a word after reading it.
  • Verbal tics are tics that involve movements such as shrugging the shoulders or moving the eyes.
  • Phonetic tics are tics that affect speaking, such as making a noise through the nose during a conversation.

Treatment of tics

How are nervous tics treated?

In most of the types of childhood tics, this disorder often goes away without treatment. Even so, children who suffer from them may be harmed in the personal and educational sphere, therefore, it may be advisable to go to a professional psychologist.

In fact, in many cases, the stress and anxiety linked to nervous tics can make the situation worse. In these cases, therapy can help manage these moments through different strategies.

How to remove a nervous tic?

Although a person suffering from tics You cannot avoid them, the reality is that there are a series of tips that can be taken into account to reduce tics.

  • Relaxation techniques: Relaxation is very useful when you are suffering from a nervous tic In this way, instead of enhancing the feelings of anxiety related to a tic, it is best to try to relax during these moments.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety: A way to make the tics are reduced is to try to avoid stress and anxiety. Therefore, you can exercise more or practice meditation to reduce these types of sensations.
  • Ignore the tic: The worst thing you can do when you are faced with a nervous tic is to make you more nervous because of this tic. This way, you will avoid enhancing its effects.
  • Increase self-esteem: In most cases, people who suffer from a muscular or nervous tic They usually end up seeing their self-esteem damaged because of it. It is important to work on it to ensure that the tics cause the minimum impact on the person who suffers from them.
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The tics They can cause great discomfort to those who suffer from them. Therefore, consulting with a mental health professional can be very useful to stop all the psychological discomfort that may be associated with them.