Resuming The Routine Of The Month Of September

Regardless of whether there are more or fewer studies that confirm that post-vacation depression is a fact, the truth is that returning from vacation usually costs us all a little.

Resuming the routine of the month of September

Returning from vacation usually costs us all a little, even if we have a job that we like, that gives us economic stability or that we are looking forward to seeing our co-workers.

If we also add to this the stress of the beginning of the children’s school, the preparation of all material the selection of the extracurricular activities so that during the year they have another complement in addition to classes, and to fully resume the frenetic pace of our daily routine. We can think that the month of September is a month that if we survive it we deserve a prize.

Among the symptoms that we can notice these first weeks of September may be: fatigue, lack of motivation, general malaise, anxiety and decreased performance among others.

The key to surviving the month of September is: first and foremost, accept that it is a busy month, that it is difficult for most of us and that This month will pass Acceptance is the key to success.

But it would be the perfect complement if we add to this acceptance the ability to find a space at the end of the day in which I can dedicate some time to making a small activity that you enjoy and that you like: take a short walk at dusk, spend a little time doing some small relaxation exercises, listening to music… that is, at least a few minutes for yourself.

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Remember the month of September is just a month, may he not be able to handle you.

Cheer up with the return.