‘I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything’: How To Regain The Desire To Do Things?

Do you feel like you have no fans of anything? What can you do when you don’t feel like doing anything? Discover why you don’t feel like doing anything and how to recover the energy to live fully.

'I don't feel like doing anything': Ways to regain vitality

It is completely normal to lose motivation during some times of the week. But if the phrase ‘I do not feel like doing anything ‘ constantly resonates in your mind or in your conversations, perhaps you should try to analyze your situation and your interior.

In many cases, people who feel without wanting anything They are usually experiencing additional stress or going through a time where they have to face unusual emotions and this can overwhelm them. But at other times, these feelings can be the alarm signal that a change or a pause to reflect is required. But, what can we do when you don’t feel like doing anything?

Why don’t I feel like doing anything?

One of the most frustrating things we can experience is precisely losing the drive, motivation or passion to do anything and ending up saying ‘I do not feel like doing anything ‘. People without desire for anything are usually not aware that this persistent feeling or thought may indicate that we need more attention to our mental health and our interior.

When this happens, people feel that ‘something’ inside them is not letting them do what they really want. In these cases they can end up saying the following expressions

  • I do not feel like doing anything
  • I feel like I don’t want anything
  • I don’t feel like doing anything

If you feel identified with these expressions, you should try to analyze whether this is really a fleeting sensation or one that you have perceived in you for a long time. For example, you can identify a problem if you use phrases like:

  • I have no desire to live
  • I feel like crying constantly
  • I just want to sleep
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In these cases where you feel a lack of energy and motivation These expressions can be synonymous with a mental illness and it is necessary to go to a professional psychologist.

What to do when you don’t feel like doing anything?

To know how to regain the will to live and to meet all your goals, psychologists show us some actions that will encourage your motivation towards it. According to experts, the key to knowing how to regain the desire to do things is in the following.

  1. Take a rest: Sometimes stress can make us break down feeling like doing nothing The reason for this is that our body may be exhausted and requires a ‘reset’. In these cases, the best thing you can do is take a break and spend some time taking better care of yourself. A good way to do this is to give yourself one day a week to be able to put everything aside and work on yourself or on what you most want to do. Furthermore, when people experience a lack of motivation and are without wanting to do anything sometimes self-care like showers, or stretching a little can work to regain both mental and physical energy.How to regain the desire to do things?
  2. Use the rewards: The best way to activate our motivation or to leave behind phrases like ‘nothing motivates me ‘ either ‘I don’t feel like doing anything ‘is trying to use a reward for each action we do in favor of our work or productive activities. According to research, when people have self-compassion for themselves and allow themselves space to rest or reward themselves, these actions often relieve both stress and feelings associated with anxiety and depression.
  3. Exercise or go for a walk: Going for a walk or doing some sport can be very beneficial for leave behind not wanting anything Various studies have shown that exercise is effective both against stress and for the prevention of depressive symptoms. Additionally, research also shows that spending time outdoors makes people feel in better mood and happier. Therefore, to stop feeling without wanting to do anything it can be very comforting to go for a walk or do some sport in the middle of nature.
  4. Talk to your circle: People can be sources of inspiration. For this reason, the best way to know how to regain the desire to do things It is precisely by talking about it with someone. In these cases, going to one of your friends and family to explain how you feel can be a source of relief that leads you to find the necessary motivation to return fully to work or to what you really want to do with your daily life.
  5. Plan your goals: The best way to recover energy It is thinking about what you really want. Once you have it in mind, you must establish a schedule for the next day or make plans for the steps you will need to take to achieve the goal you have in mind. Various research suggests that visualizing the things we want to do helps us increase our motivation.How to stop feeling like you don't want anything
  6. Start with small steps: If you find yourself without wanting to do anything, one of the best ways to deal with it is to try to start activating yourself with small steps. This way, you don’t feel overwhelmed by the difficulty of the tasks on your list. To do this, choose one small thing that you can do towards your goals or to reactivate yourself (such as household chores) and start with one of them.
  7. Find a source of inspiration: There are some sources of inspiration with which we can all regain motivation or stop feeling without wanting anything Among the list of actions that will help you we find the following:
  • Make a list of music that inspires you
  • Focus on positive thoughts
  • Read a book or listen to an audiobook
  • Cook or order your favorite food
  • To meditate
  • Paint
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Each person knows what inspires them, so on these occasions where people begin to not wanting anything It is a good time to go to these sources that revitalize our brain and mind.

These are some of the activities you can resort to when you don’t feel like anything Even so, in many cases people who feel this lack of energy and motivation may be suffering from a mental illness such as stress, depression or anxiety. If you think this may be your case, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. Recover the desire to live your life fully.