If I Am Very Sensitive, Does That Mean I Am A Highly Sensitive Person?

PAS people tend to suffer certain situations more intensely than the average population.

If I am very sensitive, does that mean I am a highly sensitive person?

PAS are the acronyms that designate the highly sensitive people Men, women and children who have a particular perception of the environment, different and with great emotional and perceptual sensitivity. PAS people tend to suffer certain situations more intensely than the average population.

We live in an environment where this is not valued (much less encouraged). hypersensitivity since the entire sociocultural system is usually oriented towards preserving feelings for very intimate situations or environments. The speed of producing or obtaining material things takes precedence over other factors such as the development of creativity, emotional intelligence and artistic expression, which are forgotten or reduced to a minimum.

In reality, excess sensitivity is usually interpreted as a trait of weakness and low self-esteem. The latest research on what happens inside the brain of PAS people confirms an excess of brain activity in the right hemisphere.

Quoting a doctor in psychiatry who is a friend of mine: “The excess brain activity of PAS is what many politicians who govern us today lack”

“They tend to be people with emotions and feelings on the surface.”

It is neither better nor worse to be an PAS, it is a way of being, being and feeling. They are people who usually feel very misunderstood, which leads them to introspection and a certain degree of isolation.

What are highly sensitive people like?

Some of the psychological and emotional characteristics of HSP people could be that they analyze and identify the person in front of them as if it were a scanner. Regarding non-verbal communication interpret eye and facial gestures and body movements in general They have a great built-in tool and they know how to use it.

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The high level of sensitivity that they possess usually causes pain and pleasure similar to that felt by the person with whom they are communicating.

Another characteristic feature of highly sensitive people is that they have very developed sensory abilities They tend to feel overwhelmed by crowds of people, have high sensitivity to light, have a specially developed sense of smell, are bothered by excess noise, such as on the days of San Juan where firecrackers are thrown, storms, acoustic sirens… They also need to feel comfortable. in bed, with clothes and with all bodily sensations in general.

They are prone to suffer anxiety and depressive symptoms due to their heightened susceptibility.

Excess sensitivity makes them suffering people but, on the other hand, they feel and enjoy their love and sexual relationships more intensely. They have a high capacity to feel these experiences very deeply.

The world of ambition, the fight of egos, of proving, of the brave, of the aggressive executive and those who are exaggeratedly funny does not suit them.

They may feel disconcerted by unexpected changes, excess and rhythms that differ from their own, which can cause anxiety and fears that can block them.

They enjoy everything that is perceived through any sensory channel, the aromas, flavors, walks, the calm, the natural light, the silence of a forest or the sound of the waves of the sea relaxes them, the calm and deep conversations, they enjoy works of art… Many plastic artists who are PAS usually paint and feel colors in an external way with different sensations and tastes in the same colors, acid yellows, happy and sweet or sad greens.

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Highly sensitive people are very skilled at finding the perfect detail for the person who arouses interest or feels something for them, thinking about their tastes and feelings.

How to help a PAS?

The most important thing is emotional management, the perceptions and interpretations they make of reality. Teach him to name what he feels. The most interesting thing is accompany and guide them without imposing your truth on theirs, showing them another point of view, leaving room for their own conclusion.

With a lot of love and affection, you will bring out the best in highly sensitive people. But the opposite could also happen, they can lead you to have a higher level of suffering.