Happiness And Psychology

Psychology has built a way to apply techniques and strategies to improve skills and personal and professional development for people without psychological disorders.

Happiness and psychology

Historically, Psychology has helped improve the lives of people who suffered from different disorders and negative emotions that prevented them from enjoying life. For this improvement, Psychology as a science has devised different techniques and intervention strategies, which have been tested and improved.

In recent years, Psychology has been building a new way of applying techniques and strategies for the continuous improvement of skills and personal development, as well as professional development for people without psychological disorders.

In short, Psychology helps in the search for Happiness.

It is clear that what makes each person happy is different, but in general it has been studied that happiness depends on where you are in each of these areas:

  • Social relationships: Family, partner, friends, colleagues…
  • Activity carried out: Work, studies, leisure…
  • Ability to organize and plan life freely.
  • Achievement of goals and objectives.
  • Have a positive interpretation of life.
  • Accept yourself and positively value what you have achieved in life.

Each of us sets different objectives for each of the areas, but the most important thing is to have expectations and aspirations adjusted to reality. We usually acquire the skills to obtain them with the experiences and models that we encounter in life, and this is enough.

But it is also possible that we have to face situations about which we have not had experience to learn from, or we have not had a valid model, or the context is very new or very demanding. It is in these cases, in which we do not suffer from any psychological disorder, but we lack skills to face a situation or we want to improve our performance, the help of a psychologist is important.

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The psychologist collaborates in clarifying the objectives for each area, showing the techniques and strategies tested by Psychology to achieve the objectives.

The psychologist will provide knowledge and experience that allows people to:

  • Planning of objectives by area and monitoring for their achievement. Fostering self-motivation skills.
  • Recognize your own thoughts and emotions.
  • Management of one’s own emotions, positive and negative.
  • Recognition of other people’s emotions, using empathy.
  • Adequate management of social relationships, couples, friendships, family…

By way of conclusion, regarding happiness, I am going to remember a phrase from Leo Tolstoy, which I believe can help achieve happiness:

“My happiness consists in the fact that I know how to appreciate what I have, and I do not desire excessively what I do not have.”

The only thing I allow myself to add to this phrase is that I do not give up having what I want in the future.