And You… Do You Know How To Communicate?

And you... Do you know how to communicate?

Sharing with different people is very enriching; However, differences always involve exposing ourselves to an error that is easy to understand, but difficult to accept. Many times things are said that were not meant to be said, or more is said than necessary, without explaining them well and generating great controversies; Sometimes it is not what is said, but how it is said, how those feelings and emotions are expressed…

Communication is the only means you have to interact with others, and it must be assertive respecting that difference that exists in the other human being.

Learning to adjust our communication strategies

Every word that comes out of our mouths comes out with an intention. This can be to destroy, build, hurt, heal and even curse and bless, but each one is part of the communication that is had; not only with your partner, but also with anyone around you.

Nowadays We have many ways and means of communicating – verbally, with gestures (non-verbal), letters, chat, voice notes, emoticons and more. But it does not stop communicating; The bad thing is that now communication is not being assertive, each person interprets the information as they wish, and that is where today we have a great problem.

All things are solved by talking. However, no matter how many words, ways and intentions you have to communicate, if the receiver is not willing to accept and analyze the other’s point of view (which is totally different), you will never be able to communicate assertively, there will never be a solution. to the inconvenience that exists, since the other person’s perception is marked by the circumstances experienced.

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Therefore, it is worth highlighting the importance of making the decision to be empathetic when someone speaks when communicating; this It will allow you to enjoy healthy, less problematic and much healthier relationships

But… Is it easy to communicate?

The truth is that if; however, You have to be very attentive to this verbal and non-verbal communication For example, a car communicates with turn signals and stationary lights when it is about to turn, stop or park.

When you are going to turn right (for example) you turn the turn signal to the right, but what happens when the driver is busy and instead of turning it to the right he turns it to the left? It will confuse the drivers behind it, often causing accidents and incidents on the road, just for being entertained and not paying enough attention to what it is transmitting. But if the driver pays attention and transmits the right message, he will probably not commit any incidents and will avoid many accidents, it’s that simple! It simply fails because the receiver is distracted, entertained, or thinking about one’s perspective of the situation; In this way he cannot understand what the sender wants to convey.

Likewise, when the sender transmits information, he often does so with fear, filling himself with thousands of assumptions about how the other may think, suppose, react to that information, which on many occasions transforms the lives of both from that moment on, which is why they end. omitting important details, giving half information or completely different from what your heart desired simply out of fear.

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Fear plays a fundamental role in communication since we live in a society where people who think differently are judged and are not allowed to freely express their feelings, desires, dreams and emotions because it is simply crazy.

Communication interceptors are:

Question yourself!

If we talk about a couple, Communication is vital for the existence of this bond since as the relationship matures, it becomes more necessary to transmit information.

One of many examples: many couples stop communicating the desire to be intimate and when the time comes, they simply swing at each other, without a preamble, without courtship, without first preparing the ground; Perhaps the intimidated couple does not verbalize their desires, but their silence grants the acts, and these generate voids that will never be filled.

What voids? Feeling used by your partner and that is when relationships due to lack of communication begin to collapse, consciously and/or unconsciously due to this situation.

Communication skills

Keys to good communication

  • Look in the eyes when talking
  • Speak without fear and with love
  • Listen carefully
  • Find spaces to talk
  • Don’t let too much time pass to communicate what you feel or what makes you uncomfortable.
  • Not communicating things in public
  • Privacy and limits
  • Leave prejudices
  • Not judge
  • Respect differences
  • reach agreements
  • Question: Did I mean what I just said?
  • Ask for forgiveness when necessary, forgive and be willing to change

Another fundamental thing is respect; respect the differences between the feelings, emotions, ideas, ideals, dreams and points of view of the other It will make every relationship healthy and communication can be assertive Many times we say something and do not make ourselves understood, this is where the importance of asking if the message you wanted to give was received appropriately.

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Many times we need help to learn to communicate, don’t hesitate to look for a professional to guide you in this field that is so important for life.