Does The Abuser Repent?

Inappropriate and antisocial behaviors are the result of traumatic life experiences experienced during childhood. People who suffer from them tend to adhere to maladaptive defensive mechanisms and, in most cases, harmful to their own health and psychological balance and that of others.

In the case of abusers, these are people who have either themselves been abused as children, or have lived other traumatic experiences and have accumulated a lot of resentment, which has led them to manage their future frustrations by attacking their neighbors.. In this PsychologyFor article we will answer the question of whether an abuser repents of their actions and we will analyze how these types of people feel when they are shown evidence of what they are.

How the mind of an abuser works

Abusers are usually people with a very low tolerance for frustration When a problem arises, because something does not go well or because a third person does not respond adequately to their expectations, all the resentment they have accumulated is automatically activated within them. So, They attack whoever is in front of them or against the person who, unintentionally, has created this frustration in them. Normally, they tend to be trusted people from a family environment.

During this episode of abuse, the enormous accumulated resentment is fueled by negative thoughts of distrust and defiance that reinforce violent behaviors. At that moment it is very difficult to make the person understand how unfair and inappropriate their behavior is, so the best thing to do is to do everything possible to avoid these situations.

Does an abuser regret his actions?

an abuser You may deeply regret your actions While he is upset it is as if he were possessed and does not control his actions. When everything passes, the person regains consciousness of it, which, no matter how damaged it may be, exists in every human being, and can come to deeply regret everything that happened.

Whether or not abusers regret their actions will depend on the extent to which the person has already been absorbed by this irrational aggressive mechanism. There may be cases of people whose conscience is so damaged that it is practically impossible for them to repent of their actions.

Although the behavior of an abuser is in no way justified, to reduce this social scourge it is vitally important to provide all types of protection and security to the victims of this type of violence. In this article you will find information to identify emotional abuse: what it is, types, consequences and signs.

Likewise, people who have these behaviors They must undergo psycho-emotional reeducation to transform their frustration into positive thoughts and be the good people that, deep down in their soul, they really are. It is important that they follow therapeutic processes that allow them to work through the traumas they have experienced and heal their wounds to resolve this current social problem.

Does the abuser repent? -Does an abuser regret his actions?

What does an abuser think when they are told what it is?

When an abuser is told what he is, several things can happen. Below, we present the possible scenarios that may occur:

  • Let him enter a state of madness and aggressiveness that leads him to carry out violent acts, in response to the offense caused by this statement and its denial.
  • May it remain unchanged and deliriously deny this reality.
  • Let him fall to his knees and start crying deeply when seeing with clarity and good conscience the evil that lives within him and all the pain he has caused his loved ones.

The most desirable thing is that what is indicated in the last case occurs, since it is the first step for a possible reintegration personal and social of the person who abuses. The other two cases, although they may seem indicative of the person’s total lack of awareness, may occur because the state of psychological degradation is such that becoming aware of his or her misconduct is almost impossible.

Does the abuser repent? For him to do so and to recognize his behavior is not easy, since he assumes admit one’s own personal imbalance and the damage caused by such conduct. Helping an abuser to accept her behavioral disorder becomes the first step in starting any therapeutic process of help and personal and social reintegration. In this article you will see how to stop a psychological abuser.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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