Excessive Concern For Others (causes And Solutions)

Excessive concern for others (causes and solutions)

That we care about other human beings (your partner, family, friends, children…) is a natural consequence of being human We are social, affective and emotional beings, and forging ties with others is part of our nature.

However, when that worry conditions your well-being to such an extent that it distresses you or is excessive, the situation is not so pleasant. Why is this happening? For what is this? And above all, how to solve it?

The problem of excessive concern for others

Excessive concern for others can be defined as an anxiety-related state of mind in which your well-being depends on what situation others are in or how it affects you

Since others are a factor that you cannot control, this worry ends up being a problem, which is also accompanied by rumination (intrusive and constant thoughts), tiredness and discouragement. Here’s a possible surprise: This problem is repeated and in all areas We are going to look at the causes, relationships, and above all, the solution to this through your own personal change (which is the only thing you can work with directly).


First of all, it is important to differentiate between the possible ways in which concern for others can manifest itself. Tell me which case you identify with (even if it’s from home or from your cell phone; you can tell me by email).

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Excessive concern for the well-being of others

When you need others to be well because You even consider that the well-being of others depends in a certain way on you (This can happen with children or also with the partner if we experience the relationship from an anxious pattern). This type of excessive worry could be defined, rather, as “excessive worry due to fear of the discomfort of the other.”

Excessive worry due to fear of what people will say

When you are worried about what others think, feel or do in relation to how you have previously behaved This leads to a difficulty in communicating assertively, being able to express your limits (what you want, what you think, what you can, and of course, what you don’t want, what you don’t think and what you can’t or feel like doing). This situation makes you feel that others condition you too much.

Excessive worry due to guilt

When you think that something you did could be a problem for others you worry, you investigate and you try to find solutions to the unknown.

Where is the problem then?

In any of these cases, in principle different, we find a common point: a state of anxiety, guilt, insecurity and fear. Yeah, At all times they are emotions that mean that your well-being does not depend on you, but on others and this is an external factor that you cannot control.

Before continuing, I leave you all the information in this article in a video where I explain it to you personally. This way you can choose the format that you like the most. Hit play!

Emotions are not a problem, but your way of understanding and managing them That you care about others, and above all that you take care of others (to the extent of your possibilities and responsibilities) is a natural attitude of the human being (the opposite, that is, not making an effort to help others, would be even more problematic and worrying). That worry exceeds your limits makes your well-being depend on what you cannot control, which leads you into a spiral of anxiety, anguish and frustration.

Anxiety leads us to ruminate, investigate and worry more An anxious state is still a state of alert, of fear that has become generalized. Insecurity and fear make you wonder about possible repercussions, to what extent you could be responsible or what you could do more. Frustration and discouragement is also a natural consequence of trying to solve what is not in your hands.

Solutions: concern, yes, human and possible

The solution is in learn to understand and manage those emotions so that, while you help others and consider them, your well-being depends mainly on you This helps you establish clear limits, know where your responsibility ends (that is, where you really cannot do anything because it depends on the decisions or difficulties of the other), be able to communicate assertively, and generate well-being in addition to building more positive and balanced.

Fear, insecurity, even frustration, are necessary emotions in the right degree. The key is to understand them and know how to manage them so that they are functional and you feel them to the right and appropriate degree.

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I am now going to make you a special proposal. At empowermenthumano.com you can find an option to schedule a free first exploratory session with me (via Whatsapp) to get to know each other, explore your situation, discover the problem, find a solution and see how I can accompany you. You can schedule it without a problem (but only if you have a real commitment to yourself to do your learning and overcome this difficulty forever).

Thank you very much for thinking of you, Rubén