Highly Sensitive People (HSP): 11 Signs Of Having This Great Virtue

Do you think you are a sensitive person? Do you know what it means to be a highly sensitive person? Discover the characteristics of PAS and how to take advantage of the advantages of high sensitivity.

What are highly sensitive people or HSPs like?

The Highly Sensitive People or HSPs They are those who capture the small details and nuances of everything, delicate and hypersensitive with a high degree of commitment to whatever they do. It is because of this high degree of sensitivity that they usually require disconnecting from the environment and isolating themselves from time to time, enjoying solitude and thus eliminating stimuli that greatly affect them. In this way, it is important to know if you are really part of the people with high sensitivity since this will allow you to understand yourself much better in all aspects of your life.

PAS Test (Highly Sensitive People)

If this sounds familiar to you, do the PAS test To find out if you have this trait in your personality:

What is HSP or highly sensitive person?

The PAS, they are sensitive people who are very used to hearing comments like: “how sensitive you are”, “it’s not that big of a deal”. So much so that people with high sensitivity tend to be affected by what happens in the world (not only what happens to them personally or to their environment) but also by anything that happens and they act in a somewhat more exaggerated way, which is why they can become object of criticism or misunderstanding. An example would be those people who get emotional and cry watching the news or those who experience movies as if they were the protagonists of it. Additionally, they may be people who are especially sensitive to annoying noises such as hearing someone chewing or a nervous cough.

It is important to clarify that the HSP or highly sensitive people They are not people who cry or laugh all day without being able to control themselves. Quite the opposite, they have the great ability to feel emotions openly but they also have great self-control, often encouraged by the demands of society that make them feel different.

What are the main characteristics of PAS?

The people with high sensitivity They have very defined characteristics. So much so that in the vast majority of cases these sensitive people have a PAS personality very defined by the following traits.

  1. Empathetic and intuitive: The PAS people They are able to listen to the other person and experience what the other person is telling them as if they were the protagonist of the story. They put themselves in the shoes of others and when they listen to the arguments, they give advice from what may be good for the other person and not from their own point of view. In addition, they are highly sensitive, intuitive and detail-oriented people. In this way, highly sensitive people are the first to notice that you have cut your hair or are wearing different earrings and they detect your emotional states even if you try to hide it. You don’t know how they do it but if you are sad, even if you try to appear normal, they will know that something is happening to you. In this way, very sensitive people know how to connect and empathize at a very deep level with others.
  2. Reflective and deep: most of sensitive people, they tend to think about things, to analyze them, but in a fruitful way. They are not about cyclical thoughts but about breaking down a topic a lot in order to get the most out of it and thus draw the most accurate conclusions. A person with high sensitivity will know how to see all the details in any situation.
  3. Great knowledge of emotions: A person with high sensitivity He knows almost perfectly all the nuances hidden behind his emotions. For this reason, they are sensitive people capable of living from the heart and not so much from reason, that is, they have a wide vocabulary about emotions, they know them, they manage them, they allow them and when they speak they usually use the phrases: “I feel that”rather: “what I think”. Unlike the rest of us humans who try to hide emotions and pretend they do not exist, HSPs or highly sensitive people allow them and enjoy them, thus providing themselves with great emotional intelligence.
  4. They enjoy solitude: This feature of a HSP personality It will surely be enviable for many people, who cannot allow themselves to be alone because that feeling overwhelms them and they need to fill the hours with activities or do everything with someone. Thus, in the same way that highly sensitive people are very capable and capable of working in a team (which is why I mentioned before about their high capacity for empathy), they are people who enjoy solitude and their internal world. They are not people who need to fill their schedule with activities to do and thus not think, but rather they are capable of enjoying solitude and themselves.
  5. They tend to overstimulate: As they are sensitive people that detect small nuances, environments or environments where there is over-stimulation are circumstances that they tend to avoid because there is an excess of information for them to process and they become excessively exhausted. They prefer quiet environments with few stimuli so they can enjoy them without becoming overwhelmed. Thus, they will always prefer a gathering of a few friends to large dinners with many people.
  6. They cope better with problems: A person with high sensitivity He is able to analyze all situations from various perspectives. So much so that on many occasions, sensitive people are able to better deal with each of the problems that arise. Therefore, high emotional sensitivity is an advantage when there is a bump in our path. Characteristics of sensitive people
  7. Emotional balance: Being a person with high sensitivity, it is very easy to understand and listen to each of the emotions that can occur on a daily basis. One of the most enviable virtues of people with high sensitivity It is precisely your self-knowledge and your ability to understand your emotions whatever they may be.
  8. They have a greater understanding of themselves: In most cases, a highly sensitive person she gets used to knowing herself very well. In this way, they know how to perceive both their defects and their virtues in order to work on them and achieve each of their objectives.
  9. They help others: One of the virtues that sensitive people What they possess for the most part is their ability to put themselves in the shoes of others and be able to help them in many ways. So much so that thanks to this, people with high emotional sensitivity can enjoy relationships full of respect and understanding.
  10. They know how to work as a team: By knowing themselves so well and being able to perfectly analyze the details of any situation, people with the PAS syndrome They are one of the most enviable teammates. In this way, they know how to bring out the positive and productive side of any person.
  11. They use internal dialogue to their advantage: On many occasions, people hold ourselves back due to negative thoughts and our internal dialogue. The HSP or highly sensitive people They know how to control this internal capacity and change that negative attitude into a positive and productive one.
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Despite all these virtues, being a PAS It can be a great advantage but it also makes them feel like weirdos, since they are capable of grasping things that no one else grasps and the tendency is to hide these abilities and feel misunderstood. Many times they are considered fragile and vulnerable people because sensitivity tends to be confused with fragility and they become frustrated because they are very demanding people with their environment.

Disadvantages of PAS

Disadvantages of being a highly sensitive person

As we have already mentioned there are some dangers of having a HSP personality So much so that in many cases highly sensitive people and depression can be closely related. Therefore, when an HSP feels overwhelmed or stuck, it is necessary to seek the help of a professional psychologist. The main drawbacks that these hypersensitive people may have are the following:

  • Sensitivity to stress: Stress is one of the most visible diseases in our current society. So much so that in many cases, very sensitive people can be more affected by this modern-day pathology. On some occasions this excess stress perceived by a highly sensitive person It can evolve into both depression and anxiety.
  • Expectations of others: The highly sensitive people They can expect a lot from their closest ties. This is because the vast majority of PAS people tend to give a lot to their loved ones. Therefore, they may feel frustrated when their relationships do not show them affection at the same level as they do. This can lead to isolation and even social anxiety.
  • Self-critics: On many occasions the highly sensitive people They tend to be very critical both of their environment and of themselves. In addition, they may also feel responsible for the happiness of others.
  • They avoid conflicts: When a sensitive person If you get into conflict with someone, you end up suffering more stress than normal. So much so that very sensitive people end up avoiding discussions with others.
  • They compare themselves with others: By analyzing situations from different perspectives, the people with high sensitivity They end up being very prone to comparing themselves with others. In this way, their self-esteem may be affected if they feel low in self-confidence.
  • Personal frustration: On many occasions the over-analysis of the sensitive people can go against you. This can occur when highly sensitive people focus on past mistakes. By ruminating over and over again about the same thing, they can become frustrated and ashamed of their failures.
  • Unsafety: When seeing the details of situations, they may feel observed or analyzed on certain occasions. Therefore, they sometimes feel insecure if others are judging or examining them.
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How can you observe a HSP personality It also has its own disadvantages. So much so that sometimes highly sensitive people require the help of a professional psychologist to overcome all these obstacles.

How to take advantage of high sensitivity?

Tips for a highly sensitive person

There are some methods with which PAS people They can take advantage of all the advantages of their personality and leave behind the conflicts that they may suffer due to their condition.

  1. Practice positivity: In order to combat excess stress or stop feeling overwhelmed by the negativity of others, it is important for a person with high sensitivity to try to maintain a positive attitude. Achieving this is in the hands of having the ability to achieve an internal dialogue in which negative ideas are transformed into positive ones.
  2. Avoid toxic people: Everyone should avoid manipulative or blackmailing people, but in the case of PAS people it is even more important. Being in an environment full of toxicity can be a great waste of energy on the part of the very sensitive people
  3. Learn to say no: In many cases, individuals with emotional hypersensitivity or high sensitivity They tend to not be able to refuse the requests of others. Therefore, it is essential that an PAS personality learns to say no to their peers and put themselves as a priority before others.
  4. Meditate: Meditation or learning relaxation techniques can be the key for many highly sensitive people. In this way, learning to have a moment of silence with yourself and focus on the present is vital to enjoying good mental health in the future. people with high sensitivity
  5. Go to nature: The city is hustle and bustle and a lot of information for a person with high sensitivity So much so that on many occasions PAS people have to turn to nature as an anti-stress therapy.
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Being a highly sensitive person It can be an advantage if you know how to deal with excess sensitivity. It is therefore vital to learn to see all the nuances of your emotions and know how to understand them easily. If you identify with an HSP, don’t hide it and enjoy the gift you have.