How Can I Improve My Shyness? 7 Keys To Achieve It


Yes, we know what it feels like. That uncomfortable feeling of being the center of attention in a group of strangers, the pressure of speaking out loud and feeling all eyes on you, the uncertainty of how to approach a potential client or the lump in your throat that prevents you from expressing your feelings. ideas. Shyness can be an obstacle that limits our personal and professional relationships.

Fortunately, there are strategies and tools you can use to overcome shyness and develop your social skills. In this article, we will guide you so that you know how to improve your shyness, increase your confidence and function more confidently in any social situation. Get ready to discover a world of possibilities where shyness does not limit you, but rather drives you to achieve your goals and build meaningful relationships.

What is shyness?

Shyness, more than a simple social awkwardness, is defined as a personality trait that leads us to avoid interactions and makes it difficult for us to participate in social situations. Some see it as a defense mechanism to cautiously evaluate new situations, but it generally generates anxiety, discomfort, self-criticism, and concern for the opinions of others.

This trait can limit our social and personal development, even leading to more serious psychological problems. However, not everyone experiences it the same. There are different types of shyness, which we will tell you about below. The American psychologist Phillip Zimbardo indicates that there are different types of shy people.

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Beyond a general trait, shyness also tends to manifest itself in different situations and contexts, and in this way reveals a spectrum of emotions. Some people experience shyness in front of strangers, in the romantic sphere, in front of authority figures, in public situations, etc.


7 keys to improve your shyness

Shyness sometimes prevents us from connecting with others and taking advantage of opportunities, but it is always possible to do it differently. Below, we share some practical tools to overcome shyness and improve your social skills.

1. Don’t avoid social events, schedule them

It’s normal to feel some anxiety before a social event, but avoiding it won’t help you feel less shy. Instead, schedule it in advance and visualize yourself enjoying the event. You can even practice conversations in front of the mirror or with a friend to gain confidence.

2. Pose the best scenario

Instead of focusing on the worst, imagine the best possible scenario. What would you like to achieve in the interaction? What kind of people would you like to meet? Focusing on the positive will reduce anxiety and help you enjoy the event more.

3. Recognize your shyness

Accepting yourself as you are is the first step to overcoming shyness. In fact, many successful and admirable people have been or are shy. Shyness does not define your value as a person, nor does it limit your potential. Recognizing it, on the contrary, demonstrates your strength and willingness to improve.

4. Plan important conversations

If you have an important conversation planned, like a job interview or a date, spend time preparing. Plan some key points and think about possible questions you might be asked.

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5. Talk to yourself nice and remember your value

The way we think and what we say to ourselves has a great influence on how we feel. Instead of focusing on your insecurities, talk to yourself kindly and remember your strengths and qualities. Remember that what you have to say may also be interesting to others.

6. Show interest in others

Taking attention away from yourself and focusing on others is a great way to overcome shyness. Ask questions, listen carefully, and show genuine interest in what they have to say.

7. Let your “alter ego” out

Imagine a more confident and outgoing version of yourself, your “alter ego.” When you feel shy, imagine this version taking control and helping you interact with confidence.

To overcome shyness you do not need to change your identity or pretend to be someone you are not. It is more about taking a different look at social relationships, understanding that your voice is as valuable as that of others, exposing yourself more so that you have more and more practice and, consequently, more developed social skills.
