How Does Meditation Transform Your Life? 9 Benefits Of Meditating

​Do you know that meditating can change your way of seeing life? Meditation is the ability to observe the dance of your thoughts. Discover its psychological and physical benefits.

Psychological benefits of meditation

The meditation It is a tool that can help us combat many of the states that repress or block us in our daily lives. Although there are many people who believe that meditations are only for those more focused on spirituality, the reality is that being in this state is very beneficial on a mental and physical level.

What is meditation?

Meditation can be defined as that set of techniques that are intended to reach a heightened state of consciousness and focused attention. In this way, meditations are usually techniques that allow us to change our consciousness and the perception we have of our surroundings. In these cases, a large number of benefits of meditation both for our mental and psychological health.

Today many people believe in the so-called ‘the power of meditation ‘ and although it sounds like mysticism, the reality is that it has been scientifically demonstrated the great changes that meditation produces both in our brain and in our attitude towards life. In this way, this practice that comes from ancient cultures can not only be used for religious purposes but is also very effective for our mental health.

Types of meditation

There is not only a type of meditation that we can apply in our lives. Our meditations and those carried out together with an expert psychologist in this field can take various forms, but within all those that exist we can identify two main types: Deep and full attention.

  • Deep meditation: The Concentrative meditation or deep meditation It involves trying to focus all our attention on a specific object while disconnecting from everything around you that may bother you. The main objective and one of the advantages of meditation of this style is precisely to experience what you are focusing on: it can be your breathing, a specific word or a mantra to be able to visualize things from another perspective.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: The mindfulness meditation It consists of being aware and involved in the present moment. In this way, through daily meditation of this style, problems related to stress, anxiety and depression can be reduced. Enjoying the here and now is beneficial not only for our mental health but also for achieving our happiness.
  • Meta meditation: Through a metta meditation The objective is completely different from the two that we have mentioned. In it, the intention is to cultivate love towards everything around us and towards ourselves. The main idea of ​​metta meditation is to be grateful and give love to other living beings.
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The main benefits of meditation

Benefits of meditation

The daily or habitual meditation Its practice can bring a series of benefits to our mind and body. According to the various investigations in this regard, we can identify the following:

  1. Reduces stress: One of the benefits of meditation What is most pursued is precisely to reduce the stress we generate with our current standard of living. According to studies, physical and mental stress causes an increase in our levels of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone. In this way, when this hormone is released, our body releases chemical substances that, if secreted very frequently, can be harmful to our health. Thanks to deep meditation, mindfulness or any of the meditations that exist, you can reduce these effects and have more tolerance to the stress that your daily life generates.
  2. Manage anxiety and depression: The meditations, especially when they are full attention, tend to help us focus on the here and now. By being fully in the present we can leave behind all the negative thoughts that come with depression and anxiety. Through meditation you get more control over your mind and over those kinds of ideas that hinder you from being happy.
  3. Improves self-esteem and self-awareness: Another of the effects of meditation It is linked to reducing our speed in the face of the events that happen in our lives. The power of meditation is also in allowing ourselves to engage in deeper self-reflection and this can help us discover positive attributes about ourselves. Through meditation we improve our ability to examine the thoughts and feelings that pass through our body without judging them, something that ends up improving our self-esteem and self-perception.
  4. Helps concentration: If we had to answer the question: What is meditating for? Possibly all experts would say that this is very effective in improving our concentration. Whether you practice meditation in the morning or at night, your concentration, more specifically the parts of the brain responsible for learning, memory and emotional regulation, will be greatly increased. Through this, you will be able to obtain a more beneficial state with which to face your routine or goals.
  5. Fight against addiction: One of the least known benefits of meditation is precisely the great advantage it brings to people fighting addiction. The effects of meditation They also allow people who suffer from an addiction to reduce cravings around these substances. Effects of meditation
  6. Lengthens attention span: The meditation and its benefits They are closely related to the ability to maintain the focus of our attention. Therefore, meditation is positive for increasing the strength and endurance of the ability to maintain our attention. So much so that it has been shown in various studies that people who practice meditation regularly perform much better on a visual task and therefore have a greater attention span than those who do not meditate regularly.
  7. Control pain: It has been shown that practicing the meditation It can also help manage our perception of pain. So much so that meditation was found to be able to reduce pain in those suffering from acute or chronic pain.
  8. Makes you kinder: Any meditation is positive to encourage gratitude towards what you have and towards others. So much so that in many cases daily meditation allows us to be kinder to everything around us and to ourselves.
  9. Improves sleep: Finally, other of the benefits of meditating What we can highlight is precisely its ability to improve the quality of our sleep. This happens because meditation allows us to release tension and puts us in a state of peace in which we are more likely to be able to sleep more deeply.
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These are some of the benefits of meditation that can improve your quality of life in various aspects. Each of the advantages of meditation can contribute a lot to your fight for mental health, however, if you think you suffer from a serious pathology you can always consult with a professional psychologist.

How to practice meditation?

How to do meditation?

If you are interested in starting a daily meditation or putting the meditation routine To benefit from all its advantages, here we will show you some tips that will help you do so.

  • Start slowly: Attempt to meditate more than an hour from day one will make this a difficult routine to implement. In order to put meditation in your life, the first thing you will have to do is start with small goals that you know are a somewhat difficult challenge but not impossible to overcome. In this way, you can start by aiming to meditate between 5 to 10 minutes a day two or three days a week and increase it as you have overcome it.
  • Set a schedule: The next step to obtain the beneficial of meditations is trying to meditate at the same times every day. This way you will create a routine that is easier to follow.
  • Get into a comfortable position: Although in all fmeditation otos people go out with their legs crossed, the reality is that meditation can be done in any position. Therefore, it will be much more effective if you start meditating in a position that is most comfortable for you.

How to meditate effectively?

  • Focus on what you feel: The key to any meditation What you do is precisely to try to find out the real state of your body and mind. To do this you must pay attention to your breathing, how your body is and those sensations you experience during this process.
  • Don’t try to suppress feelings: It is completely normal for your mind to try to wander while you meditate. In these cases it is essential to propose not trying to repress them but rather accept them and try to focus on other thoughts.
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The meditation It is one of the most effective tools to be able to have a much fuller life full of happiness. In many cases, meditating can be the key to reaching our best version.