How Does Personality Influence Income Level?

The high level of stress suffered by modern societies causes high mental exhaustion, but in theory it can be expected that certain personality types will protect us more from these effects and help us advance to the best jobs. Personality traits, ultimately, are closely related to the way we experience our work lives.

A few days ago, the work “Is personality related to permanent earnings?” was published. (“Is personality related to income level?”) from the online journal Journal of Economic Psychology, by Terhi Maczulskij and Jutta Viinikainen. This report explains how The characteristics of our personality can directly influence our salary and professional career.

    Personality and income level

    In the world of economics, the personality of individuals has been influenced on numerous occasions to determine the success or failure of each worker, depending on their psychological characteristics such as empathy, affection or emotional stability. To determine the personality-salary correlation, various variables are crossed.

    As a starting point, data are taken from the CentER Saving Survey, from the Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (Netherlands), a data panel that offers information on personality. But, in addition to personality, the differences between the male and female gender are also taken into account. Curiosities have been found from the analysis of this data; for example, that men have a tendency to consider empathy negatively to achieve salary success, while women value it positively.

    The vast majority of studies carried out regarding the effect of personality on the future of work conclude, broadly speaking, with the same precepts: the effect of personality can greatly influence professional success based on the money earned this influence being above that of the cultural level acquired in our environment.

    Neuroticism, which is a low level of emotional control, and emotional stability (planning, prudence, trust) are by far the most explanatory factors of the relationship with job success, measured by promotion, appraisal and salaries. A study carried out in the United States with 5,000 individuals demonstrated in 2014 that self-control in adolescence was a good predictor of success or failure at work.

      Personality, exclusive factor?

      Returning to the topic described in the introduction, led by Terhi Maczulskij and Jutta Viinikainen (2018), these researchers include a new element to determine and specify the study of personality. They resort to previous studies and cross-reference the data with studies with homozygous twins (with the same DNA) or dizygotic twins (with different DNA). A study was carried out on almost 5000 twin individuals, 53% of them being women.

      In absolute terms, the results have been revealing. Comparing monozygotic twins with dizygotic twins, the former present many more similarities between them in terms of salary, personality and demographics refers, while the latter present more disparity in these terms.

      This research also shows that the level of neuroticism of each person is a determining factor According to results, this has been the personal trait with the greatest effect on the possibilities of earning more or less, regardless of the culture and education of the individuals, although it appears to be especially relevant in women. Specifically, the lower the level of neuroticism, the greater the possibility of making a lot of money. The authors affirm that personality is a key element in job success, but that it is not exclusive either, since biological factors also affect our personality itself.

      In short, you could say that everything is connected. Personality is influenced by biological effects; The cultural environment causes a concrete development in personality and, ultimately, our cognitive level represents clear evidence of how we move in the labor market. The more education, assertiveness, happiness and self-control, the richer and more fulfilled we will feel.