How To Heal My Relationship With Myself

How to heal my relationship with myself

Many times, we ourselves can become our worst enemies. Self-destructive speeches can condition our lives and make us, in the end, not dare to be happy. It is important to have a good relationship with yourself, love yourself, take care of yourself and, above all, respect yourself. But many times we don’t know how to heal this relationship and be able to start over from scratch with the goal of loving each other more. For this reason, at PsychologyFor we are going to give you a series of tips that will answer your question of “How to heal the relationship with myself? “. Start betting on yourself and you will see how life smiles at you.

Learn to love yourself to heal your relationship with yourself

In order to heal your relationship with yourself, the first thing you have to do is love yourself. You have to leave behind your constant judgment or negative assessment of yourself. It is clear that there are aspects of yourself that you don’t quite like, it happens to everyone. But also There are things that you surely like, Therefore, focus on them, enhance them and get all their juice out of them.

It is important that you do not self-destruct. Don’t be the person who hurts themselves the most. Therefore, it is essential that you start making peace with yourself. You are not perfect. And nothing happens absolutely. Nobody is. Therefore, stop beating yourself up for not having that spectacular body or for not knowing as much as other people. You are you and you have good things and bad things. Learn to forgive yourself for everything you are not good at and love yourself for everything you are good at.

You have to start creating a positive bond with yourself. Create bonds of love that value and respect you. If you don’t do it, who do you think will? Everything starts with you so leave behind your self-demand and start to forgive you and love you.

How to heal my relationship with myself - Learn to love yourself to heal your relationship with yourself

Practices to avoid if you want to love yourself more

If you want to learn to heal your relationship with yourself, it is essential that you start making some basic mental changes. You have to leave your negativity behind and start seeing yourself and life with better eyes. As we have said, what is essential is that you become your worst enemy because, if you don’t love yourself, it is normal for you to abandon yourself.

It is usually very common for people with low self-esteem and lack of self-love to end up in toxic and destructive relationships. Not finding love within themselves, they tend to look for it externally. But the demand for love and appreciation is such that, in the end, they develop negative feelings such as jealousy, distrust, possessiveness, etc. You cannot expect to look outside for what you are not cultivating inside. Therefore, if you want to have a more positive relationship with yourself, we recommend that you avoid the following:

  • Don’t look for constant acceptance from others: You don’t have to like anyone, you just have to like yourself. There will be positive things about you and others that do not convince you, therefore, you will have to work to improve as a person and, thus, manage your personal growth. But this will always have to be based on your own judgment and your values, never those of someone external.
  • Don’t look for happiness outside of yourself: because it is not. Happiness lies in you, in the relationship you have with yourself, in how you respect and take care of yourself. You have to spend hours taking care of yourself, being well and staying away from everything that disturbs or destabilizes you. It all starts with you and, based on your well-being, you will be able to cultivate positive and healthy relationships.
  • Don’t be your own judge: Always judging and criticizing yourself will not do you any good. What’s more, what it will do is cancel you out in your own life and make you live in the background, in the shadows. It is essential that you respect yourself and encourage yourself to get out of your comfort zone. It’s okay if you make a mistake, fear will not lead you to anything other than holding you back and preventing you from being happy.

Mindfulness and meditation to heal your relationship

If you keep asking yourself “How to heal my relationship with myself?” You have to know that taking care of yourself is essential. Many times, we find ourselves immersed in a spiral of stress, anxiety and routine. This means that you don’t even have time to think if you are happy or if you like the life you are leading. But it is very important that you reflect on it. Remember that there is only one life (at least, as far as we know) and, therefore, living it positively and consciously is more than recommended.

But we know that it is not always easy to reconnect with ourselves For this reason, today there are practices such as “mindfulness” or meditation that help you take an inner journey and heal your relationship with yourself. And, when you reconnect with your most authentic essence, that is when you realize how you really are and what life is like. A way to live in the present and leave stress and anxiety behind is what you will achieve with these practices.

In this other article we discover the different meditation techniques for beginners with which you can relax and recover your well-being.

How to heal my relationship with myself - Mindfulness and meditation to heal your relationship

Get out of everything that disturbs you

In order to improve the relationship you have with yourself, it is important that you do personal and interior work. Making peace with yourself is the first step to forgiving yourself for your mistakes and starting to see the good side of yourself. However, it is true that we live in society and that there are situations that can disturb and destabilize us s. Therefore, it is very interesting to learn to detect what is around us that can upset us and, as soon as we know it, we move away from it.

Many times we can be immersed in toxic relationships that destabilize us and prevent us from being good with ourselves. They can be relationships between couples, friends, family, etc. This type of relationship is recognized because it does us more harm than good, it can affect our self-concept and cause our personal esteem to be affected.

Toxic people at work

This toxicity is not only created in the area of ​​personal relationships but is also very typical of work areas. At work you can bump into toxic people who, no matter how much you want to, you can’t avoid. In these cases, the essential thing is that you distance yourself as much as possible and try to maintain a purely professional relationship with that person. In this other article we tell you how to deal with toxic people at work.

Learning to detect sources of toxicity is essential so that all the work we do internally is not altered by external situations. Remember that You are the owner of your life and the people who are part of it Therefore, you will decide who you allow into your life and who you don’t. And toxic people are the ones who have to get out of this equation.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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