How To Help A Person With Depression Who Doesn’t Want Help? 9 Tips

How to help a depressed person who does not seek treatment? What can we do to help someone who suffers from this disorder without being aware of it? Find out how to support him.

How to help a person with depression who doesn't want help

When you suspect that someone around you is suffering from depression, it is normal that you try to support them both in seeking help and in recovering. But, if these people deny that they are wrong, how can we Help a person with depression who doesn’t want help?

Signs that a person needs psychological help

It is important that we look for the following signs when we are next to a person who seems to be in trouble:

  • He is desperate: When a person is always thinking negatively and cannot express positive aspects of their life, perhaps they are in a situation that requires psychological attention.
  • Persistent sadness: Being in low spirits or feelings of emptiness can be another sign that we should take into account.
  • Difficulty to sleep: The people who have depression or another psychological disorder usually have aspects such as sleep or appetite affected.
  • Lack of concentration: Another sign that perhaps you should help someone It is when this person constantly feels without energy and suffers from concentration problems.
  • Irritability: Some people who experience a psychological problem may have an attitude of constant irritability because of it.
  • Disinterest: He does not show interest in activities that he previously enjoyed, such as hobbies or social events.
  • Talk about death: One of the alarming signs that someone needs help occurs when these people often talk about death or even the desire to commit suicide. Faced with this type of behavior, it is important to help the people who express it.
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Keys to help someone with depression

How to help a person with depression who doesn’t want help?

If you think that someone around you meets all the signs that we have indicated, perhaps they require help even though they deny it. Additionally, it is completely normal to feel frustrated if the person you want to help rejects your attempts to approach them with these intentions. In this way, we recommend that you take into account the following tips if you want to know how to help a depressed person who denies support from others:

  1. Listen and validate their feelings: A way to help someone with depression who believes that they do not require support or simply denies it, is by listening to them. Simply asking how they are doing and validating their feelings is a way to support people who are going through a bad time. Furthermore, although it may not seem like much, the reality is that a person will have more initiative to take action when they feel listened to and understood by their loved ones.
  2. Don’t give advice or try to ‘fix’ their situation: There is a time to give advice and this comes when someone asks for it. If you have not been asked for advice, never try to ‘fix’ or believe that you have the solution to a situation, even if you feel that you have experienced it. Rather than giving advice, it is much better to validate the person’s feelings, as this will make them open up to you more.
  3. Offers options: If the person you want to help doesn’t want to do something, don’t demand it. Instead, you can try to find an option that is more in line with what he wants. To do this, when there is a refusal of this style, simply ask: What do you want to do then?, and let this person express what they want most or look for alternatives that can help them.
  4. Learn about depression: Sometimes the best thing we can do to help a person who doesn’t tell things and who we think has a depressive disorder is to learn about this condition. That is, look for valid information about what depression feels like, what its myths are, misconceptions, among others. This way, you will have more knowledge about how to help the person who suffers from it
  5. Remember that it is not personal: In many cases, depression can affect the social skills of those who suffer from it and make a person less willing to be around other people. That is, these people may appear to be more withdrawn, shy, moody, and even irritable. When considering that someone is dealing with depression, we must understand that sometimes anger or these types of negative attitudes can be part of the symptoms of this disorder. Given these behaviors, it is essential that we try to think that this is not something personal against us.
  6. Avoid trials: If a loved one is suffering from the symptoms of depression, they may no longer be able to do some of the activities they used to do before, such as working or helping around the house. Faced with these behaviors, try to remember that to support someone who has depression it is important not to judge them or blame them for these acts.
  7. Offers hope: If the person is not seeking help for your depression, perhaps what can encourage you to take this step is the hope that you will be able to get out of this situation. Therefore, she tries to offer him a space to remember the positive things that surround him or that may encourage him to go to therapy.
  8. Love them unconditionally: If you like help a person with depression who doesn’t want help, what you can do is try to love them unconditionally. If a situation makes you feel bad about them, try to support them by telling them that you still love them.
  9. Take care of yourself and find your own support: Sometimes You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped Therefore, if you see that this situation is overwhelming you, you may require the help of a professional before it affects your mental health. Thus, when you face these types of situations, one of the top priorities is also to take care of ourselves. Furthermore, by doing this we can also encourage the depressed person to seek treatment.
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You must take into account that We cannot help others unless we are well Therefore, self-care is also a method of helping someone who doesn’t want to be helped even though she needs it.