How To Know Yourself Better

To know yourself better it is important to replace logic with intuition, understand who you are and who you can become, abandon old patterns, nurture everything new that comes and be patient. In this sense, working on self-knowledge is important to be a more authentic person and give the best of each person to others.

Knowing ourselves better every day will allow us to stop acting with automatic defensive mechanisms and show who we truly are, which will give us great strength. In this Psychology-online article, we show you the best advice on how to know yourself better with all the advantages on a personal, family and social level that this personal work entails.

Look inside yourself

If you want to know yourself better, the first step is integrate the inner look like another part of your life. Every person who, intentionally or without any planning, advances on the path of emotional self-knowledge, uses the inner gaze as a fundamental part of this process of personal growth.

Without being a logical and obsessive analysis of each of our actions, looking inside is a reflective process to evaluate and reflect on what happens in our lives. Without this introspective look it is impossible to achieve any type of personal knowledge. In this article you will see what the inner voice is and how to listen to it.

Replace logic with intuition

self-knowledge It is not a logical process in which everything is analyzed rationally. The process of introspection that must be carried out to know oneself better requires full attention and awareness of one’s own life process.

To know oneself it is necessary to maintain an open and awake attitude to what is happening in our lives. This will help us be aware of what we are doing on a daily basis and incorporate new knowledge as we progress in our lives.

Understand who you are now and who you can become

A fundamental part to take into account in the process of self-knowledge is the separation between who we are now and who we can really become.

Who we are now is not our true self. We are made up of everything we have created in ourselves, but, as a result of bad life experiences, our potential has been blocked, and this has caused defensive mechanisms that censor the manifestation of our most authentic self. Therefore, it is essential differentiate who we really are from those experiences that do not identify us like human beings. This article on how to be authentic can help you in the process.

How to know yourself better - Understand who you are now and who you can become

Unmask the masks

Unmasking the masks consists of separate the built-in defensive mechanisms of who we are ourselves actually. Many of them have been accepted internally after life experiences that have conditioned us and we accept them as true.

For example, fear of heights may be a characteristic that describes you currently but is, in truth, the result of a bad past experience that caused that fear in me. Having this fear limits you when faced with certain new life experiences, preventing you from living them and expressing yourself with the entirety of your being.

Overcoming this fear will free you from this chain that, perhaps in part, limits the expression of your potential. Unmasking all these masks will allow you to know yourself better and, little by little, freely express your authentic and pure self

Let go of old patterns

To free yourself from all the defensive mechanisms that feed the ego and make personal self-knowledge, it is not enough to detect the masks that you have been adopting, but it is necessary to carry out internal work of consciously abandoning old life patterns.

Only through this conscientious work of personal renewal will you abandon old ancient mechanisms and you will recover your real essence That’s when you can start to know who you really are.

Nurture everything new that comes out

There are spiritual perspectives that affirm that everything that comes from the human being, in its purest manifestation, is good, and that everything bad that arises from it belongs to the ego, as we have seen previously. After the continued erasure of mechanisms that generate illusions about ourselves, everything good and new that arises will compose small parts of what we really are

We must nurture and strengthen these treasures in order to express and give ourselves to the world with our true potential.

How to know yourself better - Nurture everything new that comes out

Be patient and stay in the process

The explained self-knowledge process is necessary to know yourself better. It is something complex and carrying it out requires great patience. Stay on the path, despite how hard it may be, is essential to truly know our true self. To achieve this, we recommend reading this article on how to be more patient.

Never leave it

Patience and permanence on the path of self-knowledge must be eternal, since the process is infinite and for life. Who knows if our mission in life is, beyond developing a professional career or accumulating property and fortune, to know ourselves better and experience those parts that, today, we are unaware of.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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