Apathy is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in many people who seek professional support from psychologists. Although in certain amounts it is part of the normal life of the average human being and there is nothing wrong with feeling this way from time to time, the truth is that in some cases apathy becomes so present in everyday life that It is necessary to attend therapy.
But of course, there are always intermediate situations, in which this emotional state is felt as an unemployed problem, at the same time, perhaps it is not so problematic as to assist psychology professionals. Taking this into account, here we will see a series of tips to know how to overcome apathy by introducing new habits in your life.
What do we mean by apathy?
As is almost always the case with concepts from the world of Psychology, there are several ways to define apathy, although all of them have a series of common elements. To summarize, here we will say that apathy is a feeling characterized by the absence of sources of motivation and the low predisposition to focus the mind on emotionally stimulating aspects of life.
Thus, apathy is related to affective flattening, that is, the lack of easy-to-identify emotions, and also to the tendency not to spontaneously express feelings through non-verbal language, and not to focus attention on specific aspects of the present, due to lack of interest in everything in general.
As I have mentioned before, apathy is not something very bad in itself, nor does it constitute a psychological disorder, but When it is very persistent and greatly affects the person and their normal functioning in society, it is considered a symptom of a potential psychopathology or neurological disorder.. In the most extreme and clearly pathological cases, apathy becomes what we call abulia, which is the total inability to feel enthusiasm or interest. This phenomenon occurs especially in psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, and also in dementia and other diseases linked to brain damage.
Apathy according to Csikszentmihalyi’s flow model
Another way to understand what apathy is is to do so through the flow model devised by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. This researcher has developed an explanatory scheme that helps understand the functioning of the emotional states of enthusiasm and involvement in tasks, closely linked to the experiences that bring happiness if they are part of our daily lives. Flow would be a psychological state characterized by a perfect balance between the level of difficulty of the task we perform, on the one hand, and our level of skills involved in that kind of activity.
In this way, at the point at which the task to be carried out reaches the maximum point that we can successfully reach based on our skills and knowledge, the state of flow appears, which leads us to direct all our attention towards that challenge that we are facing. approaching and fills us with a feeling of excitement and well-being, to the point that in many cases we lose track of time.
Well then; According to Csikszentmihalyi, apathy can be understood as the opposite of the flow state: the practical absence of a state of mental stimulation and the lack of enthusiasm and enthusiasm for carrying out any specific action, that which assails us when there is nothing that we interpret as a significant challenge for us or that requires us to put complex skills into practice. On the other hand, if the flow state is characterized, among other things, by being punctual and based on a delicate balance that can normally only be maintained continuously for a few minutes, apathy can last much longer, and if it is linked to a psychopathology, it is even common for it to be the person’s “default” mental state, and for it to persist for months.
How to overcome apathy?
If you think you suffer from too much apathy, follow these tips to increase your chances of leaving behind the omnipresence of this psychological state in your life. Of course, if you are clear that it is causing you many problems and that it is affecting you more and more, it is important that you go to therapy as soon as possible,
1. Check that you are getting enough sleep
Lack of sleep is an element capable of triggering short-term affective and cognitive problems., just in a matter of a couple of days. Luckily, in the vast majority of cases, when you return to enjoying a normal sleeping pattern, these problems go away.
Thus, if your way of sleeping is chaotic or insufficient, create a clear and detailed sleep schedule that records the exact time of each day of the week when you will go to sleep, making sure that you do not sleep under any circumstances. less than six and a half hours nor more than eight and a half hours. What’s more: Also include a brief mention of the main activity you will have been doing just before going to bed (for example, reading a novel), and print the schedule so that you can hang it in a place in your home that you will see clearly. frequency. This will make it easier for you to commit to this schedule.
2. Avoid drugs
There are many drugs whose known effects include the phenomenon of making us less sensitive to what used to give us pleasure or arouse interest in us. These anhedonic properties have been observed, for example, in cannabis. Furthermore, almost all drugs make us more prone to developing psychopathologies associated with apathy or avolition.
3. Make sure you are eating well
Mental health is, in practice, the same as the health of the whole body: An organism in poor condition is more vulnerable to psychological problems. Particularly, if we lack vitamins or nutrients, it is not surprising that we feel apathy, given that our body prioritizes the use of resources in basic biological processes for survival, which have nothing to do with mental activity.
You may also feel apathy due to the fact that you suffer from anemia, a problem to some extent independent of what you have been eating. If you suspect this is the case, see a doctor as soon as possible.
4. Learn to manage time better
Many people feel apathy mainly because the responsibilities they must attend to become overwhelming., so they can’t even consider the idea of doing something that they like or are interested in, because they don’t have time for it. In this sense, focusing on following a well-designed schedule that allows you to finish those tasks at an appropriate time can be the key to overcoming apathy.
To increase your chances of success, make sure you are not neglecting moments of rest, which are essential to perform efficiently. Of course, be careful not to go overboard with them; If there are distractions that tend to tempt you too much and lead you to procrastinate what you should do, limit your access to them before your day begins.
On the other hand, If you can’t manage time, don’t worry.; It is not unusual for someone who is experiencing apathy to fail to commit themselves to a set of new habits. If you need it, go to the psychologist so that, with professional help, you will be able to transform your daily life.
5. Segment your objectives
It is easier to defeat apathy if you always have simple goals in front of you that you can achieve in a matter of minutes or a couple of hours. In this way, you will make it easier for your attention to stay focused and stop wandering. Once you have entered into this dynamic of interaction with the environment, it is likely that this energy will generalize to many other activities that you carry out.and that predisposes you to detect actions and projects that you are interested in carrying out.
6. Practice moderate exercise
Practicing exercise three or four times a week will help you maintain physical and mental activity that predisposes you to adopt a more active role in your life. Make sure that they are sessions of at least 35 minutes and that they do not lead you to strain your muscles too much, to avoid injuries and pain that prevent you from following a frequent exercise routine.
Are you looking for psychological assistance?
If you notice that you are going through a time in your life in which you are experiencing emotional or behavioral problems and are seeking professional help to overcome them, I invite you to contact me. I am a psychologist who is an expert in the cognitive-behavioral model, which is characterized by being very effective and adaptable to different needs to be covered, and which allows the adoption of new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that are more appropriate to face life’s challenges. You can count on my services in person at my office in Madrid, or through the online psychology service by video call. If you are interested in knowing more about how I work, access this page where you will also find my contact information.