How To Overcome The Fear Of Losing Your Partner

Many people are afraid of losing a relationship that has been consolidated over time. On some occasions, there are life projects that intertwine and share ideas about how to live everyday life. At the other extreme, there are couples that were formed recently in which an idealization of the other person’s qualities still persists. In this period, the virtues of the bond are highlighted and it may seem that there are no flaws that put the relationship in a state of uncertainty. Whatever the length of time or the bond forged, it is common for fears and uncertainty to arise about the possible scenarios that could unfold if a separation were to occur. This can be accompanied by a state of intense anxiety and discomfort that can cause significant problems in the development of the activities that are shared. Having strategies to alleviate these thoughts often helps people with these fears to allow them to live in a more relaxed way.

In this PsychologyFor article we will explain How to overcome the fear of losing your partner

Perform psychological therapy

One of the first steps to overcome this fear is to recognize it. To achieve this, one of the most effective approaches is to carry out psychological treatment led by a specialized professional. In general terms, therapy helps reflect on the deepest sufferings that a person has to establish solutions that provide considerable relief.

On the one hand, short-term therapies work on the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that produce fear in specific situations. The goal of these therapies is to provide tools to confront fear. On the other hand, long-term therapies try to locate the origin of fear from the memory of past situations to look for other alternatives in life.

Talk to your partner

Although it may seem like something without deep meaning, start a dialogue with a partner It is essential to dispel doubts that arise during the relationship. On the other hand, it helps avoid fears and fantasies of separation that could be caused by the presence of silence.

Understand that all situations are different

The fact that you have gone through a moment of breakup in the past does not mean that the same sequence should be repeated in the present. For this reason, it is important understand that each sentimental situation is different and results may vary significantly.

Accept mistakes

Each person has virtues and defects that can be accepted or rejected when carrying out a relationship. However, there is sometimes an implicit idea that a person cannot make any mistakes, an idealization that is likely to end up producing discomfort when expectations are not met. Accept these small mistakes It will help you cope with the bond in a healthier way.

Improve self-esteem

On many occasions, the fear of losing a partner arises as a consequence of believe that there are no positive aspects for you to continue At this point, the low valuation regarding the image and the way of being negatively influences the behaviors one has.

For this reason, working to improve self-esteem helps to continue with a romantic relationship. In this article we explain how to improve self-esteem.

Propose moments of shared leisure

Sharing recreational situations helps make a relationship more pleasant, since it involves live with more joy and optimism To achieve this, it is not enough to think of ideas, but it is also necessary to share them.

If your partner never makes plans to make together, you may be interested in reading the following article My partner doesn’t make plans with me: why and what to do.

Trust the person

Taking into consideration a person’s strengths means giving them confidence that often helps in times of personal uncertainty. For this, it is crucial show support through encouraging words seek consensus to carry out activities, among others.

Healthy nutrition

The nerves and tension generated by the idea of ​​concluding a romantic relationship leads to excessive stress levels that cause discomfort. Given this, eat healthy foods It can be a tool that allows you to relax the central nervous system and reduce anxiety.

Among the most suitable foods are fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains and lean meats.


Writing is a resource that is used in various therapies to cope with stressful situations. Among the uses it has, the fact stands out: put into words what bothers you internally When we are faced with the fear of losing our partner, it is necessary to resort to techniques to reduce anxiety. Recognizing the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that negatively intervene is one of the most important steps.

Here you will find some therapeutic writing exercises.

How to overcome the fear of losing your partner - Writing

Live independently

In many relationships, a state of emotional dependence is formed that is harmful to people. This not only implies permanent suffering, but also an inability to make decisions autonomously.

Although a sentimental bond continues to be encouraged, it is preferable live life independently to develop a higher level of autonomy.

How to overcome the fear of losing your partner - Living independently

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Mendoza Bustamante, C., Rivera Botto, M., Yanes Rosado, D. (2020). Inventory and effects of fears in the relationships of young university students. Cooperative University of colombia. Faculty of Psychology.