How To Stop Being So Sensitive And Be Stronger

How to stop being so sensitive and be stronger

Sensitivity is a human characteristic thanks to which we intensely experience the sensations of everything that surrounds us. Being a sensitive person does not imply anything bad. However, as in most cases, experiencing too much sensitivity on a daily basis is not a positive thing for our mental health. An objective that we can set for ourselves to treat extreme sensitivity is to learn to generate new strengths and mental tools.

In this PsychologyFor article, we provide you with guidelines and tricks to know how to stop being so sensitive and be stronger. Additionally, you can take a brief test to determine your level of emotional sensitivity.

Why do I get excited easily?

Sometimes, it is inevitable for us to respond in a highly emotional way to certain stimuli that surround us: a crisis situation, an argument, a very romantic moment….cry easily It doesn’t have to mean something bad. However, if absolutely everything affects us emotionally and it is difficult for us to lead a normal life without ups and downs, perhaps we are facing a problem of emotional hypersensitivity. This problem is related to the inability to control and manage emotions tendency to overflow and emotional fragility.

When emotions are always on the surface, we may be more prone to suffering from an anxiety disorder, stress or depression. When something affects us excessively, influences our insecurity and ends up making a dent in our self-esteem, highly sensitive people are characterized by remembering in detail everything that has been said about them during an argument, a relationship conflict or simply in a conversation. constructive criticism.

Being sensitive does not directly imply being weak, however, the consequences of emotional sensitivity weaken a person’s mental strengths. For that reason, to work on hypersensitivity, we will have to train the mind to be stronger.

How to stop being so sensitive and be stronger - Why do I get excited easily?

Emotional sensitivity test

To clear up doubts and confirm that we are highly sensitive people, at PsychologyFor we offer this short test. To do it, you just have to answer YES or NO to the following questions on paper or in your head:

  1. I am affected by how others behave in their environment, even if it is not with me.
  2. I notice subtle changes in my environment and these affect my emotional state
  3. I am usually very sensitive to pain, both my own and that suffered by others.
  4. I really enjoy when I see others enjoying themselves.
  5. It is difficult for me to adapt to new situations and personal relationships, I am always attentive to what they may think of me
  6. Loud noises make me feel uncomfortable
  7. I usually immerse myself in my inner world, there I feel safe and out of danger
  8. I need to disconnect on the days when I suffer from a lot of hustle and bustle
  9. Caffeine and alcohol affect me a lot, I couldn’t handle the same consumption as my friends.
  10. I suffer a lot during a horror movie
  11. I am able to understand the problems of others and I worry as if they were my own problems.

If we answered YES to most of these questions, it probably means that we are very sensitive people. We also offer the possibility of carrying out a more complete and truthful sensitivity test in our tests and scales section. Once we have confirmed that extreme sensitivity affects us more than we should, it is time to start developing tools to know How to stop being so sensitive and be stronger

How to control emotional sensitivity

First of all, it is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with feeling a certain level of sensitivity towards our environment, this ability allows us to understand the context in which we live and helps us develop our empathy with others. However, if we have detected that this sensitivity is uncontrollable, it is time to start treating it and learn to control our emotional impulses. By following these three simple steps, we will be able to manage emotional sensitivity and we will be able to find our inner strength.

1. Detect your feelings

Stopping being sensitive is not an easy task. First of all, we will have to detect the moments when we feel overwhelmed and emotions control everything that goes through our heads. Once we have detected the stimuli and thoughts that cause us feelings of sensitivity, we will have to ask ourselves why we feel that way.

2. Question your sensitivity

Once we have detected when and why we feel overwhelmed by our feelings, it is time to put them under a critical spotlight. Analyzing the usefulness of these thoughts and the sensitivity they provoke is very useful since we rationalize the sensations and our emotional response regulates itself.

3. Develop coping strategies

The causes of emotional hypersensitivity are very different and depend on personality, the environment and the way we deal with difficulties. Each individual has their own personal way of overcoming the obstacles that life presents, however, sensitive people tend to have more difficulties at these times. For this reason, developing strategies to become stronger and move forward is an essential exercise to control emotional sensitivity. Learn from mistakes and see them as experiences earned is a good example of a coping strategy.

How to stop being so sensitive and be stronger - How to control emotional sensitivity

Be psychologically strong

Once we know how to control our sensitivity, it is time to forge our mind and develop correct emotional strength. For this we can use strategies based on resilience in emotional learning

We can define resilience as the ability to overcome life’s obstacles and learn from them. A resilient person is one capable of overcoming tough times without sinking, being emotionally strong and fighting to maintain good mental stability. Highly sensitive people can also be resilient, it is a capacity that is learned over time and with experience. We can also do exercises to learn how to develop resilience correctly.

Being strong is a very important psychological quality that can also be combined with having good sensitivity capabilities; one trait does not prevent the existence of another. The key in all of this lies in knowing how to properly manage our emotions and feelings, without blocking them but also not letting them completely overwhelm us.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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