How To Treat An Arrogant And Arrogant Person

How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person - Arrogance and arrogance: psychology

We all know what a proud and arrogant person is like and how difficult it is to relate to them. People who present arrogance and pride are usually characterized by being arrogant, selfish and haughty. It is possible that you have ever been in contact with some of them and did not know how to interact. If you want to know how to deal with people with these personality traits, keep reading our PsychologyFor article: How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person

Arrogance and arrogance: psychology

Arrogance and pride They are personality traits. They are defined as the belief about one’s own superiority and importance over other people.

These traits are instrumental in nature, that is, oriented toward individual goals and objectives, but they hinder interpersonal relationships and their quality. Arrogance and arrogance generally, but not only, can be identified in work environments and the business world, since society often protects, and even encourages, these qualities by associating them with leadership and success. Furthermore, these characteristics are typical of the narcissistic personality profile.

Why is a person arrogant and arrogant?

  • Inflated self-esteem: From psychology it has been hypothesized that arrogance and pride are the product and expression of an inflated and distorted self-image, so people act based on their own perception.
  • Low selfsteem: Others wonder what an arrogant and arrogant person hides and theorize about the possibility that both traits are compensatory defense mechanisms for a lack of self-esteem and confidence.

How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person - Arrogance and arrogance: psychology

What is an arrogant and arrogant person?

What is it to be an arrogant person? Do you know what a proud person is? Below we list the symptoms of an arrogant person. An arrogant and arrogant person presents.

  • Lack of humility: airs of superiority and contempt towards the rest of the people, whom he considers inferior.
  • Competitiveness: overly competitive attitude.
  • Belief of superiority: belief in being deserving of privileges and better treatment than other people.
  • Intimidating attitude: with displays of cruelty and aggressiveness towards other people.
  • Egocentrism: She likes to be the center of attention and constantly talk about herself and her achievements.
  • Inability to self-criticize: An arrogant and arrogant person is incapable of recognizing one’s own mistakes and accepting criticism.
  • Excessive concern for success and your image in the eyes of others.
  • Lack of empathy: An arrogant and arrogant person does not make the effort to understand the emotions of others and take into account how the people around them feel.
  • Selfishness: The priority of a selfish person is to meet their own needs without taking into account those of others.

How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person - What is an arrogant and arrogant person

How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person

There may be an arrogant and arrogant person at work or in the family with whom you must deal. Surely, due to all the mentioned characteristics, you do not like arrogant people. Dealing with a person who is characterized by arrogance and arrogance can be difficult, due to their little interest in interpersonal relationships and excessive focus on their own person and benefit. However, there are tricks to deal with an arrogant person.

20 tips for dealing with an arrogant and arrogant person

Below we show 20 tips on how to deal with an arrogant person:

  1. Take distance: As far as possible, avoid those people who you feel do not contribute anything to you or, if they do, it is in a negative way. It is not necessary to relate and interact with all the people around us, so limit contact to what is strictly necessary with a person of these characteristics.
  2. Mentalize yourself: Before maintaining contact with an arrogant person, try to think about it and clearly define what you want to express or get from the other person. This prior training or preparation can be helpful in showing yourself in a solid manner.
  3. Use assertiveness: As for attitude, it is recommended to maintain a neutral and polite one, without getting emotionally involved and showing assertiveness when interacting. The assertive communication style involves expressing one’s ideas and points of view firmly but without harming others.
  4. Change the perspective: To deal with an arrogant person, try to take the encounter as an opportunity to learn and practice your social skills, in order to change the approach you give to the situation. This can be useful in the future, since you will probably have to deal with more than one person you don’t like in your life.
  5. Try not to let it affect you: Try to be aware that he is an arrogant and arrogant person and that therefore he is a selfish and arrogant person in social contact in general, not with you only and personally. Maintaining an objective attitude can facilitate interaction and protect your self-esteem.
  6. Surprise her: How to respond to an arrogant person? Arrogant people expect hostile or negative reactions to their behaviors and attitudes, so ignoring these and showing a positive and friendly attitude can throw them off.
  7. Look for support: Try to generate a social network of people around you who also deal with this arrogant person in order to feel greater understanding and support.
  8. Use humor: Use humor as a weapon of protection for yourself, look for the absurd and comical side of their attitudes as much as possible. Humor is a tool that allows emotional distancing and perspective-taking of some situations.
  9. Analyze the situation: If you feel that their comments or attitudes affect you, try to objectively and rationally analyze what psychological and control mechanism they are using with you and why they are being effective. This knowledge can help you think about how to act next times and achieve less emotional impact.
  10. Do not give: How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person? Above all, do not give in to the disrespect of the arrogant and arrogant person, try to maintain the dialogue in the same way as you would with another person without being deviated by his comments. Keep the goal of the interaction in mind and show a firm attitude.
  11. Don’t play along: Do not be impressed by their supposed achievements, successes and stories about them, since arrogant people feed on the admiration and attention of other people.
  12. Understand arrogance: Find out in general about arrogance, its mechanisms, its causes, etc. This will help you better understand why the arrogant person acts in a certain way and identify attitudes and behaviors typical of this personality trait.
  13. Difference situations: It is essential to distinguish when the defense of one’s point of view is important and when it is unproductive or brings us greater benefit. This distinction saves unnecessary contact and discussion.
  14. Change the topic of conversation: People with arrogance want to control and be the center of conversations that revolve around topics that they dominate and are often repetitive in these. Address a new issue, and if he insists on returning to the previous one, politely point out that you’ve already expressed your opinion about him and heard his, so you think the issue is closed.
  15. Defend your position: assertively and trying to upset yourself as little as possible, it is important that you defend your points of view and not allow yourself to be subdued by an arrogant person, otherwise it is more likely that they will try to take advantage of you again in the future.
  16. Dismantle his arguments: Another strategy to address arrogant people can be to stop agreeing with them and show, with solid arguments and reasons, that they hold a wrong point of view.
  17. Make use of empathy: Try to understand why this person exhibits this type of behavior and attitude; putting yourself in their place and understanding their motives can make it easier for you to interact with them. It is important to emphasize that understanding does not imply justifying, so in this case the objective of empathy is an approach and understanding personality and life history of this person.
  18. Approach the meeting with confidence: Perform an introspection exercise with yourself and work on your confidence. If you maintain security and self-esteem in yourself when dealing with an arrogant person, you will remain invulnerable to them. Be aware of your strengths and interpret arrogance as a sign of weakness.
  19. Set your limits: Establish your own limits of tolerance and mark them with that person; if they exceed them, end the conversation or the meeting definitively.
  20. Try to focus on its virtues: How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person? Try not to pay so much attention to their negative character traits and focus on looking for positive ones. Once located, pay attention to them when you maintain personal contact, this way you may be distracted to some extent from their arrogance.

If you need more information, here

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Bermejo, FS (2007). Narcissism and society, between lack and arrogance. In Globalization and mental health (pp. 417-452). Herder.
  • Estanqueiro, A. (2006). Principles of interpersonal communication: to know how to deal with people (Vol. 59). Narcea Editions.
  • Fetterman, A.K., Robinson, MD, & Ode, S. (2015). Interpersonal arrogance and the incentive salience of power versus affiliation cues. European Journal of Personality29(1), 28-41.

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