I Have No Friends And I Feel Alone: ​​what Do I Do?

I have no friends and I feel alone: ​​what do I do?

Human beings tend to relate to other people by instinct and nature. Although there are people with more or less membership need. We all need a social circle to support ourselves. The feeling of loneliness is a phenomenon that can arise from several factors. Whether due to an erroneous perception of reality or a real lack of social ties, it is important to work to solve this situation.

In the following PsychologyFor article, we will try to answer the following question: “I have no friends and I feel alone, what do I do? “In this way, we will offer you the best advice so that you can develop your communication skills and stop feeling alone.

Why I don’t have friends: psychological explanation

It’s normal to ask ourselves why we are alone or why we feel like we are. Despite having differences between us, human beings are a gregarious animal and need to interact from time to time with other individuals.

The psychological explanation of loneliness can be based on different factors, according to the multidimensional model of loneliness.(1), this is defined as a personal and subjective experience, that is, we can be surrounded by people but feel alone anyway. According to this same model, there are four factors involved in the perception of loneliness:

  1. Our circle of friends and family: This factor is related to the objective characteristics of our social network.
  2. subjective perception of this circle, that is, how we value the company of our friends and family.
  3. Cultural variables: Each area has a specific way of expressing love and support towards loved ones, so the feeling of loneliness is not only conditioned by the acts we receive but by how we appreciate them ourselves.
  4. Personality characteristics: An introverted individual probably does not need the same stimuli as an extroverted person, they tend to feel more alone despite always trying to surround themselves with more people.

Another reason why we may feel alone and friendless is because we really live isolated from society, whether due to our personality characteristics, disorders such as social phobia, or circumstances beyond our desires.

Be that as it may, if the question of “I have no friends and I feel alone, what do I do? ” means that you want to change this situation, to do this, you can follow the advice that we provide below.

I have no friends and I feel alone: ​​what do I do? - Why I don't have friends: psychological explanation

I don’t have friends to go out with and I feel alone

It is possible that the feeling of loneliness arises from realizing that we do not have friends to go out with. Social gatherings They can be very important for the development of our communication skills and, therefore, it is important to get out of the routine from time to time and go out with friends and colleagues. If you feel like you don’t have friends to go out with, maybe you should take the step of finding some companions and looking for an environment in which you feel comfortable.

I feel like I don’t have real friends

As the years go by, our circle of friends becomes smaller and we become more demanding when it comes to trusting someone. When we are younger, we don’t have so many difficulties in considering someone to be our true friend since we just needed a playmate. However, as we reach adulthood, we may only have one or two people we can fully trust.

  • I have no friends, only companions: This is a completely normal phenomenon, by limiting our circle of friends, we can come to feel that those people with whom we share time are just companions. To avoid this feeling, you can give a chance to someone in particular with whom you spend a lot of time and try to forge a nice friendship.

I have no friends and I feel alone: ​​what do I do? - I don't have friends to go out with and I feel alone

What to do when you feel alone and friendless

I have no friends and I feel alone, what do I do?“This is a thought that you can work on by following the advice we offer below:

  • Take the first step to meet new people, without expectations. Simply open yourself to new circles and spend some time with them, you don’t have to put all your trust in them, but you may end up meeting people with whom you can become closer.
  • He who wants friends must first be a friend: waiting for people to approach you is not a good method to stop feeling alone, try changing your attitude a little and act in a friendly way with your colleagues, you will be surprised by the effect that sympathy and kindness have on people. people.
  • If you feel like you don’t have friends, it’s because maybe you’re thinking too much about yourself, your responsibilities, and aspects of life that are far from friendship. Take your time to focus on your personal relationships and strengthening bonds of friendship.

I feel alone and sad

It is possible that you really do have friends but you don’t know how to value their company. On the other hand, it may be that your insecurities prevent you from believing that the people around you really value you. In this case, it is very important work on your self-esteem and reinforce security in yourself.

A person with high self-esteem is more likely to have and maintain healthy friendships. Really think about what your life is like right now and value everything it offers you. The first step to improving something is to value what we already have.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. José, J. (2001). Loneliness as a psychological phenomenon: a conceptual analysis. Mental health, 24(1), 19-27.

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