Memory Loss Due To Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

High levels of anxiety can cause alterations in memories about everyday life situations. In many cases, people who suffer from continuous stress have a tendency to lose data that is stored in short-term and long-term memory. As a result of this, it is possible that you will suffer various consequences that directly affect the development of your daily activities. Living with emotional discomfort is one of the most complex challenges that exist. However, there are some solutions that can help recover memories that have been lost due to anxiety.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about the memory loss due to anxiety: symptoms, causes and treatment

What is memory loss due to anxiety like?

Memory loss due to anxiety appears when the person is exposed to situations that he considers dangerous and/or traumatic events. This type of clinical picture is called dissociative amnesia. Memory loss due to anxiety is distinguished from other mental health problems because there are other pathologies that involve a loss of information in a global way that circumscribes all areas of life.

Although reference is made to temporary episodes in life, there may be a affectation of the organism that causes the proliferation of memories. In the vast majority of cases, the massive release of the hormone cortisol produces a stress response that interferes with the storage of information.

Memory loss due to anxiety: symptoms, causes and treatment - What memory loss due to anxiety is like

Symptoms of memory loss due to anxiety

This condition has some manifestations that unfold at the level of emotions, thoughts and behaviors of an affected person. Next, we will look at the symptoms of memory loss due to anxiety:

  • Difficulties in attention and concentration : In general, levels of focus on specific stimuli tend to decrease during times of high stress.
  • Inability to remember specific events : Although the person remembers many events in their life, mental blocks appear that prevent the memory of situations connected to anxiety.
  • intrusive thoughts : On several occasions, it is possible that ideas linked to mobilizing events that occurred in the past arise. Their main characteristic is that they do not stop quickly and affect concentration.

It is necessary to mention that these symptoms usually disappear after anxiety levels decrease. However, it is recommended to go to a mental health specialist in the event that these problems seriously affect the development of daily life.

Causes of memory loss due to anxiety

Understanding the origins of this problem is usually a vital help, since it allows us to think about solutions that improve the quality of life. In this section, we will talk about the causes of memory loss due to anxiety:

flight response

Faced with situations that are interpreted as a danger to the person, there is a tendency to avoid them as a way of survival. Therefore, the brain enters a constant state of alert that disables the memory of traumatic moments. In this sense, an escape is presented as a defense mechanism against something that cannot be assimilated.

Fears of the past

Some people experienced very painful situations in the past that they prefer not to remember. However, this is not something voluntary because the mind tries to protect itself from those moments of discomfort. In this article we explain how to heal emotional wounds from the past.

Uncertainty about the future

Although this is not so common, on some occasions it can also happen that the future is a cause of constant concern for the person. When these ideas come into connection with situations from the past, memory loss due to anxiety occurs.

How to recover memory due to anxiety

Beyond the obstacles that this problem entails, there are some effective solutions that can provide significant relief for people who suffer memory loss due to anxiety. We show them to you below:

  • Psychological therapy : The therapeutic space invites reflection about personal conflicts. In short, the help of a mental health professional provides important benefits for quality of life because an approach is made based on the patient’s history. Indeed, it is possible to remember situations that had been forgotten.
  • Meditation : This discipline requires concentration on the present through diaphragmatic breathing. In general, it is usually done through an instructor who guides you through the process. On the other hand, meditation allows you to create memories in a calm and safe way.
  • Physical exercise : To reduce stress, it is important to resort to effective methods such as playing sports and/or activities that involve body movements. Physical exercise enables relaxation of the central nervous system, which reduces anxiety.
  • Healthy nutrition : It is advisable to follow a balanced diet that contains the nutrients necessary for the body. In this way, the degree of relaxation of the mind and body can be increased.

Memory loss due to anxiety: symptoms, causes and treatment - How to recover memory due to anxiety

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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