Non-pathological Narcissism: What It Is, How It Affects Us And Signs To Detect It

Narcissism can be understood as a personality trait with which we refer to excessively egocentric people or as a psychological disorder.

The term narcissism comes from a well-known Greek myth about a young man named Narcissus. Narcissus was so vain that he ignored the love of the nymph Echo and fell in love with her own reflection in the pond. Although he tried with all his might, Narcissus could not draw the attention of his reflection, since it was not human. And, consequently, he wasted away and died of anguish with a broken heart.

Although many successful people behave in a way that could be considered narcissistic, not all people who think highly of themselves and have high self-esteem can be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.

The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) says that these personality traits, to be considered pathological and, therefore, to be able to diagnose the disorder, must affect health considerably, and not adjust or change over the course of life. They must also occur continuously over time. People diagnosed with the disorder must also have significant problems due to these traits, or have impaired functional abilities.

In this article we will establish the differences between normal narcissism or non-pathological narcissism and that which is part of a disorder the traits of narcissism and pathological narcissism, which can be differentiated in how people value themselves, their relationship with others, and how narcissistic characteristics affect their daily lives.

    What is non-pathological narcissism?

    Non-pathological narcissism refers to the form of relationship with others in which the person acts expressing a very high self-esteem and a great sense of self

    There is a difference between normal narcissism, traits of narcissism, and pathological narcissism. Self-centered people, who brag about their accomplishments or expect extra attention, may be labeled narcissists, but it is important to understand that these behaviors do not have the same meaning as pathological narcissism.

    If you’re wondering if you might be a narcissist, then you probably aren’t. A person with narcissistic personality disorder cannot see anything wrong with themselves and would never question if they are narcissistic. A person who has narcissistic traits focuses on herself much more than on others

    What is narcissism

    Narcissism is not 100% bad as is sometimes believed; In fact, a little narcissism is normal and necessary. With a relatively high level of narcissism, one can be empathetic and compassionate, as well as competitive, and present a correct level of self-esteem. “Normal” narcissism It is considered a natural expression of self-preservation although if it exceeds a level, although it does not become pathological, it is considered an unhealthy condition.

    Some people labeled as average may exhibit certain narcissistic traits considered problematic, including, for example, feeling superior to others. This is not considered pathological narcissism, and it is more common in today’s world than people think, due to the added value that some egocentric behaviors represent in one’s career. But, Although not considered a pathology, narcissistic personality traits can be life-limiting of people considered narcissistic. They may not connect with others in a meaningful way and exhibit self-destructive behaviors that can affect their mental health.

      Relationship between narcissism and self-esteem

      Narcissism considered normal and not affecting life is commonly associated with a good level of self-esteem. Although, when we talk about self-esteem, we must emphasize that people with good self-esteem not only worry about themselves, they also worry about the needs of others, something that does not happen in narcissism.

      A person has an accurate self-esteem and evaluation of himself when he does not aspire to be below his abilities or above his classification in the possible hierarchy that occurs in relationships, for example, as a couple or at work.

      Self-esteem must be at an adequate point of balance It is evident that self-esteem cannot be too low, since that is not good for a person and affects their mental health. A low self-esteem can make a person feel inadequate, inferior and incapable, which can cause some major psychological problems.

      Therefore, there is a continuum of self-esteem, from not enough to too much. Both ends of the scale are unhealthy for the psyche. Placing narcissism in unhealthy places on the scale.

        Narcissism and society

        Normal narcissism and narcissistic personality traits fall at different places on the self-esteem scale Although the debate remains open as to how high self-esteem is considered a narcissistic trait, and how beneficial it is in today’s society.

        For some authors, in certain situations and professions, achieving optimal performance requires having a higher than average self-esteem/confidence. They refer to this as high self-esteem and explain that it goes beyond what would be considered normal, but can still adapt to the current situation. Some examples of jobs/situations where high self-esteem would be beneficial are war heroes or business leaders

        However, some have suggested that narcissism is a disorder that only people living in wealthier countries can suffer from, because in less developed countries people have to worry about basic needs such as housing and food. In more developed countries, people have more time to focus on themselves, which can be considered a higher level in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

        Certain professions, such as medicine, law, and science, may attract narcissists in cultures that encourage individualism and self-gratification at the expense of community. In the same way, Narcissists may thrive in cultures that honor individuality and self-gratification more than community

          Narcissism vs pathological narcissism

          Some studies have shown that differences in dimensions of narcissism are related to indicators of positive and negative psychological functioning. Narcissism can be pathological, showing a connection to aggression, low self-esteem, internalizing problems, and an inaccurate sense of one’s relationships On the contrary, non-pathological narcissism is related to high self-esteem and aggression, while it was associated with negative internalization problems.

          People with narcissistic personality disorder differ from people who have non-pathological forms of narcissism because they focus only on themselves. People who present pathological forms of narcissism do not think about how their actions can benefit others, unlike someone with narcissistic traits who, although they have a self-interest, can consider others. Non-pathological narcissistic people, They do not act in a selfless way, but they understand that taking others into account can bring personal benefits

          Narcissistic people are competitive, self-confident, and bold. They are able to charm others and make them believe that they are special. Their intelligence, persuasiveness, and self-confidence allow them to lead without hesitation and expect people to follow their orders. Their self-confidence comes from a belief in their own talent and abilities. Although this places them in leadership positions, their lack of consideration for others and sense of entitlement can cause problems for others, but they can lead an adapted life.

          On the contrary, narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which a person’s self-esteem is unhealthy and is regulated through a distorted ego structure, with an overly arrogant self that the person has to protect and support. Self-esteem is maintained through defensive tactics considered non-adaptive. Narcissistic personality disorder has been described as the concentration of attention on the ego or the investment of the ego in the libido.


            We could say that there are different levels of narcissism. Narcissism considered normal, the traits of narcissism (non-pathological) and pathological narcissism. In the case of narcissism considered normal, narcissism is linked to self-preservation, and a high but adequate level of self-esteem, characteristics that are presented along with competitive traits, where there is also the capacity for empathy and compassion.

            If the capacity for empathy is diminished or practically non-existent, and self-esteem is above average, we speak of non-pathological narcissism It is considered non-pathological, since the person does not present maladaptive behaviors, they can even lead a life full of work and social success, and narcissism is a valued characteristic in today’s society. But although valued, it is problematic for people who suffer from it, who may feel empty and disconnected from others, and for the environment that suffers from a lack of empathy and selfishness.

            In the case of narcissistic personality disorder, self-esteem is unhealthy and the ego is distorted. Diagnosed people present functional problems in daily life and maladaptive behaviors that persist over time and do not change, in addition to psychological discomfort.