Psychological Meaning Of Not Closing The Doors

In psychology, the concept of not closing doors is understood as a psychological and emotional phenomenon that entails not closing life cycles. The consequences of closing the doors or not will involve leaving the past behind and moving forward or, on the contrary, continuing forward dragging as if a heavy slab were both the advantages and grievances of the past.

In this PsychologyFor article, we will tell you the psychological meaning of not closing the doors In addition, we will detail the consequences that this fact causes in people’s lives, and we will show you some ways to leave the past behind and learn to close doors to move forward in life.

What does it mean for a person to leave the doors open?

For a person to leave the doors open means that let everything that happened in your past good and bad, continue to influence and condition your current moment of life We might think that leaving the doors open regarding positive events can be a good thing because it strengthens us in our new steps. However, in reality it means sticking to what has happened and setting expectations regarding what is new to come.

In this sense, it is much more profitable to extract good learning, images and references from these experiences on which to continue building a new path. Furthermore, although it is not advisable to leave the doors open with respect to positive past events, it is much less advisable to do so in the face of negative events.

Not closing the doors in these cases means strengthen defensive mechanisms, fears and insecurities created in those moments, strengthening them and turning them into dark shells that negatively condition them. They prevent us from living life as something beautiful, new and in constant and permanent change.

Psychological consequences of not closing the doors

What does it mean not to close the doors after having gone through negative experiences? It can produce negative consequences in our lives that condition the following stages of our experience in the world.

In other words, by leaving the doors of this past open, our next steps in life become tied to these bad experiences, so We stop being free in the choice and execution of our actions Traumatic experiences shape us internally. A whole series of mental schemes and negative thoughts based on fear and the pain experienced sit within us.

If we do not work on all this, taking advantage of the experience as life learning that allows us to mature and grow, we leave the doors open. With this, all the negative modeling received from that experience will remain intact in us, negatively conditioning our journey through life.

All defensive mechanisms and negative thoughts will continue to be activated automatically inside us. This will censor our new experiences and limit the irrational mental schemes that we have accepted. In this article you will see how to overcome irrational fears.

How to learn to close doors to move forward

Discover practical tips that will help you close doors to the past, definitively, to move forward in life:

  • Carry out deep introspection work to see the way our past experiences are limiting us
  • Learn to reject all these negative mental patterns investing a great effort in stopping feeding reasoning, since that is where all these mechanisms work and are strengthened.
  • Accept life experiences and our neighbors as instruments that the wisdom of life uses to grant us great learning opportunities that allow us to improve daily as people.
  • Forgive people that hurt us.
  • open the heart (closed by wounds) and create a new vision about life seeing it as something beautiful, happy, alive and where each life experience constitutes an interesting and new adventure on our path.

For all this, both in positive and negative experiences, it is essential to learn to close the doors as the only and essential means to move forward and live life in its immensity and beauty. Leaving the past behind does not mean forgetting where we come from.

Even so, on many occasions, it is necessary to reject the parts that have settled inside you and that limit, hurt and prevent you from uniting with others and living life to the fullest. Only if you close all these old doors dark and limiting, you will be able to move forward on your path, moving forward with great joy and true life force.

Psychological meaning of not closing doors - How to learn to close doors to move forward

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • 2Stecca de AlvizĂșa, C. (2005). How to learn from experiences by closing life cycles. A systemic and gestalt perspective of the past. PAX Publishing.

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