Psychology And Mind, Speakers At The III Research And Business Conference Of The University Of Barcelona

This past May 3, the founders of Psicología y Mente were invited to participate in the “Young Entrepreneurs” session organized by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona within the framework of the III Research and Business Conference

The people in charge of representing this house were Bertrand Regader and Adrián Triglia, and there, in addition to remembering old anecdotes about our time at that same faculty not so long ago, we had the opportunity to do our part in some talks held in a format similar to that of round tables in which guests discuss certain topics in a relaxed manner.

In addition to briefly explaining our project and tasting the canapés (whose presence in this type of event is especially valued by people who are our age right now), we were able to exchange opinions with the audience and with the rest of the invited participants about a topic that is gaining more and more importance:
What is entrepreneurship and what type of challenges is it associated with?

Entrepreneurs: the only way out of a gray work environment?

These are some of the conclusions we draw regarding the labor issue and the new paradigm of entrepreneurship:

Entrepreneurship is very mythologized

The idea of ​​entrepreneurship is quite idealized due to the connotations of freedom and time flexibility with which it is associated, but not only for that. Large companies are interested in having the productive muscle of young people determined to take risks that they would otherwise have to assume.

You have to work with passion while keeping a cool head.

Moving forward with personal projects requires transforming the passion that is poured into them into productivity, but it is also advisable to maintain a high dose of realism to know what works and what doesn’t, but also to prevent work from invading our entire personal life.

Entrepreneurship is not a solution at the political level

The spirit of the entrepreneur (that much mythologized system of beliefs and values ​​that I have talked about before) is closely linked to the idea of ​​the self-made man and that each person has the power to prosper if they put enough effort into it. However, this cannot be the case on a planet where the place where you are born is one of the best variables to predict life expectancy.
People with the possibility of creating successful projects are a privileged minority

From here we send greetings to the people of Psychogaming (whom we already interviewed previously), Illusion Psychologists and shop, who shared a table with us. We also want to thank again the efforts of the people who organized the event, in particular Ángela Castrechini, professor of social psychology who was in charge of moderating the round table, and María Palacín, organizational secretary of the Faculty. Thank you very much for the kindness of inviting us as speakers.

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