The 60 Best Phrases Of Elizabeth II Of The United Kingdom

The best phrases of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, better known to Spanish speakers as Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, was the monarch for 70 years of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations, from 1952 until her recent death, on September 8, 2022. She characterized an entire era that survived the Second War and went through the imminent change from monarchy to modernity throughout its 5 jubilees: ‘Silver, Gold, Diamond, Sapphire and Platinum’.

In this article you will find a selection of the best phrases of Elizabeth II to know the way of thinking of the British monarch.

Table of Contents

The most memorable phrases of Elizabeth II

This is a compilation of the most notable phrases of Queen Elizabeth II about her government and her life.

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1. I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws nor do I administer justice. But I can do something else.

Showing the role of the new monarch, which moved away from the old customs.

2. When peace comes, remember that it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.

Part of Isabel’s speech during the Second World War, when she was barely 14 years old.

3. Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, impetuous and wayward young people, and disagreements.

Everyone in the royal family tried to be more open to the public.

4. No one who has met Diana will ever forget her. Millions of people who never met her, but felt like they knew her, will remember her.

Paying tribute to his first daughter-in-law, after her public funeral.

5. Although we have faced challenges before, this one is different… We will succeed, and that success will belong to each of us.

Perhaps the most significant war speech, as we were fighting Covid-19.

6. What I tell you now, as your queen and as your grandmother, I say it from the heart. First of all, I want to pay tribute to Diana myself.

Speech in memory of Diana, after her death.

7. Although we still have a lot to endure, better days will return.

The queen encouraged her people to maintain hope for a better tomorrow.

8. Life is to live and work. If you find something or someone boring, the blame lies with yourself.

Enjoy but with responsibility.

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9. Let’s not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom.

Although he was characterized as a somewhat distant figure, he actually had excellent humor.

Quotes from Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

10. I have sincerely committed myself to your service, as many of you are committed to mine.

Ensuring her work for the country as its queen.

11. Too many times, I fear, Prince Philip has had to listen to me speak. We have often discussed my speech beforehand, and, as you may imagine, his views have been frankly expressed.

Talking about her dynamic interaction with her husband.

12. Everyone is our neighbor, regardless of race, creed or color.

Elizabeth was one of the monarchs who welcomed people from all over.

13. Over the years, I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal, and it is often about finding ways to encourage people to combine their efforts, their talents, their knowledge, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.

One of his motivations for his role as leader of the state.

14. It is inevitable that to many of you he seems like a rather remote figure, a successor to the kings and queens of history.

She was aware that she could not be a close figure for her entire kingdom.

15. I think it was one of the most memorable nights of my life.

Talking about the night the Second World War ended.

16. There are no words to compensate for the anguish and sorrow of these moments. Grief is the price we pay for loving.

Isabel lived through many stages where humanity has lost its loved ones. But also where they were able to shine again.

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17. It’s really irritating when they talk but don’t act.

Especially for a woman who stayed in her position for so many years.

18. I remember that we were terrified of being recognized.

An interesting anecdote about the queen is that she ran away with her sister on the night they were celebrating the end of the war.

19. I don’t care about death.

He who enjoys life is not afraid of dying. Because he has no regrets.

20. It just hurts me to smile. Why are women expected to be radiant all the time? It is unfair.

As a strong feminist, she changed the ‘delicate’ appearance that women had to have in public.

21. Although my experience is so short and my task is so new, I have in my parents and grandparents an example that I can follow with certainty and confidence.

A legacy that offered him the best training possible.

22. It has been women who have instilled sweetness and care in the hard progress of humanity.

Recognizing the fundamental work of women in history.

23. It is worth remembering that it is often small steps, not giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting changes.

A small action achieves safer and kinder changes.

24. Words are leaves, substance consists of works, which are the true fruits of a good tree.

There is no point in promising great things if there will be no actions to back them up.

25. Although it is a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. This year, especially, I understand why.

Your Christmas message in 2021, after having gone through the pandemic.

26. Discrimination still exists. Some people feel that their own beliefs are being threatened.

Discrimination takes place through the ignorance of many people.

27. I will continue until the end.

And he only retired when his life came to an end.

28. We are moderate, pragmatic people, more comfortable with practice than with theory.

Talking about the secretive behavior of the royal family.

29. Football is a difficult business, and aren’t they prima donnas? But it is a wonderful game.

Thoughts on football.

30. To be inspired you don’t have to save lives or win medals.

Inspiration comes from people who are able to keep going despite everything.

31. It has always been easy to hate and destroy. Building and appreciating is much more difficult.

We tend to react more easily to bad things than to strive to bring something positive.

32. If you ask me what I think about family life after 25 years of marriage, I can answer with equal simplicity and conviction, I am for it.

In favor of a home and family life.

33. I have to be seen to be believed.

That’s why she always went to events and dressed in bright colors.

34. The wartime generation, my generation, is resilient.

A generation that had to rebuild its nation from scratch.

35. Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that sometimes we need to save ourselves from ourselves, from our recklessness or our greed.

Unfortunately, our worst enemy is human beings themselves.

36. If I wore beige, no one would know who I was.

Explaining why he uses strong colors in his presentations.

37. Some are not happy with unknown cultures. Everyone needs reassurance that there is much to gain by reaching out to others; that diversity is a strength and not a threat.

It is the fear of the new and unknown that makes us generate distrust.

38. We may have different points of view, but it is in times of stress and difficulty when we most need to remember that we have much more in common than what divides us.

We have the ability to unite regardless of our differences.

39. It is through this lens of history that we must view today’s conflicts and thus give ourselves hope for tomorrow.

History helps us remedy the mistakes of the past.

40. Criticism is good for the people and institutions that are part of public life.

It’s how they know what they need to change or improve.

41. I often draw strength from meeting ordinary people doing extraordinary things: volunteers, caregivers, community organizers, and good neighbors; anonymous heroes whose quiet dedication makes them special.

Celebrating the work of ordinary people.

42. If a man appears solemn, it is automatically assumed that he is a serious person, not miserable.

People are not always what they seem.

43. 1992 is not a year that I will remember with great pleasure.

A dark year for the monarchy. Three of her children divorced and a fire also occurred at Windsor Castle.

44. Work is the rent you pay for the room you occupy on earth.

We cannot live free in the world. You have to give back to him in some way.

45. When we look for new answers in the modern era, I prefer tried and tested recipes, such as speaking well of others and respecting different points of view; come together to seek a ground of understanding.

A way to combine the traditional with the new proposals.

46. ​​I remember lines of strangers holding arms and walking down Whitehall, all swept up in a tide of happiness and relief.

About his experience in the streets while celebrating the end of the war.

47. My sister is next to me and we are both going to say good night to them. Come on, Margaret. Good night kids. Good night and good luck to everyone.

Speech by the queen at 14 years old with her younger sister.

48. It’s all about training: you can do a lot if you are properly trained.

Training is what leads us to master something we want to do.

49. I don’t know a single formula for success.

Everyone has their own way of achieving their goals.

50. He is a person who does not easily accept compliments, but, quite simply, he has been my strength and my support all these years.

Showing her admiration and affection for her husband, Prince Philip.

51. Throughout my life and with all my heart I will strive to be worthy of your trust.

Without a doubt, she was one of the most beloved monarchs in history.

52. Good memories are our second chance at happiness.

Treasure and hold on to happy memories rather than sad ones.

53. I observe and remain silent.

The role that every monarch had played until now.

54. We will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again.

A promise that we do manage to keep, after defeating Covid-19.

55. I have admired and respected her for her energy and her commitment to others, and above all for her devotion to her two children.

Talking about Diana and celebrating her way of life.

56. When life seems hard, the brave do not lie down and accept defeat; On the contrary, they are even more determined to fight for a better future.

It is in the most difficult moments that we know our true character.

57. This time we join all the nations of the world in a common effort, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal.

In reference to all the strength of people to get rid of the pandemic.

58. I declare before all of you that my entire life, whether long or short, will be dedicated to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.

Part of his speech for his 21st birthday. Showing herself as the future ruler.

59. Some cultures believe that a long life brings wisdom. I would like to think so.

They say that wisdom comes with age.

60. Family does not necessarily mean blood relatives, but often a description of a community, organization, or nation.

Family are all those people who bring happiness to our lives and provide us with their support at all times.