One of the most valued traits in people is sincerity. We like to have in our environment a person who is true, authentic, genuine, who says and does what he or she really thinks.
Being a sincere person is not limited to just saying what you think like that, without further ado. True sincerity is assertive, respectful of how others feel but faithful to what one thinks. That is to say true, but avoiding that they hurt.
Next we are going to delve deeper into what they are. the main characteristics of a sincere person both to be able to recognize a person of this type and to know what we should put into practice to become one of them.
Main characteristics of sincere people
Before delving into what the characteristics of a person are, we must first know what sincerity is. The word “sincerity” derives from the Latin “sine cera,” literally meaning “without wax.”
The history behind this expression takes us back to Ancient Rome. At that time, sugar as we know it did not exist, so the Romans used other options to sweeten their meals. The main sweetener was honey, but it used to happen that many beekeepers were not completely honest and, to make more profits, they sold it mixed with wax, making it less pure.
As time went by, the expression “waxless” began to be used beyond honey, referring to a pure, authentic, non-falsified person, which does not mix its genuineness with traits that are not its own. The most common definition in dictionaries of what it means to be a sincere person is one who shows correspondence between their expression and behavior with the real way of feeling and thinking. He shows himself to others as he is.
Apparently, and in the opinion of many, Sincerity is a very rare virtue, since there are many people who do not show themselves to others as they really are Many people show themselves to the rest of the world “with wax”, lying about what they are like, often without having a good reason for it and hardly apologizing for faking their way of being.
Let’s see what the main characteristics of a sincere person are, something that will undoubtedly help us identify them and also put into practice everything necessary for us to become one of them:
1. They have good self-esteem
Sincere people usually have a lot of self-confidence, enough not to sugarcoat their words or hide their opinions They know who they are, recognizing their weaknesses and valuing their strengths, trusting their resources, experiences and emotions to take a position.
They have good self-esteem, enough to dare to say what they think without fear but with enough care to avoid harming others. This self-esteem is so high because they are aware of who they are, value how they are and act without harming others.
2. They accept constructive criticism
Many people find it difficult to accept criticism, no matter how true it may be. It is difficult to accept what others tell us if to begin with we deceive ourselves with how we are This is not the case with sincere people.
Sincere people give their opinion with the intention of helping others. They say what they think, respectfully and in the form of constructive criticism. They also value this for themselves, understanding that if others criticize them it is to help them improve, so they accept it willingly as long as it is constructive.
Naturally, if the criticism they receive is clearly intended to hurt them, intended to humiliate them or harm them in some way, it will not be accepted in any way.
3. They are responsible with what they say
sincere people They are responsible with what they say as long as, when they promise to do something, they really plan to fulfill it With this they do not seek recognition, but rather they really commit to something or give their word because they really feel that they can help in that sense.
4. They are consistent with their values
Sincere people are congruent with their values, while what they say and do does not contradict what they think They are consistent with their behavior, thoughts, ideas and words, something they demonstrate even when what they think goes against the opinion of the majority. Although it is often not easy to defend a point of view, these people remain firm to their principles.
5. They say the negative respectfully…
Related to the previous point, sincere people They say the negative but in the most respectful and practical way possible If they see that someone says or does something that does not benefit them, a sincere person is not going to sit idly by and wait for the other person to realize it on their own.
It is very important to understand that true sincerity is not telling the truth abruptly, excused by “you have to tell the truth, even if it hurts.” Being sincere means respecting others, preventing them from feeling bad and, if we still know that what we are going to say could hurt them, doing it in the gentlest but sincere way possible.
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6. And also the positive
Many times we tend to avoid saying words of admiration towards others. Sometimes, highlighting the positive in other people can be very difficult; a kind of shame invades us Recognizing the good in others is an act of humility that not all people find easy or are willing to do.
Being sincere is not limited to highlighting the bad, but also the good. Sincere people say the positive things they see in others, making them feel valued and helping them see that we are not just weaknesses, but that we have some strength and ability. Hearing sincere praise from someone we admire can greatly increase our self-esteem.
7. They help selflessly
Sincere people help disinterestedly, without double intent When they help someone, they do it with the genuine personal desire of wanting to help others, to be better. They do not expect to receive anything in return, nor excessive recognition.
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8. They tend to be happy
Being honest with others and, especially, with ourselves is something that gives us peace and happiness. sincere people They feel that the world around them is at peace, they enjoy great tranquility by living a full and authentic life, not covered by a command of lies that they have tried to believe.
Since they do not say anything false, neither lies nor half-truths, they do not live anguished by the thought of “if they discover the truth…” that many insincere people have. Their sincerity offers them a lot of emotional stability, knowing that if their environment goes wrong due to something, that something will not be dishonest acts or words that they have done.
Furthermore, sincerity allows us to enjoy better relationships, since people value sincere people much more, which in itself is a source of great well-being.