The Best Training In Child Psychology

Training in child psychology

There are different subdisciplines of Psychology, and one of the most important is Child Psychology, which aims to the study of the cognitive, motor, physical, emotional and social development of the little ones both from normality and abnormality.

Since childhood is a phase in which many changes occur, many psychologists decide to undertake postgraduate training to specialize in this topic. Specialization courses and Masters in Child Psychology address different topics, such as education and learning, social development or child therapy. Today we review the most important training courses in child psychology in Spain

The importance of the child psychologist and his functions

The child psychologist can perform different functions related especially to two areas: psychotherapeutic and educational In this sense, these professionals can work as therapists in Psychology and Psychotherapy clinics, mainly so that the little ones can solve emotional problems, but they can also work in schools, for example, helping children with special needs, learning problems or physical or cognitive disabilities.

Thus, child psychology covers many issues, and these professionals work on various issues.

The best training in Child Psychology

The professional profile of the clinical psychologist requires complementary training, so the Degree in Psychology can provide a good foundation but is usually not enough to be fully qualified to practice in this field.

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The General Health Master’s Degree (in the case of wanting to practice as child therapists) and the specialization courses can cover the theoretical-practical needs of those people who want to build a good future in this field and wish to offer a service with the highest quality guarantees. .

Specialization Courses in Child Psychology

If you are interested in training in this specialty, in the following lines you can find a list of the best courses in Child Psychology.

1. Connect with your baby (Centro Vitaliza)

This course is one of the most interesting options for those looking for training programs in Child Psychology that can be applied during the first months of children’s development. It takes place at the Vitaliza Center (Pamplona) and it teaches how to optimize the establishment of a healthy emotional bond with babies, also providing them with all the stimuli they need.

To see more information or request data related to this or other Vitaliza courses, click here.

Other child psychology courses

In addition to the previous course, there are also other quality training courses in Spain. One of them is the Certificate in Attention Disorders (ADHD): Identification, Evaluation and Treatment taught by the University of Valencia. This training aims review the bases of diagnosis and intervention in cases of ADHD, a behavioral syndrome that affects between 5% and 10% of the child and youth population. Students learn to use the most effective instruments and techniques for the evaluation and intervention of this mental disorder. The course is intended for graduates in Psychology, Psychopedagogy and Education, lasts one month and has 4.16 ECTS Credits.

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Another interesting training in Child Psychology is that offered by the European Campus Stellae Institute (IESC) in A Coruña. This is the Advanced School Bullying Course, which has a program that revolves around bullying, a term that is talked about a lot today. This course is aimed at psychologists who want to specialize and acquire the necessary skills to combat this problem, since there are few training courses aimed at this objective. Participants have the possibility of carrying out extracurricular practices not only in Spain, but also in companies and institutions around the world, such as the UN Women Italian Committee or the Sustainable Development Foundation (FUNDESO).

The best Postgraduate studies in Child Psychology

In Malaga, it is possible to take the University Expert in Child Neuropsychology, which is one of the few training courses related to this topic that we can find in Spanish territory. Some topics covered in this course are: severe disabilities caused by brain damage, attention disorders, learning disorders, language and reading-writing, and autism spectrum disorders. It lasts one year.

As for Masters, one of the best in Spain is the one taught by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB): the Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopathology. It has a cognitive behavioral orientation, and participants learn the psychotherapeutic tools necessary to evaluate and intervene in mental health and well-being at an early age. For more information, you can read the article: “The 20 best Masters in Psychology”.