The Complaint: A Bad Habit

If we start to think; How many times do we hear someone around us complain about something every day? Surely more than we would like

The complaint: a bad habit

It seems that we have identified with a victimist style of thinking. We believe that it is unlikely that things will be resolved and we opt for the only option we see, complaining.

We complain about the heat, we complain about the cold, we complain if we have something to do, we complain when we don’t have something to do, we complain and that’s it. There are people who live in constant complaint mode and they always find a reason for it.

For these people, complaining becomes a habit and many times they are not aware that they are doing it. It becomes a way of communicating and is issued automatically. The complaint It has emotional effects that make us feel bad, We become pessimistic people and this in turn makes us try less and less to change things, we think that there is nothing to do, and instead of facing the facts confidently and with a positive attitude, we stop issuing responses to the things that They happen that we dislike.

The complaint affects both the person who makes it and everyone around them.

We attribute control of the things that happen to us to something external and we assume that we cannot do anything to change things, we remain motionless lamenting, while others continue on their path and make their way through the same events that are unbearable for others.

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People who usually complain are not very empathetic, they find it difficult to put themselves in the other person’s shoes, they think that all the stars are against them and that everything happens to them, they do not realize that things also happen to others and they do not. so different from yours.

These people are tremendously dissatisfied and they lose the ability to enjoy the little things.

Constant complaining has the following negative consequences for people:

  1. It makes us people dissatisfied and they generate a state of mind negative
  2. They cause us a emotional and psychological exhaustion important through which our energy escapes. We focus on the negative and fail to see the positive, which is what will allow us to move forward.
  3. We exhaust the people around us. All people have their own problems, but not everyone constantly shares them. We can be a friend’s shoulder to lean on, but when this becomes a habit it wears us down. People who constantly complain “suck” energy from those around them. This makes their social relationships difficult and they tend to be left alone.
  4. makes us people passive who do not look for solutions. Complaining means placing control of what happens to me on something external that I cannot control, therefore, why am I going to try to do anything if it does not depend on me. Another person in the same situation acts and continues on their way.

Complaining is a bad habit that sometimes we don’t realize. I encourage you to stop complaining and start acting by taking charge of your life. In a future article we will give the keys to stop complaining.

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Victoria Martin

The complaint: a bad habit