The Only Witches Are Those Who Whisper

I murmur

Since the time of the first thinkers, it has been said that Human beings have three lives: the spiritual, the corporal and the civil Sin takes away the first, death takes away the second, and there is a kind of “murder” by which we lose the third, which is called “murmuration.”

Backbiting goes hand in hand with denigration, does and desires evil, dishonors, and kills slowly. What he doesn’t know about the gossiper is that he later turns against him, and he kills him with much more force than with the evil that he chose to dishonor the other. He ends up drowning in the poison he spat out, this time, floating in it.

The gossiper always ends up getting sick and even envying his victim, who probably did so before he started gossiping about her.

The murmurers

The gossiper is so cowardly that he is never seen by others as a strong warrior, sticking out his chest or facing his victim directly, throwing him to the ground and putting his foot on his head. Rather, it has the image of a small person walking in the darkness because he prepares his blows in silence and without courage.

Far from being a lion, it is more like a snake that slithers beneath the grasslands seeking a hidden bite and slowly killing. The gossiper is so “poor” in his existence that he is content with the simple and disgusting act of speaking ill of someone. He lacks a full personal life, which is why he chooses to destroy other people’s lives.

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The murmurers they are usually envious, with an unattractive physical appearance, as if to say, “short-legged.” Well, they would like someone to want them one day, just as others want to be close to their victims, or to have the social and professional success of their victims.

Backbiting is never direct, it’s twisted

And it passes through several mouths and ears, it goes from noise to rumor, and then to something true that puts the person in a place of “contagious virus.” Thus it then becomes a “crime”, but “without a criminal.”, because the one who spits malice disappears like a chicken, while the victim is cornered. Since there are never “guilty” people, it is a sport that the fearful often practice.

The saddest thing is that with the murmuring The gossiper soils himself and becomes more poisoned and corrupted than he was The gossiper also denies the good that he knows the other has, since the other’s intelligence or goodness are an overwhelming threat to him, since he lacks both.

Murmuring about a person is attributing words that they did not say or actions that they did not perform, or that they did say or perform, with the sole purpose of ruining their reputation. The gossiper is inhabited by negative tensions, such as envy, mockery, meanness, jealousy, arrogance and hatred. Physically, he is rotting away, little by little, and looking more and more disgusting. He is also systematically rejected socially and even family-wise.

There are sweet people

Sweetness can escape from a word, from a look, from a thought, from a gesture, a caress or art itself. It is a physical attachment or a sentimental and sensitive bond towards human beings or towards something.

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More than a feeling, you could say that sweetness is a sensation in us or a sensation that others generate in us.

Sweetness refers to simplicity, innocence, delicacy, stays away from any ungentle or clumsy gesture. Sweetness protects and accompanies, sweetness desires good. It is a type of intelligence that a few possess, that clings to the life and good of others.

There are some prejudices with sweetness, such as the link to naivety or weakness of character: on the contrary, it is totally active in itself, and has great positive effects on the other Sweetness transforms, vitalizes human beings and things, confronts people’s vulnerability.

“To be gentle with things and beings is to understand them in their insufficiency, their precariousness, their immanence, their stupidity. It is not wanting to increase suffering, exclusion, cruelty, and invent the space of a sensitive humanity, of a relationship with the other that accepts its weakness and what may disappoint in itself. And this deep understanding carries a truth,” Plato wrote in The Symposium. When we have nothing to stand on, sweetness saves us