The Question And Patience: Method And Symptom


As psychoanalysts, we fundamentally have two tools: the question and patience. I have addressed lately with an unusual frequency, reasons for consultation linked to the theme of jealousy: either from the remorse of feeling them or from the suffering of being associated with a person with jealous attitudes.

Identification of the symptom

The late Lacan maintained that the most real thing is the symptom and that the symptom-enjoyment is the means of satisfying the drive The instinctual plot of someone who feels jealousy enjoys repeating itself and surrounding the object, and insists on the character of a resistance that is difficult to break. The symptomatology of jealousy is, in this case, the incessant return to the position of contempt, to the comparative putting into play of the value that this person has for someone in contrast to a third party.

It goes without saying that all types of jealousy hide behind a screen a false illusion of possession. But it stands out that it is false not because of the underestimation of an eminently harmful behavior, but because of the fictitious claim to grasp the intangible. One suffers not only from the possible fact that the libidinal object does not reciprocate all the love given, but also from the very fact of suffering from jealousy and not being able to avoid it: people who are jealous, suffer from jealousy and cannot handle themselves. In short, a blocking of the Other’s desire is carried out to make one’s own desire take precedence.

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The peculiarity of feeling a victorious return, the “suffering” of a deception, has sometimes occurred (in the terms of the agreement agreed upon by the couple) since it granted the subject in the patient’s position a “credit” that was collected in dribs and drabs.



The fantasy protects the subject from the horror of the encounter with the real, Lacan stated, and in any case the dynamic of the jealous allows a barrier to be deployed so as not to recognize or not see the real signifier of not being for the other what one anticipates in oneself. own expectation.

When the analysand is the victim of this jealousy, the analyst’s concern must focus on ensuring that a normalization of the control dynamics is not implemented and that the person does not succumb to ego reduction Needless to say, if we see any of these situations escalating towards the level of violence and the annulment of the other, supervision must be immediate and the work must move towards the direct-interventive level.

Returning to the interventive-indirect, we must never coerce libidinous detachment, but if the analysand is a victim of the situation we must move towards breaking the cycle of control. My particular dynamic has led me to very rarely intervene in ways that are not a question. The tool of the question directs the mind towards the multiple possibilities that the analysand would enjoy by modifying the scenario in which he finds himself at his own will.

If the analysand is an executor, the analyst’s ear must be more refined than ever to capture small stretches of discourse that give us the fabric from which to cut The analysand’s thread will lead towards reducing the severity of the matter. Our role should never be persecutory or repressive (repression always fails). The question must move the subject from his position to the shoes of the subject of desire, until he realizes what he may be causing.

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In tune with this, Freud expresses himself in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, about the reasons for resistance: “They are at first unconscious in the cure (as experience teaches us), this warns us that we have to overcome a mistake of our terminology. We eliminate this darkness by putting in opposition, not the conscious and the unconscious, but the coherent self and the repressed (…) It is likely that it cannot be externalized before the work requesting the cure has loosened the repression.”

Rush for analysts emerges as a tempting tool, but it will take the form of our worst enemy. The realization for an analysand can take up to several sessions. The detour must be constant and persistent; the question, our tool par excellence; patience, our flag