Tips To Stop Thinking About What Others Think Of You

We all like to be liked and accepted by others, but many spend too much time and energy trying to make others like them.

He psychological exhaustion Thinking about pleasing everyone is unhealthy and produces unnecessary stress. In fact, it is a very common way to stop living in the present moment and does not benefit a person’s well-being. Furthermore, there is nothing more seductive than a person who is completely in tune with themselves, and who lives life as they would like to live it.

Think about yourself before thinking about what others think about you

It is inevitable not to think from time to time about the image we show to the outside, since we are social beings. Although it is not a question of isolating yourself from the world and living in a lost town, you cannot spend 24 hours a day wanting to be what others want you to be.

Happiness is achieved by knowing yourself and fighting for what you like If you are one of those who spends a lot of time thinking about giving an image to be accepted by others, you probably show yourself like this:

Tips to stop thinking about what others think of you

As we have mentioned, trying to please everyone all the time is exhausting. If you spend a lot of time fearing the opinions of others to the point that you run out of time for yourself, follow the tips below.

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Understand the reasons for your concern

Understanding that culture and socialization are important for our social belonging is the first step to stop thinking this way. Since we were kids They teach us to act in a certain way, to dress in a specific way, to accept certain ideologies, to buy fashionable products, etc. Furthermore, the emergence of social networks means that we are constantly exposed to a showcase of social comparison.

Reflecting on what is happening around us is important in order to recover our identity as subjects and not objects. It is exhausting to always be aware of controlling that image that we give to the outside, and even more so when we have to be aware of what we publish on our Facebook, Instagram, etc. profiles.

Getting out of this vicious circle as soon as possible and investing time in loving ourselves is take a step forward and recover our authentic “I”.

You can’t control what others think of you.

Each person is a world, with their experiences, their thoughts, their tastes, etc. It’s impossible to please everyone because you can’t fit within everyone’s parameters. Focusing on others instead of yourself is a mistake, since you have no control over what they think or say about you. What you can control is the path you want to follow and what you are going to take with you.

Don’t waste your energy on what people think of you.

As we have already said, thinking about what others think of you is exhausting. It’s exhausting because you waste your energy on something you don’t control. Invest that time in thinking about yourself and you will surely achieve better results. Know yourself, fight for what you want in life and grow as a person. When you get in tune with yourself, you enter a Flow status and everything costs less.

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Practice Mindfulness

The Mindfulness philosophy refers to living the present in its entirety, and proposes that on this path we are able, progressively, to find the essence of who we are. With Mindfulness we become aware of the reality that surrounds us and we can live from freedom self-knowledge and acceptance.

Treating oneself is based on compassion and “not judging ourselves.” Therefore, from the Mindfulness mentality, it does not make much sense what others think of ourselves, because we respect each other just as we are