Types Of Love According To Psychology

Types of love according to psychology - Platonic love

Did you know that there is not only one type of love in life? No, we are not talking about the simple differences that exist between different relationships, totally physiological, but about true types of different loves. In fact, in this PsychologyFor article we are going to discover what the different types of love according to psychology

Do you want to know what they are? Pay attention to this list that we offer you with the classification of the main 12 typologies of love in society, among which you will find platonic love, infatuation, empty love, fatuous, immature, romantic, reciprocal or friendly. Here we go!

Platonic love

Platonic love is the feeling without eros, or rather, the feeling that has overcome passion and it is directed to a higher object than physical ecstasy. The expression “platonic love” is used for the first time by Marsilio Ficino during Humanism.

This type of love refers to Plato’s philosophical theories and indicates precisely a loving feeling that has not simply been deprived of passion, but has simply reached such a degree of maturity to be able to express itself outside of the physical point of view.

Types of love according to psychology - Platonic love

Infatuation love

Infatuation is the type of more immediate love between human beings, and responds to the laws of attraction: one is literally attracted to the other like a magnet and begins a relationship exclusively on the basis of passion. Many couples who live permanently in this state also manage to stay together, perhaps by building a long-distance relationship; many others, however, do not go further.

Sympathy love

Sympathy is a type of love, according to psychology, honest and sincere to the extent that each of the two interested subjects feels involved at an intimate and confidential level Sympathetic love is a trusting love, complicit on an intellectual level and with mutual interests, but the passionate component is missing, which in the long run will lead the couple to a single reflection: are we friends or are we a couple?

empty love

Do you know that feeling of family unity that you feel with the person who has always been part of your life but for whom you no longer feel that burning passion that made you sigh every day? This is an empty love: empty in the sense that lacks passion an essential element.

But empty love is one of the types of love in society that can also work the other way around because it is not always based on a great passion that transforms, but it can also be a relationship that over time acquires fire and great intimacy.

Types of love according to psychology - Empty love

fatuous love

In this type of love there is infatuation and attraction is felt. Later this feeling matures and the couple decides to spend their lives together getting married or living together. They may also choose to have children, who will undoubtedly grow up serene and happy. But is the couple who lives a fatuous love really a happy couple? In 80% of cases no, because the friendship component is missing that really makes a couple complicit.

immature love

It’s a love relationship with narcissistic aspects The relationship is functional to satisfy personal needs and does not capture the needs of the partner. The person is not in a position to establish meaningful relationships because they focus on themselves and on the search for confirmations that reinforce their personal identity.

friendly love

It is neither love nor friendship, but a very strong, intimate and protective feeling, but lacks burning passion Sometimes a great love can transform into this type of bond, but often they are undefined relationships that can progress throughout life parallel to the daily routine.

Types of love according to psychology - Friendly love

Romantic love

The passion, the senseless gesture, a getaway under the Eiffel tower in Paris or between the canals of Venice. The romantic type of love is capable of these gestures, but often conflicts with practicality and the ability to actually move forward in a relationship because one of the two partners is reluctant to commit.

Reciprocal love

The love relationship evolves and acquires the characteristic of reciprocity. Among all types of love in society, reciprocal love becomes an exchange where both subjects have something to offer and receive. However, the relationship remains conditioned by the idealization of the other looking for a relationship that can give integrity and dignity.

Individuals are no longer focused on themselves, but rather open to others and their needs, although in an instrumental way. The relationship with the partner and attention to their needs is functional to the satisfaction of individual needs

The erotic relationship is fueled by the feeling of being well together here and now, without any design opening. What attracts others is not only their physical, external appearance, but also their psychological and personality characteristics.

project love

It represents the last phase of the maturation process of the love relationship and manifests itself with the characteristics of mature love. This involves the entire person (physical, mental and spiritual aspect). Furthermore, this type of love is based on a deep relationship in which sexuality and tenderness, affection and intelligence, concern and responsibility are found.

Mature love respects individual differences in the communion of feelings, while falling in love is the childish pretension of reciprocal fusion. To know more about these two concepts, read our article The 11 differences between love and falling in love.

Types of love according to psychology - Projectual love

Perfect love

Perfect love is one that contains intimacy, passion and commitment in due measure: there is passion, there is friendship, there is play, intimacy, commitment and practicality. Probably a rare type of love to find, but it exists, and when it exists you only feel the urgent need to cultivate it because it fills your life.

A rare type of love to find but, as psychologist Sternberg maintained, even rarer. difficult to maintain that through daily care and nutrition as we would with the most valuable plant we have.

Family love

The people we are related to or spend a lot of time with tend to be pretty close. If they are as close as your family, you might feel familial love for them. this kind of love He is very strong and protective You don’t experience romantic feelings for these people, but you feel a type of connection that is different from people who are just “friends.”

family love It’s very relaxed and comfortable ; You can be more open with someone for whom you feel familial love because there is also a deep amount of trust. Family love can be frustrating at times because you can feel family love but have bad experiences with that person, which can make you conflictive.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of love according to psychology we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • Carubia, A. (2019). How many tipi di amore is this? Recovered from: https://dilei.it/psicologia/quanti-tipi-di-amore-esistono/656044/
  • Pati, L. (2000). Childhood love and family educational communication. Milan: Vita e Pensiero.

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