What Drugs Are Most Used In Chemsex?

What drugs are used most in chemsex

Currently, the consumption of recreational drugs is the order of the day in leisure contexts; However, the use of these substances often goes beyond the world of nightclubs and what we usually understand as “nightlife.”

And although drug use is, unfortunately, very normalized in places such as nightclubs and concert halls, in recent years it has also become relatively popular. during sexual experiences in certain subcultures. This phenomenon has to do with what has been called “chemsex”, a relatively new sexual practice, consisting of the intentional use of psychoactive drugs when having sexual relations, generally in sessions of several hours or days and with multiple partners.

Chemsex is a practice increasingly used in young people and as in any case of drug abuse, there are many risks to the physical, sexual and emotional health of the person who practices it. Therefore, it is important to know what it consists of; that’s why in this article We will see the characteristics of chemsex and review the substances most associated with this practice

What is chemsex?

The world of nightlife has been making available to its users for several years all types of increasingly addictive substances with more dangerous effects that are consumed with the aim of reaching greater levels of fun, emotional intensity or pleasure. It is believed that It has been through the link that exists between nightlife and casual sex that chemsex has emerged a phenomenon that has been named by forming a word with the conjunction of the English terms “chemical” and “sex.”

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These types of experiences arose especially at parties where drug use is common, but little by little has become “independent” of this type of contexts This phenomenon began as a common practice especially among men who have sexual relations with other men, but currently it occurs both in heterosexual couples and in all types of people belonging to the LGBT community.

Chemsex Substances

Thus, the use of drugs during sex as a deliberate way to feel more pleasure or to experiment with other forms of entertainment is increasingly common in all types of environments and in people from all social strata, and constitutes a real public health problem both due to the indiscriminate use of very harmful drugs and the unhealthy sexual practices that this same consumption promotes.

What are the most common drugs used in Chemsex?

People who habitually practice chemsex usually do so for various reasons, among the most frequent we find: the disinhibition produced by the consumption of the drug, the increase in the intensity of pleasure, the increase in self-esteem and the increase in performance and time. in relationships. Thus, The type of substances used in this practice are in line with the type of effects sought

Let’s see what are the main drugs used in chemsex sessions, and their characteristics and effects on the body.

1. Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine is one of the most addictive and consumed stimulant drugs in the world and is one of the most used substances when performing chemsex.

This drug is also known by the names crystal, crystal meth, tina or crank and its appearance is a white crystalline powder, odorless, bitter in taste and easily soluble in water or alcohol.

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methamphetamine has an almost immediate stimulating effect on the central nervous system of the person who consumes it and some of its psychological and physical effects are an increase in physical activity, excitement, increased state of wakefulness and decreased feeling of tiredness.

2. Mephedrone

Mephedrone is a stimulant widely used in chemsex sessions; It is highly addictive has a very intense and direct effect on the body once administered and is popularly known by the names meph, mefe, meow meow or meow meow.

It is a drug widely used also in recreational contexts such as night parties or raves due to its intense effects on the person, physical and psychological effects that are similar to those of cocaine or MDMA.

Among the main effects of mephedrone we find an increase in euphoria, talkativeness, alertness, a feeling of stimulation, tachycardia, sweating and according to some people also as an aphrodisiac when having sexual relations, although these practices usually give rise to risky behavior.

3. GHB and GBL

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid and gamma-butyrolactone acid are psychotropic drugs that They have a sedative effect on the body ; It is very commonly used in chemsex sessions due to its immense aphrodisiac properties.

These are two of the most widely consumed synthetic drugs today, especially among young people, and their effects on the body can be highly toxic for the person who consumes them.

Some of its main effects are decreased anxiety, sedation, disinhibition, loss of emotional control, a feeling of well-being and increased sensitivity to touch.

Are you looking for addiction treatment?

If you have developed an addictive disorder related to drug use, it is very important that you go to health professionals as soon as possible to treat this pathology and allow you to overcome it.

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In this sense, in Llaurant la Llum We offer both psychological therapy and health coverage from all areas of medicine. We help our patients either through outpatient care or through treatment through admission to our residential module. We accompany the person from the detoxification phase until the moment of rehabilitation and reintegration, with all the guarantees. You will find us in Picassent, Valencia.