What Is Degrowth And Why Would It Be A Solution For Our Society?

We live in an economic context in which material benefit, productivity and the incessant struggle to achieve more and more growth and development prevail.

But… what if instead of constantly growing, we stop growing? Degrowth is a movement for economic development of a social nature. We are faced with an anti-crisis theory, whose objective is to optimally and responsibly reduce production, in order to achieve a balance between production/consumption and the use of the natural resources needed for this.

Next We will expose the advantages and social benefits that Degrowth can bring whose dissemination has not had all the support expected until today, where the future challenges will be to supply resources to an overpopulated world.

What is Degrowth?

This trend emerged at the end of the 20th century with the American mathematician and economist Georgescu-Roegen. His successful studies on sustainable economics and development earned him recognition as the founder and father of degrowth.

The pillars of Degrowth are based on abandoning the absurd idea of ​​annual economic growth that we hear so much about in the news, and for which our governments advocate so much. Therefore, an effort is being made to talk more about voluntary degrowth. This is, work fewer hours and enjoy more free time

There have been several economists who have aligned themselves with this thought, but the most influential in making this theory known in modern society has been the Frenchman Serge Latouche.

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For this author, degrowth in itself does not imply any scientific thesis or a significant revolution. In his own words, it is a simple and forceful concept to attract the attention of the global public. Currently we are facing a serious problem of shortage of primary resources; Scientists and natural experts warn of the long-term risk if urgent measures are not taken regarding domestic consumption.

For social growth

Latouche denounces the high commitment to the market economy to the detriment of quality in society Nowadays, growth is only considered profitable if its effects positively influence natural resources, future generations, and the working conditions of workers.

For Serge Latouche the cultural revolution is the only alternative. As he explains in his work “The Bet on Degrowth”, he proposes a whole series of solutions under the prefix “re-”, which denote repetition or regression, which he has baptized as the “8” model. A”:

1. Reevaluate

Need to redefine current values, which are globalist, consumerist and extremely consumerist, with more local values, economic cooperation and humanist.

2. Restructure

Adapt the means of production and social relations to the new scale of redefined values, such as the combination between eco-efficiency and voluntary values.

3. Redistribute

This concept has two purposes. On the one hand, it aims to directly reduce the power and means of the world consumer class and, most especially, of the oligarchy of the great predators. Otherwise, it aims to reeducate the population by reducing the invitation to unnecessary and ostentatious consumption.

4. Relocate

Degrowth aims to produce locally, through local businesses and with essential goods to satisfy the needs of the population. Without attempting to establish a system of borders, we must limit ourselves to producing what is essential for society, recovering territorial anchorage.

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5. Reconceptualize

Current development sacrifices society and its well-being in favor of “development entrepreneurs.” In other words: multinationals. It is about making a change in values ​​that leads towards a different view of the current reality, an artificial reality of consumption. In this way, we must reconceptualize wealth in relation to poverty or scarcity over abundance.

6. Recycle

Extend the life of each and every one of the products we use and avoid irresponsible consumption and waste.

7. Reuse

Make long use of the material products we buy such as clothes, appliances or cars.

8. Reduce

The first and last essence of Degrowth. Drastically reduce the impact on the biosphere of our way of producing and consuming. Not only must we reduce our consumption of tangible products, but also intangible products, such as work hours and health consumption, reducing the acquisition of medications and the abuse of medical treatments.

Another essential element to reduce is mass tourism and the exaggeration of constant leisure The human spirit is adventurous, but modern industry has exaggerated this need by commercializing our traveling impulses to the maximum.

Degrowth as the only solution

Degrowth defends an economic model to improve the quality of life of the majority. Among some ideas, the most important ones that govern our lives and sense of happiness stand out, which are work and free time.

A reduction in the working day will lead to an increase in leisure time and we have to use this in social life. and creative leisure versus consumerist leisure.

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