What To Do When They Leave You ‘seen’? 5 Reasons Why He Doesn’t Reply To Your Messages

Why can someone leave you ‘seen’? What to do if someone doesn’t reply to your messages? Find out how to deal with this attitude before text messages.

What to do when they leave you 'seen'?

We live in a society in which we try to achieve things yesterday, without even thinking about people’s circumstances and/or situations. Thus when they leave you ‘seen’ or they do not respond to text messages, it is completely normal for you to feel bad or experience negative emotions regarding this situation.

When we send a message to someone and they don’t respond when they read it, we tend to assume that they don’t care enough about us. Probably, what happened is that she read our message quickly in a break from work, before getting into the car, while she was taking care of her son/daughter, or she simply didn’t feel like it at that moment. Really, is our thinking objective?

Why does it hurt so much when they leave you ‘seen’?

The people who don’t answer on WhatsApp It usually hurts you because this small action ends up hurting your ego. In fact, most people believe that when someone doesn’t answer you, it means that the person values ​​you less.

Why aren't they answering your messages?

Why don’t you answer my messages?

There are some common reasons why people may leave ‘seen’:

  1. You are not interested: The most obvious, but perhaps the one that hurts us the most is that perhaps the reason behind leave seen on someone especially if this person does not write to you after a week or more, it is simply that they are not interested in having more connection with you.
  2. They are passive-aggressive: It is a way to manipulate others without them realizing it. In fact, people who engage in this type of emotional abuse make others feel confused, anxious, or even depressed. Maybe they don’t answer your messages as a way to ‘punish yourself’ for something you don’t know exactly what it is.
  3. They forgot to answer: It can happen to all of us. Sometimes, we are so busy that even though we see a message we completely forget to respond to it. In these houses, when they don’t answer your WhatsApp You must take into account the person’s situation. If you are going through a time of stress or a lot of busyness, it is normal that you may not respond instantly.
  4. It’s his personality: There are people who need more time for themselves, in fact, introverts require time alone to recharge their energies. Maybe this person can help you leave in sight because he or she is introverted and needs more time for himself or herself.
  5. They are false: Fake people can ignore your messages and leave them on seen because they have only come to you to do them a favor or to get something in return. If you think that your friendship or relationship is not very positive, perhaps you should rethink this connection.
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What to do when they leave you seen

What to do when they leave you seen?

That someone I left you in sight It can be difficult to bear in some cases. Especially when you suspect that this may be a sign that that person is no longer interested in you. In these cases, we recommend that you do the following when someone does not respond to your messages.

  • Do not insist anymore: Don’t send him any more messages to continue the conversation or to get your attention. When they let you know it is better to try not to insist on continuing the contact.
  • Just relax: That someone doesn’t answer your messages It does not imply the end of the world. The reasons behind leaving messages ‘viewed’ can be endless, so don’t get overwhelmed if someone doesn’t reply to you.
  • Send a message to someone else: If you feel too insecure around this person, it is best to calm this desire to say more things to him/her by writing messages to people who you know will respond to you. You can tell them about the situation or just talk about other topics, this will help you stop wanting to message this person.
  • Let them know how you feel: In the event that the person who leaves you in sight If it’s a very close friend or your partner, it might be a good decision to talk about how you feel about it.
  • Turn off reading verification: One way to avoid feeling this way when they leave you in sight ‘ is to turn off the blue check that indicates that someone has read you. If you tend to feel bad when someone doesn’t read you, it may be beneficial for you to stop having this type of information.
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Sometimes not putting up with this kind of attitude from others can indicate that we are having self-esteem and personal security problems. In these cases, it is advisable to go to a professional psychologist to work on how we feel and reinforce the idea that we do not require others to feel valued.

Why is it sometimes okay to leave other people’s messages ‘seen’?

Furthermore, we tend to make the mistake of accepting the demands of others as our own without questioning whether they correspond to us or whether we are willing to assume them. We tend to demand ourselves, above our needs and desires, in order to please others for fear that they will not remain by our side. Therefore, many times, even though we do not have time, we try do not leave ‘seen’ the messages of others.

We live life as if it were a long-distance race and we forget the importance of listening to ourselves, understanding ourselves, expressing ourselves, prioritizing ourselves… We completely forget about ourselves and our needs. Many times, people are overwhelmed because they want to be there for everyone, but suddenly realize that they have no time for themselves. Phrases such as: “I’m afraid that they won’t remember me if I tell them that I don’t feel like going out…”, “I don’t want them to think I’m selfish”, “what will they say if I do…?” are usually repeated. Furthermore, all this is usually accompanied by difficulties sleeping, pressure in the chest, apathy, etc.

What if we learned to value ourselves and take ourselves into account? What if we listened to each other more often? If we practiced self-care, surely we would be able to recognize our fears and be able to manage them. Maybe we would stop giving it so much importance to the double blue check.

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