Why Get Up Early? 7 Psychological Benefits Of Getting Up Early

Why should you learn to get up early? What are the psychological benefits of waking up early? Discover the advantages that people have when learning to get up early in the morning.

The benefits of getting up early

Get up early and get up early They seem to be the secrets to increasing people’s productivity. Despite this fact, there are many who find it very difficult to wake up in the early morning because they consider themselves nocturnal. If this is your case, you should know that learning to get up early can give you benefits beyond productivity. So how can we wake up early?

Benefits of getting up early

According to research, there are a series of benefits of learning to get up early and get up early in the mornings. Among the most important, we highlight the following.

  1. Improvement of our cognitive functions: Studies indicate that the early risers They tend to concentrate better and be more alert or energetic throughout the day. In fact, research conducted in 2010 determined that people who wake up early tend to be more proactive and goal-oriented, in addition to having more problem-solving skills and having better grades in school or university.
  2. Better sleep quality: Another of the benefits of getting up early It means being able to improve the quality of our sleep. The reason for this is that following the sunlight schedule makes it easier to maintain more consistent sleep schedules and have better quality sleep. In fact, people with a consistent sleep schedule are not only less tired during the day, but they are also more likely to stay up late. On the other hand, this also makes early risers less likely to develop a sleep disorder or become fatigued regularly.
  3. More complete breakfasts: Another of the benefits of getting up early is that people who wake up earlier are more likely to eat a proper breakfast. This not only means healthier eating habits, but also minimizes the risk of gaining weight and becoming obese. The psychological benefits of getting up early
  4. Improves mood and mental health: Studies also reveal that people with a tendency to up early They are more likely to have positive thoughts compared to night owls. In fact, they are more optimistic and satisfied with their lives. In addition, research indicated that early risers were also less likely to develop mental disorders such as depression or anxiety.
  5. Reduce stress: Waking up at dawn It can also help us manage stress and finish our tasks without the need for extra time or pressure. The reason for this is that by getting up earlier, people tend to feel less tired to organize the day and apply themselves to the tasks they have set.
  6. Increase organization and productivity: Another of the benefits of getting up early It is related to the ability to organize and productivity. This also occurs because during the mornings people have a better ability to concentrate and be more alert to what is happening around us.
  7. Avoid depression: There is research that links insomnia with the symptoms that trigger depression. That is, being able to get up early can help us overcome some symptoms of a depressive disorder. This may be because get up early It allows us to better manage both work and leisure time.
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How to wake up early?

Wake up in the morning It can be difficult for those who are nocturnal. In fact, it will be very difficult for you at first. Even so, you can train your body and mind to change the habit of getting up late. To do this, you can try the following tips.

  • Find a motivation: In order to change a habit, you need to find good motivation to help you get up in the morning. Without a good reason to get up early it will be very difficult to change this routine in your sleep.
  • Make small changes: The key to get wake up in the morning is making small changes to your sleep routine. It will be almost impossible to stop waking up late if you do it abruptly. In this way, setting the alarm clock a quarter of an hour earlier each day will help you achieve this goal better than if you do it all at once.
  • Learn good habits in your sleep hygiene: Sleep hygiene refers to healthy practices that promote and facilitate our sleep. For example, limited use of technology or not having large dinners can help you stop getting up tired in the morning How to get up earlier?
  • Move the alarm away from your bed: If you have your wake-up alarm very close to your bed, it is easy to close it and end up ignoring the time you wanted to wake up. On the other hand, if you move your alarm away from the bed, you will have the obligation to get up to be able to turn it off.
  • Learn to get out of bed immediately: Although it seems somewhat difficult, this small action will help you not only get up early in your day to day life but also to feel more energetic during the mornings.
  • Enjoy the mornings: Another way you can help get up earlier It’s enjoying the mornings. When a person feels comfortable with the quiet of the mornings, he is more likely to want to wake up early.
  • Be kind to yourself: If, despite spending several days, you have not managed get up early Don’t be hard on yourself. It is important to try not to mentally punish yourself for not achieving it, in fact it is counterproductive. If it costs you more than it should, you should only try to propose it for the next day and above all do it gradually to achieve the expected results.
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Why is it so hard for me to get up early?

There are people who, in addition to having a tendency to be night owls, may also be suffering from a disorder that affects their energy. In these cases, people often feel more discouraged, stressed or dazed. If this is your case, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist to be able to deal with and treat these mental health problems.