5 Psychological Tips To Face The First Day Of School

How can we face the first day of school? How to make the first day of school a good one? Discover the best tips for children to have a positive start to school.

How to face the first day of school?

face the First day of school It can be quite a challenge for parents. School is one of the most important places for the child, since it is where he spends most of the hours of the day, where he will develop, where he will establish relationships with his peers, and where he will be provided with much learning.

How to face the first day of school?

For students starting school for the first time and They face their first day of ‘school’ This moment is even more special, since for some it marks the first physical and emotional separation from their family environment. For children who have gone to daycare, school means entering a new, larger and more complex community in which to develop. In both cases, however, they will find in a new environment, new adults, new companions and new norms.

The creatures can experience the first day of school like a feeling of abandonment. That’s why they cry and get angry, until they discover, little by little, that the mother or father comes back to look for them every day… But this is a process and, as such, it requires time and patience. This is what we call the adaptation period, which depending on the child will last a few days or weeks. We must keep in mind that for them it is a breaking of the things they already know, their emotional references, where they feel protected.

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But not only the first day of college It is different for boys and girls, but it is also different for their parents and family members. All the contradictory feelings that may exist and that are part of a normal separation process (the joy because they are growing up and knowing that they are in a place where they will learn and have many enriching experiences, as well as a feeling of guilt for abandon them with unknown people), we must face this separation with joy and tranquility.

Tips for facing the first day of school

Each child has his adaptation rate but family can help facilitate the experience of first year of school or the first day of classes after a long and well-deserved vacation. Although we will not always be able to avoid crying, tantrums, etc., there are some guidelines to follow that can facilitate this long-awaited adaptation to school:

The best tips for facing the first day of school

  1. Create a positive environment: Prepare your son or daughter about where they will go and what they will do. Always with a positive attitude, explaining that he will play a lot, that there will be a teacher who will take good care of him, etc. In this way, you will associate school with a memory or positive thoughts and therefore it will be easier for you to cope. the first day of class
  2. Come with time and peace of mind: The rush is never good. Thus, the first day at school can be traumatic if it is done with a lack of time and stress. Therefore, it is essential to learn to be punctual and do things calmly and calmly. Knowing how to manage time is one of the skills that children must learn in their first year of school or through their educational experiences.
  3. Make them feel safe and secure: When you arrive to class, you must appear confident and confident. Talking to the teacher can help you feel more relaxed. One of the tricks so that the school To be an environment where your children feel good about being themselves is precisely to get involved with the teachers and the school. Thanks to this, children will feel the school like their second family. Tips for facing the first day of class
  4. The farewell should be a tender but brief moment: Remind your child that you will come looking for them, wish them a good day and say goodbye with a hug and kisses. At this moment, security and trust are key to not transmit feelings of fear to the child. If he cries or throws a tantrum, he should understand it as something normal, but do not give up, if you stay, he will understand that crying will hold him back and this will make it difficult for him to adapt (you can rest assured, generally the crying disappears after a while). march, as they will discover the many surprises they have in the classroom).
  5. The reunion must also be very tender: Sometimes they may start crying to show us that they are still angry for leaving them at school. Try not to pay too much attention to this fact and ask them about the good things that have happened during the day. The moment of reunion should also be very tender but brief during the first year of school or the first days of starting school
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Front facing the first day of college It can become quite a challenge for parents and children. Despite this, on many occasions this step to schooling or the school experience can become something difficult for the child to endure. In these cases, it is advisable to go to a professional psychologist. School should be a comfortable and safe place where your little one should develop their full potential.