The Best Positive Psychology Books

The best positive psychology books

“Positive psychology: learn to be happy”, “You’re screwing up your life”, “The science of well-being” or “Intelligent optimism” are some of the best positive psychology books. This area of ​​psychology teaches you to see life from another perspective. Specifically, it teaches how to maintain a good state of mind, how to flow with life and attract what you want.

In addition, positive psychology promotes the development of resilience and charts the path to authentic happiness. In this PsychologyFor article we have chosen the best positive psychology book titles so that you can trace your path to joy.

positive psychology

The author of “Positive Psychology”, Ryan JD Goleman, driven by his passion, tells us in this book how improve different areas of life. In reality, it is a collection of 5 books that confronts you with yourself, especially after having made decisions that you may regret.

This literary work teaches the reading public to control their negative thoughts, feel confident in themselves, live with joy and destroy all their fears. Goleman also offers a guide to open the way to all the skills that can lead you to success, increase your charisma and your self-esteem. It promises concrete results, especially with techniques to influence others and achieve your goals.

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You’re screwing up your life

One of the best books on positive psychology, and one of the most read today. The author, Buenaventura del Charco Olea, states that expressions like “Be your best version” dehumanize people. He criticizes that nowadays everyone wants to sell themselves on the networks as if they were products, which leads to perfectionism, anxiety, stress, depression and, of course, frustration.

In short, the book itself is a invitation to revalue the human being and a vindication of personal values.

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The best positive psychology books - You're screwing up your life

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Positive psychology: learn to be happy with the science of well-being

If we talk about positive psychology books, this is an introduction to the science of well-being, also known as positive psychology. It allows understand how this discipline works and how to apply it not only to individuals, but also to entire societies, including different cultures and institutions. Furthermore, in order to prevent the appearance of psychopathologies, it rather helps to develop its full potential.

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The best positive psychology books - Positive psychology: learn to be happy with the science of well-being

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Psychologically speaking

“Psychologically speaking” is the perfect book For those who are curious about the human mind and the field of psychology. It is an open door to the study of human behavior and the state of this area today, through recent research. In addition, it highlights theories of prominent psychological currents and all the gears that are hidden behind each way of acting, feeling and thinking.

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The best books on positive psychology - Psychologically speaking

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Flow: a psychology of happiness

«Fluir (Flow)» is one of the best positive psychology books in the world. A best-seller written by prominent author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, which provides new definitions of human subjectivity. Reviews in prestigious magazines indicate that this book is a great contribution to transmitting the teaching of positive psychology. In this work philosophy, psychology and humanism come together to answer what happiness is. Precisely, in this article we talk about How to achieve personal happiness.

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The best books on positive psychology - Flow: a psychology of happiness

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The science of well-being

“The Science of Wellbeing” is a positive psychology book that explores the scientific foundations behind human happiness and well-being. Offers practical tools based on positive psychology and neuroscience to cultivate a fuller and more satisfying life. Through research and concrete examples, the work reveals how small changes in the way we think and act can have a significant impact on our quality of life.

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The best positive psychology books - The science of well-being

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Intelligent optimism: psychology of positive emotions

It is common to find a tragic vision of life and the human condition, in addition to presenting people as fragile beings who live in conflict. For this reason, the author of “Intelligent Optimism”, María Dolores Avia, reflects together with Carmelo Vázquez on several interesting facts that question this melancholic perspective. This book andTeaches readers to see the most creative and adaptive side of themselves even when they are going through difficult times.

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The best books on positive psychology - Intelligent optimism: psychology of positive emotions

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Overcoming Adversity: The Power of Resilience

Human beings have an internal tool to survive known as resilience. This ability helps to overcome unexpected difficulties. With this book “Overcoming adversity”, its author gives know what are the pillars that support resilience and how they can be cultivated, thus transmitting a message full of optimism and hope for the future. In this article you will also see How to grow in the face of adversity.

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The best positive psychology books - Overcoming adversity: the power of resilience

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Is your bucket full?

Every act of daily life, including those that seem simplest, has a positive or negative effect. There are authors who believe that the world is full of interactions and that the goal is for everything to fill us with positive emotions. In this sense, this positive psychology book teaches how to decide correctly and add energy instead of having an empty cube to be more productive and improve social relationships.

Best Positive Psychology Books – Is Your Bucket Full?

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The futility of suffering

This wonderful book of positive psychology by María Jesús Ávala makes us aware of all the hopes and illusions that are lost every time we suffer, in addition to the energy we waste. Therefore, she questions whether so much pain is justifiable. Through testimonies, exercises and some reflections, you will be able see life as a gift full of opportunities and like a tragedy.

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The best positive psychology books - The futility of suffering

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The life that blooms

The prestigious psychologist Martin Seligman offers a renewed focus on positive psychology and goes further than the others. This literary proposal not only tries to calm human suffering, but transforms it into a movement that elevates the human condition. Furthermore, to get out of emotional suffering you can also read this article.

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The best positive psychology books - The life that flourishes

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The happiness trap

One of the best positive psychology books for those who feel misery, loneliness and dissatisfaction, but who every day pretend to feel happiness and wear a happy face, pretending that everything is going well when in reality it is not. This is what the author calls the happiness trap, from which he proposes to free himself through Commitment and Acceptance Therapy (ACT), giving meaning and fullness to life.

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The best positive psychology books - The happiness trap

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Positive Psychology: the science of happiness

Positive Psychology, unlike traditional psychology, does not focus on solving problems, but on the person achieving enhance your happiness and achieve optimal balance. In this book, the author explores concepts such as wisdom, happiness, creativity and hope, analyzing how they can be applied in clinical work.

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The best books on positive psychology - Positive Psychology: the science of happiness

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The power of positive thinking

“The power of positive thinking” is a positive psychology book that has become a guide for people to take control of their lives. Discover how to abandon the habit of living with worry, and learn to maintain a state of relaxation. It all starts with being kind to yourself.

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The best positive psychology books - The power of positive thinking

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true happiness

Happiness is not something that is inscribed in the genes nor is it unattainable, but it can be built through the strengths and traits of each person. This text is from the famous psychologist Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology. In its pages create a route for readers to enjoy life be happy, supportive, generous and live with optimism.

This is the most outstanding selection of the best positive psychology books that are currently being read. If you want to transform your life, go ahead and discover the tools to achieve your own happiness.

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The best positive psychology books - Authentic happiness

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This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to The best positive psychology books we recommend that you enter our Personal Growth and Self-Help category.


  • Contreras, F., & Esguerra, G. (2006). Positive psychology: A new perspective in psychology. Diversitas: perspectives in psychology, 2(2), 311-319.

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