How To Improve Your Emotional Well-being

How to improve your emotional well-being

Nowadays it is not easy to feel good about oneself and our environment. Therefore, it is important to talk about emotional well-being, that is, what we can do to enhance positive or pleasant emotions and leave aside negative or painful ones.

Next, in this PsychologyFor article, we will give you some keys to improve your emotional well-being and, therefore, be happier. It is important to accept pain, be grateful, let emotions flow, both pleasant and unpleasant, write about it and keep in mind the relationship between feelings and emotions.

accept the pain

How can emotional well-being be achieved? First of all, the most important thing is to accept that we are human beings and that we feel emotions of all kinds, both pleasant and painful. This acceptance is fundamental because it is what gives usallows you to achieve emotional well-being. However, many people reject this acceptance to avoid feeling pain, as they associate it with weakness and that is usually not liked.

Even so, if we reflect a little we will realize that, despite the pain that painful emotions cause us, they are not so bad and it is worse not to experience them than to face them. Who loses a loved one and doesn’t feel sadness? It is impossible not to feel anything.

The great Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran wrote “your joy is your sorrow unmasked and the well from which your laughter springs is often filled with your tears,” and how else can it be? The deeper the pain in your being, “the more joy you will be able to contain.” In the poem he is referring to the fact that those people who are capable of feeling and overcome painful emotions They will be more capable of feeling and enjoying pleasurable emotions fully. In this article you will see how to manage emotions, whether pleasant or unpleasant.

Be grateful

If you want to improve emotional well-being, it is essential that you be a grateful person, either with yourself or with others. Gratitude is a wonderful pill to have a more pleasant emotional life and it is very important to appreciate everything you have. In fact, the meanings of appreciating include, on the one hand, that a person shows and expresses gratitude to another for the esteem they have for them and, on the other hand, it also means valuing the other.

So, being grateful means starting a decentralization process staff, that is, stop being the center to give more importance to others. Psychologist Robert Emmons, one of the leading researchers and author of books such as Thanks! and The little book of gratitudestates that implementing gratitude practices provides emotional well-being, improves personal relationships and allows us to identify what is relevant in each person’s life.

The result of giving thanks requires previously identifying what are the things for which you want to give thanks, and then expressing them in the form of thought or in writing. It is important to know them and remember them continuously.

How to improve your emotional well-being - Be grateful

Let the emotions flow

If your goal is to achieve emotional well-being, it is essential that you accept that painful emotions are part of human nature. You must be willing to feel them to be able to overcome them, but how to do it? If you want to overcome them, you must make them flow and not entrench themselves inside you. We tell you how to do it below:

  • Talk about it: People have the need to explain what hurts us to free ourselves and so that it comes out from within us.
  • Write about what you feel: Another way to overcome painful emotions is to write about them. A much more effective practice than expressing them verbally. Writing about things that hurt is very healing and makes the pain disappear little by little.

In this article you will find more information about how to heal my relationship with myself.

Write what you feel

We often remember positive or pleasant emotions. We recreate ourselves in them, because our mind does not distinguish between real experiences and memories. In this sense, having good memories is a great treasure for future happiness.

On the other hand, at the time of overcome negative emotions It is good to talk or write about them. There is a very popular phrase in positive psychology, whose origin is unknown that says the following: “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” This quote perfectly explains the two ideas we have just presented.

How to improve your emotional well-being - Write what you feel

Keep in mind the relationship between feelings and emotions

One of the most important aspects to improve emotional well-being is the relationship between thoughts and emotions. Cognitive psychology delves into this aspect. The idea is accept that such a relationship exists and that both thoughts and emotions influence each other, so we have the opportunity to direct thoughts.

For example, it is said that 90% of the thoughts we worry about will never occur, so why have them? In other words, we can try to control our thoughts so that they do not cause painful emotions. This idea is also known as “rethinking the situations” we experience to change what we think, therefore, what we feel.

Finally, if you want to go deeper into how improve emotional well-being Don’t miss the video below.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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