Books To Get Over A Breakup

Books to get over a breakup

Getting over a breakup is always a difficult process. It is a path in which the person must learn to live without the other, reorganize their life and focus it in a different way. On many occasions, we can rely on our environment and start new projects that help us adapt to this change, but literature can also help us turn the page in difficult times.

Getting over a breakup can be a difficult process, and books can be a great tool to help you cope with and heal your broken heart. In this PsychologyFor article, we offer you a guide to 14 books to get over a breakup.

Learn from loss

One of the best books to get over a breakup. This story talks about the reconstruction of meanings and the transformation after suffering a loss considered this as a death, the loss of a job, the breakup of a couple, etc.

In fact, each chapter of the book deals with a different theme of loss. This literary work contains real stories and exercises that allow the person to give another meaning to grief due to a sentimental breakup. In this article, we tell you how to overcome sadness after a separation.

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How to make good things happen to you

Another of the psychology books to overcome a breakup is this book by Marián Rojas, which invites you to have a proactive role that good things happen to you in life. It enhances the person’s capabilities for a full and happy existence. It is an educational book full of advice that can be very useful when overcoming a breakup.

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flexible happiness

The book of flexible happiness by Jenny Moix talks about the mental patterns of each person based on their personality, their environment, their studies, etc. According to the author, each one has mental schemes that build our way of thinking and therefore our way of seeing and perceiving romantic relationships.

The purpose of this book is make these schemes more flexible to be able to see things from another perspective. When faced with a breakup, our ideas about love or how it should have been can play tricks on us. Therefore, this is one of the self-help books to get over a breakup that can help make a 180-degree turn in the way we see things.

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days without you

One of the recommended books to get over a breakup is days without you. It is a novel by Elvira Sastre that talks about love through a grandmother and her grandson. She talks about truncated loves, about the warmth of love and the coldness she feels when it is cut short.

This book reflects very well the melancholy What can you feel when you see your love leaving your arms? It is not a didactic book, but it contains stories that help you think and reflect on love and lovesickness.

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A backpack for the universe

If you want to know how to get over a breakup, Elsa Punset offers you a guide of varied routes that cover different human emotions in order to better understand everything that surrounds us and recognize our own emotions. In turn, in this book you will discover the importance of emotional management in human relationships.

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Silvia Congost’s book that talks about what people often want to hide: vulnerability. It is a reading that allows you to be alone with your thoughts and establish a dialogue with them, reconcile yourself with loneliness and understand it as a form of emotional maturity.

Among the books to get over a breakup, this one break with preconceived ideas of not having a partner and invites the fear of loneliness and having a coffee by yourself. In this article, we tell you how to overcome the fear of loneliness.

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The dancer of Auschwitz

If we talk about how to get over a breakup, it is highly recommended to read The dancer of Auschwitz. A true story by Edit Edger that talks about improvement and the human capacity to cope with adversity. Edit Edger, at the age of sixteen, experienced one of her greatest human tragedies: going to a concentration camp, where both of her parents were killed and her life was saved thanks to her passion for dance. .

Despite being a very hard book, I recommend reading it once in your life. The humanity it hides and the message it transmits are so powerful that when you finish reading it you will have a feeling that no one can take away who you are. The message of the book is very clear: only you have the ability to escape from the prisons that you build in your mind. We can always choose to be free despite our circumstances.

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I already said goodbye, now how can I forget you?

Do you want to know how to get over a long-standing relationship breakup? This book by Walter Riso offers you a follow-up of strategies to overcome grief couple breakup. It offers a journey through all the phases of grief until the acceptance of the new reality, always with the following premise as a banner: respect for oneself and finding one’s own vital goals and projects.

In addition, it talks about the effect of time to heal and overcome the breakup, but also invites proactivity to help time. In short, it is one of the best books for overcome heartbreak.

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How to get over a breakup with thinking

This is one of the best books to get over a breakup. It is written by the psychologist and coach Patricia Córdoba Álvarez. Is about a guide that offers answers to the whys that arise after the end of a relationship, without looking for anyone to blame.

The book gives tools to manage pain, without denying it, since this is inevitable in any breakup. Offers alternatives to self-destructive thoughts and gives the opportunity to learn from the breakup and come out stronger from this.

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The message of tears

A copy that cannot be missing from this list of books to overcome a breakup. The author, Alba Payás, gives a follow-up basic guidelines for managing grief and regain our balance. Specifically, it helps the pain to be transformed into gratitude for the moments shared with the person who is no longer by our side.

Besides, helps repair pain, to say goodbye in a friendly way and say hello to everything that is to come. In short, it is a great tool in case you are wondering what to do in the event of a breakup.

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The good thing about having a bad day

How to accept a breakup? This book by Anabel González aims to break with such harmful sayings as “good weather in bad weather.” This book vindicates the importance of being bad, sad and crying is necessary and it is part of life.

All emotions must be cared for equally. In the same way that you have to put a good face on good weather and know how to enjoy it. This book offers a emotional survival guide to know how to recognize all emotions and not hide them. That is the key to a happier world.

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Start loving yourself

If we talk about books to get over a breakup, this one by Alícia Cercadillo offers a guide where the ultimate goal is for you to be aware that you yourself are your own savior.

It is a literary work that aims boost self-confidence to achieve great achievements. To do this, it explains the patterns that lead people to act in certain ways in different situations in their lives. It is of great help to overcome anxiety due to the breakup of a relationship.

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Stories to love yourself better

How to get over a breakup? Despite being a book for boys and girls, it is no less educational and useful. Through a series of stories, this literary work by Álex Rovira aims to illustrate different life situations where our way of being determines how we face conflicts and resolve them. Regarding this, in this article, we tell you how to grow in the face of adversity.

It is one of the self-help books about love that empowers and makes you think. In turn, he is accompanied by some cards that help to understand and reflect on each of the stories.

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My Journey Without You

What to do after a breakup? In this book by Alejandro Sequera the story of Vespertine is told between poems and narratives. The story speaks of the backpack of the past, of the hope for the future despite the backpack, of fear, loneliness, emptiness, but also of spiritual strength.

It is one of the books to overcome a breakup that takes a journey into our interior to finally realize that each end is a new beginning. If you want to read more stories like this, in the following article you will find the 10 best self-help and personal improvement books.

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This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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