How To Be More Extroverted

How to be more extroverted

A outgoing person It has a series of features such as sociability, optimism and assertiveness Being extroverted is a personality trait that maintains a certain stability. Although it is true that some personality traits can be modified and adapted to personal needs and the environment.

There are changes that are caused by one’s own decision. As a human being, you can not only know yourself by how you are now, but also by how you would like to become. For example, a person may make the decision to want to be more extroverted because he foresees an improvement in his own life and in his relationships with others from this change. In this PsychologyFor article, we explain how to be more extroverted.

How to be more extroverted and sociable? – 7 practical tips

An extroverted person is one who relates easily. Below, we give you seven ideas to have a more extroverted and sociable attitude:

1. Simple objectives

It is not about transforming yourself into a different person but about be yourself aligning your virtues and qualities with that desire to be extroverted. To do this, it is recommended that you set goals or objectives that are achievable instead of impossible challenges. From these small steps you advance in the desired direction gradually, avoiding the discomfort caused by more sudden changes.

2. Do things different

If you feel that your routine and behaviors are too predictable to the point of visualizing a routine lacking in surprise, you can take the initiative to generate changes motivated by your own decision. That is, to create new experiences you can also foster new circumstances. No one can influence all aspects of their life, there is also chance. However, to be more extroverted, it is recommended that you focus your attention on those issues that depend on you. For example, start a new activity.

3. Participate in conversations

The role of listener is very important, however, sometimes it can also be very comfortable when it becomes a way of not taking center stage in the conversation. Shows a open and sociable attitude interact with others, take the initiative in dialogue, ask questions, share anecdotes and improvise.

4. Think about those times when you have been extroverted

Remember, reflect. Most likely, there are times when you have been outgoing and sociable with others. What kind of situations were they? Look for what factors led you to have a more open attitude. Keep these situations in mind and take them as an example.

5. Write a diary

To track your process and highlight your achievements You can also write a diary in which you write down some of the reflections and experiences about this process of personal improvement. Record your progress towards the goal of being more sociable and outgoing.

6. Make plans alone

Strengthen your autonomy to do activities not only in a group, but also individually. In that case, you also interact with other people. For example, when you go to the library, you have the opportunity to talk to the professional who works there and who can guide you in choosing your readings or socialize with other people who have come alone.

7. Practice your social skills

With your neighbors, with your family, with your group of friends and with your co-workers. When a person spends time closed in on themselves, they also feel that their social skills are more numb. To find out if you communicate effectively, you can take a social skills test. On the contrary, when you stay in contact with others in person and online, you exercise communication, kindness and empathy. Being more sociable and outgoing is also a matter of practice.

How to be more extroverted - How to be more extroverted and sociable? - 7 practical tips

Get out of your comfort zone to be more sociable

The discomfort you feel when you go outside your comfort zone is positive even if it is not comfortable for you. This sensation is the consequence of change and lack of habit. However, it is advisable to find a balance. That is, your desire to be more extroverted must be accompanied by the challenge of add constant actions that are aimed at achieving this purpose. The time you spend in your comfort zone also increases your rest to achieve a new challenge. At the same time, each new challenge you achieve also expands the space of your comfort zone.

How to break your comfort zone to be more extroverted? Take on new activities but take time to reflect about what topics you like the most. If you love literature, for example, you will probably enjoy meeting others around a book club more. Therefore, to be more extroverted, first of all, you have to know yourself in order to know what point you are at since this position is what defines the first step.

5 questions to be more extroverted

If you have made the decision to be more extroverted and have a more sociable attitude, it is likely that your internal dialogue revolves around this topic at different times. At PsychologyFor, we ask you these questions that you can ask yourself to find your answer.

1. Why do you want to be more extroverted?

It may be just one reason or you may have even identified more reasons to set this goal. Becoming aware of what these reasons are will help you increase your commitment to this goal. Maybe you feel that it is difficult for you to interact with others, also ask yourself why it is difficult for you to relate.

2. What qualities do you observe in extroverted people?

Try to reflect on the example of different extroverted people whom you know well. Do you observe some common characteristics in all of them? How can you model those attitudes?

3. What is it that you want to do but fear discourages you?

Try to observe what lies beyond fear, also taking into account that this feeling also takes on another dimension when you get moving and move on to the level of action.

4. What is going to be your first step to be more extroverted?

Every action plan has a beginning. Meditate on what the first step will be to have a more open and sociable attitude. Look for this answer in yourself because it is your own story.

5. What qualities and virtues define you?

Don’t just focus on the distance that separates you from the desired state. Take care of your being and your essence. A person who values ​​themselves also enjoys more this process of discovery that leads you to evolve, not become someone different.

How to be more extroverted - 5 questions to be more extroverted

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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