How To Learn From Past Mistakes

How to learn from past mistakes

All of us, absolutely all of us, make mistakes and we will even continue to make them. The number of errors can increase depending on the different attempts we make to do new things, however, this does not have to be an obstacle or be considered a failure, but quite the opposite, as long as we learn from the mistakes we make. . Life gives us different opportunities to continue growing and developing as people and most of them are found in the mistakes we make.

In your case, if you are frequently wondering How to learn from past mistakes?, you must feel that you are not taking advantage, or at least not enough, of the lessons that each mistake we make leaves us and you would like to somehow find them so that you can do better later. This is why in this PsychologyFor article, we are going to explain in detail how to learn from the mistakes made through a series of tips and tools that will be very useful to you.

Learn from your mistakes

Next, we will mention some tips that, if you put them into practice, will surely help you learn from each of the mistakes you make in your life. Not without first mentioning some aspects that you have to take into account:

  • Failures are also positive. Every time you fail, don’t feel bad for having done it or blame yourself for it, but quite the opposite. Keep in mind that each and every one of the failures that we have in life are also positive, first of all, because he who does not fail is because he has not tried anything and he who has not tried anything will always stay there, in your same comfort zone. Within every failure, there is a new lesson we can learn and we find different ways of doing things. If we focus on it, surely next time we will do better.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. “Tell me how many times you’ve been wrong and I’ll tell you how much more you need to get what you want.” This is a very true and revealing phrase, since the more we make mistakes, the better ways we find to reach our goals. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes, all successful people have made mistakes not just once but quite a few times but, finally, those mistakes have led them little by little to improve themselves and be where they are now.
  • Learn to forgive yourself. Stop blaming yourself for past mistakes, if there are things you did that you regret, learn from them and move on. The feeling of guilt becomes negative when it prevents us from learning from the mistake and moving forward, so we must always detach ourselves from that feeling when it is doing us harm. Keep in mind that if you did something that you regret today, it is because at that time you did not have enough tools to deal with that situation and there is nothing wrong with that, now you have them and, therefore, from this moment onwards moment you will do better. In the following article, we give you good advice to make peace with yourself.

How to learn from past mistakes - Learn from your mistakes

Tips to learn from past mistakes

Use new learning to your advantage

After having found the learning from each mistake you have made, once you are fully aware of it, take advantage of it and use it to your advantage, so that the next time something similar happens to you, you make use of those new tools that you have made. purchased for get ahead in that situation. So every time you make a mistake, make sure you have acquired that new knowledge to do better next time.

Live in the present

A mistake that people frequently make and that we continue to constantly repeat is that instead of enjoying our here and now, we continue to torture ourselves about issues from the past, in this case, mistakes or worrying about what the future may or may not hold for us. . The best we can do is be in the here and now and enjoy it, so the only reason why we should look at the past is to use in the now that learning that we obtained from having made mistakes before, but nothing more. That is, only bringing to the present information and knowledge that can be useful to us now and discarding what causes us suffering. Don’t miss our article on how to forget the past and live in the present.

Don’t act on impulse

If you notice that even though you have learned something from every past mistake you have made, you continue to make the same mistake over and over again, it is probably because you are acting on impulse.

Remember that in most situations, before making a decision and especially if it is very important, you must make a reflection beforehand Even if it is small, you should avoid acting impulsively and without thinking all the time. You can measure your degree of impulsivity by taking the following online impulsivity test.

How to forgive yourself for past mistakes

What most people do when we make a mistake is criticize ourselves and treat ourselves extremely poorly. We torture ourselves and see only how negative it was for us to have made that mistake. If your inner voice is acting against you and until now, it continues to reproach you for past mistakes, it is time for you to stop it and teach it that from now on act only in your favor

But how can we change our inner voice and turn it in our favor? You must keep in mind, first of all, that to achieve this it takes time and dedication since all our lives we have been destructively criticizing ourselves.

Let’s now start training our mind to be good to us and self-compassionate. To do this, you need to be aware of how much you criticize yourself, identify each time you do it and, finally, each time you discover yourself doing it, change that internal dialogue. You can, at that moment, imagine that the person you are talking to is your best friend, that he is the one who has made a mistake and that he needs your comfort and acceptance, so you have to talk to him with affection, console him and advise him in the best way possible. way you can so that you do better next time.

In the following article, you can see some exercises to learn to be positive.

How to Learn from Past Mistakes - How to Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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