How To Know If There Are Friends Who Only Love You Out Of Interest

That they only look for you at times that are convenient for them, change their attitude when they don’t get what they want, or show disinterest when you can’t help them, are signs that indicate that your friends only love you out of interest.

True friendship is manifested through unconditional, transparent, honest dedication, constant nourishment and mutual comfort, among many other beneficial characteristics. This being the most perfect manifestation of friendship, there are other levels and degrees of friendship. A particular type would be those friends who only love us out of interest, which over time manifests as detached relationships directed at personal interests. In this PsychologyFor article we will explain how to know if there are friends who only love you out of interest to distinguish this type of friendship from other more sincere, pure and true ones.

They only look for you at convenient times for them.

Interested friends usually attract attention because they are always present in certain life situations. for a specific interest that moves them to maintain this false and interested friendship. A clear example of this is when the interested person wants to meet someone close to us, and they usually go whenever they sense that the person of interest will be present.

Change of attitude when they don’t get what they want

Friends who only love you out of interest are people, on many occasions, who they blatantly reflect their interest, since they disappear quickly or shortly after what moves them disappears. For example, when the person they are interested in leaves, they stay there for a little longer.

See if the person changes his attitude toward you based on what he can get from you at any given moment. For example, if he only looks for you when he needs money or favors.

Lack of emotional support

A clear sign of the superficiality of a friendship guided by specific, more or less manifest interests, is that a friend out of interest is not present in difficult times Furthermore, you will see that he will not show the slightest interest in your suffering.

If the other person shows no interest in your life and emotions, it is possible that they are not interested in you as a friend, but only in what they can get from you. Discover why there are friends who distance themselves for no reason and what to do in this article.

How to know if there are friends who only love you out of interest - Lack of emotional support

They show disinterest when you can’t help them

If they show disinterest or They distance themselves when you are not in a position to help them or give them something they want, they are probably friends who only love you out of interest. You may notice that the other person seems distant or disinterested in your conversations when they do not have the opportunity to benefit from your help or resources. Additionally, she will surely seek help or company from others when you cannot help her.

They make sarcastic comments or jokes

Another of the clear signs that show friends who only love you out of interest is their behavior. They present a specific and repetitive conversation on the specific topic of your interest and which, however, becomes completely superficial when the topics of conversation are established around issues other than what interests you.

They ask you for excessive favors without reciprocity

If they are always asking you for favors but never do the same for you, they are probably friends who only love you out of interest. They may be using your kindness and willingness to get what they want without offering anything in return.

Constantly they ask you for favors that go beyond reason without offering anything in return They show no gratitude for your efforts or sacrifices on their behalf. When you ask them for help or a favor in return, they find excuses or refuse to help you. In this article you will see How to know if someone loves you or just uses you.

How to know if there are friends who only love you out of interest - They ask you for excessive favors without reciprocity

They make constant comparisons

They always compare you to other people or make you feel inferior in certain aspects such as tactic to keep you under control and make sure you are willing to please them to maintain your friendship. In addition, they also tend to give themselves away because they establish these types of relationships with other types of people. In these cases, these will be people who have not specifically sought us out for a specific interest, but rather guide each and every one of their friendships for particular interests.

They are detached people

People who establish friendly relationships based on interests may be people with the inability to make good friends. However, they can also be detached people, totally superficial who are not interested in any way in interacting with others. These types of individuals only establish specific links with those who can provide them with something necessary for them.

They don’t include you in important plans

If your friends constantly make important plans without including you or they exclude you from significant events in their lives, it may indicate that they do not consider you a priority in their social circle. This exclusion indicates that they do not consider you a relevant part of their group, or that they do not value your presence at important moments for them.

How to know if there are friends who only love you out of interest - They do not include you in important plans

They avoid commitments or shared responsibilities

If they constantly avoid commitments or shared responsibilities, especially when it involves giving something of themselves, it could be a sign that they are only interested in receiving benefits from the friendship. They always find excuses for not committing in projects or activities that involve joint effort.

Also, friends who only love you out of interest they are reluctant to help you in times of need or crisis. When asked for help, they seek to evade responsibility or delegate it to others. In these cases, you may be interested in this article on What to do when they lie to you and you know the truth.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to know if there are friends who only love you out of interest we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • González, A. (2023). Best Friends: Build healthy friendships, let go of unhealthy ones, and heal past wounds.. Montena Publishing House.

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