How To Lower A Person’s Ego

How to lower a person's ego - Perceive the person as a victim of their ego

According to the RAE(1), the ego has two definitions. First of all, it is considered a psychic entity that consciously regulates the person and manages the unconscious interior of the person, that is, an “excess self-esteem.” From current psychological perspectives, the ego is redefined as the entity created throughout life to manage the defense mechanisms acquired by negative or traumatic experiences in childhood. Maria de Mondo(2) He describes it as the “false self”, the result of learning to be through blows, leading to acting with defensive shields. In general, the excessive presence of ego does not translate positively, since it leads to conceit, arrogance and lack of empathy.

In this online Psychology article we will talk about how to lower a person’s ego as the only way to be truly free and beneficial to our society. To do this, we offer you 10 recommendations for that person who wants to fight against her ego and reduce it until it stops controlling her life.

Perceives the person as a victim of his ego

To achieve true change in a person with a high ego it is important from the premise of not judging All people are victims of their own ego, so it is crucial to focus on fighting the ego itself, rather than directing the battle against the person themselves.

How to lower a person's ego - Perceive the person as a victim of their ego

Be patient

Since the aforementioned is not easy, patience and benevolence become essential to avoid falling into excessive judgment towards the person and sentence them, which in the end would lead us, in the same way, to be trapped in the networks of our own ego, which will try to defend us from possible external attacks.

Set limits

Although in these cases it is important Patience and show empathy With these types of people, this does not mean that certain limits should be allowed to be exceeded. Bad manners and offensive comments should not be tolerated at any time. In the following article we explain how to set limits in relationships.

Try to get to know the person better

To achieve a definitive reduction of the ego in a person, it is necessary to understand the causes that lead them to act the way they do. Show you these reasons and address the fight against ego together is essential. Therefore, we must show interest in knowing it more deeply.

Discuss the possible origins of their behavior

After getting to know the person in more depth, we will be able to assertively present the sequence of events that has marked their life to date, explaining how these experiences have influenced their current behavior.

The objective of provide you with a thoughtful perspective that contributes to “opening your eyes” towards understanding your own path and the motivations behind your actions.

Let him know that his high ego bothers you.

After this calm conversation about how his life has passed, joys and sorrows, he we will indicate the inconvenience of your behavior showing him the disadvantages that his way of proceeding supposes in his life (loss or estrangement from friends and family, difficulty or inability to create or maintain true relationships, continued feeling of distrust, psychological exhaustion from remaining constantly alert, etc.)

Show other perspectives

After helping him become aware of the problem that it poses for himself to act the way he does, he will be presented new perspectives on how to live more simply, calm, confident, happy, patient and united. Furthermore, emphasis will be placed on the genuine possibility of achieving this way of life.

Propose new behavioral alternatives

Normally, words alone do not have an effect. Therefore, it is recommended provide concrete examples of actions that allow the implementation of a new, more serene and healthy lifestyle.

Some specific behaviors could include: take a deep breath before answering dismiss negative thoughts, contradict suggestions of harmful thoughts, refrain from judging, give way to others, practice patience, listen actively, postponing tasks until the end, praising others, and offering help as much as possible, among others. These concrete actions serve as practical tools to cultivate a more positive and constructive approach in everyday life.

How to lower a person's ego - Propose new behavioral alternatives

Be the example of these new modes of behavior

While words alone may have limited impact, it is also ineffective to give instructions about change if we ourselves do not act as a tangible example of it.

The authenticity of our actions, backed by genuine conviction and a sincere desire for inner change, becomes a powerful catalyst for transformation. It is not about imposing changes on the other person, but rather about be an inspiring beacon through our own positive actions

Accompany and encourage profound change

To ensure a satisfactory outcome, it is crucial stay by the person’s side throughout their journey, even during moments of stumbling. In this sense, it is vitally important to remind you of the advantages of establishing a genuine change, since this constitutes the only way to experience a life in peace and free you from the ego that until now has kept you imprisoned and has prevented you from expressing the best version of yourself to the world. from ourselves.

This continued commitment and awareness of lasting rewards of real change will serve as a guide and motivation on the journey towards deeper and more authentic well-being.

How to lower a person's ego - Accompany and encourage profound change

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. RAE, “Meaning of ego.” Recovered from:
  2. De Mondo, M. (2022). “I ego: A guide to stop suffering, connect with yourself and achieve peace of mind.” HarperCollins Publishing.


  • De Mondo, M. (2022). “I ego: A guide to stop suffering, connect with yourself and achieve peace of mind.” HarperCollins Publishing.

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