What Psychological Bullying Is Like And How To Avoid It

What is psychological bullying and how to avoid it - What is psychological bullying

He bullying It is defined as bullying carried out by one or more schoolmates on one or more victims from the same educational environment. These acts of abuse threaten human dignity, so we must fight to completely eradicate this dark social scourge as soon as possible. The concept of bullying includes several types or manifestations, including physical, verbal, psychological, sexual, social or relational bullying or even cyberbullying. Specifically, in this article we are going to address verbal or psychological bullying.

In the following PsychologyFor article we explain What psychological bullying is like and how to avoid it what are its causes and consequences, as well as different ways to prevent it and address it in cases where it is not possible to avoid it.

What is psychological bullying

He bullying It is all bullying against one or more victims from the same educational environment as the aggressors. This type of social harassment is, unfortunately, very common today and causes very difficult situations for the victims and their families. In extreme cases, some situations of bullying They can even lead to suicide for victims of bullying. Here you will find other Types of bullying and their consequences.

Psychological bullying is a type of harassment that encompasses any manifestation of intimidation or threat towards the victim by the aggressor. This type of bullying can go more unnoticed than, for example, physical or verbal bullying because it can be covered up through psychological strategies of manipulation and mistreatment of the victim.

What is psychological bullying and how to avoid it - What is psychological bullying

Causes of psychological bullying

In general, the causes that cause psychological bullying are usually the same as those that generate any other type of bullying. bullying:

  • In the case of the aggressor: It is likely that the aggressor has certain emotional imbalances caused mainly by unstructured or overprotective family environments that have created in him an authoritarian, impulsive personality, without the capacity for empathy and with low tolerance for frustration.
  • In the case of the victim: a victim with a vulnerable or weak personality due to emotional deficiencies, or with great simplicity and sensitivity, becoming a perfect target for the attacks committed by the aggressor
  • In the case of the observer: a set of passive observers who the only thing they can do in this situation is reinforce the aggressor, being totally insensitive to the pain suffered by the victim

Likewise, another cause of psychological bullying may be the envy that the aggressor may feel towards his victim. In these cases, the vulnerability that the aggressor experiences when he begins to feel inferior (unintelligent, uncreative, unskilled in certain skills…) can be the springboard that pushes him to initiate harassment and manipulation and intimidation strategies. his victim in an attempt to regain his false but apparent security and superiority.

Consequences of psychological bullying

The consequences of psychological bullying are very devastating. In fact, a large part of the negative consequences of the different types of bullying are psychological, since the victim’s self-esteem is greatly damaged by being injured in an intense, atrocious and repeated way until serious injuries are caused to the emotions and psyche of the victim.

Psychological wounds are, as we well know, the most difficult to heal. For a psychological wound to be generated, the person’s mind has created a complex web of beliefs and mental schemes about oneself, others and the world and undoing this elaborate mental web is a complicated task.

psychological bullying generates significant wounds in the victim on a mental and emotional level by making him believe that he is worthless, that people are dangerous and he cannot trust anyone and that he must protect himself from everyone at all times to prevent them from harming him. This internal vision, created from all the psychological abuse suffered, causes great unrest within the victim and great discouragement in life. In the following article you will find out what childhood emotional wounds are and how to heal them.

What psychological bullying is like and how to avoid it - Consequences of psychological bullying

How to avoid psychological bullying

First of all, to completely avoid any type of school bullying it is essential educate children in values ​​from childhood, both in the family context and in the school and social context. This constitutes the best strategy for preventing bullying, since it would almost automatically cause its eradication or, in the event that an isolated case occurred, it could be quickly reported by the rest of the classmates who did not tolerate it, due to this same education in values. , this type of humiliating behavior against the victim.

This will allow them to become good people as adults whose main objectives, beyond achieving good careers, success and money, are to take care of each other and, from there, build good societies that nourish and protect everyone.

Although more and more structural changes are taking place in this sense, today the educational institution still continues to prioritize the teaching of theoretical content over personal, ethical, moral and civic education, which is reduced solely to educational work. punctual transversals without sufficient force to make profound social changes.

Strategies to prevent bullying

It is essential to raise awareness among families, teachers and students about the need to establish fair, supportive and constructive relationships as the only way to grow as people. To achieve this, one of the strategies to prevent bullying will consist of give various talks and educational workshops in which the entire educational community participates.

As intervention strategies, once a case of psychological bullying has been located, it will be a priority perform affective therapy with the victim as an indispensable means for them to minimally recover their dignity and self-esteem and stop their personal psychological deterioration.

In turn, the therapy with the aggressor, with the group of passive observers and with the families involved It will also be necessary if we want to eradicate this specific problem in its entirety.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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