​The 12 Warning Signs Of Fascism According To Umberto Eco

Politics has always been an integrated element in human life, both in what affects us collectively and in what has to do with our individuality. However, some social phenomena leave more of a mark than others, and in some cases, for the worse.

Over the last few decades, numerous social psychologists, sociologists and thinkers have dedicated themselves to looking back to recognize what have been, historically, the first symptoms of the appearance (or reappearance) of exclusive and ideological movements. based on the criminalization of minorities.

Among these efforts to understand these dynamics are the warning signs of the emergence of fascism proposed by the philosopher and writer Umberto Eco

What is fascism?

Technically, fascism is a political movement and an ideology associated with it that are based on the defense of a policy based on the “essential” identity of the population, the use of violence to repress political opposition and the use of a state-run economy that, in turn, favors large companies due to its corporatism.

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At first the term fascism was used to call the political drift promoted by Benito Mussolini in the first half of the 20th century, but it can also name other recent political proposals similar to the original. Specifically, the resurgence of political parties that use openly xenophobic discourse has made comparisons with the old regime of the Italian leader become frequent.

In this sense, looking at the warning signs of fascism devised by Umberto Eco can be useful to know how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Signs that this ideology is resurfacing

For the writer, the symptoms that fascism is gaining ground in state or regional politics are the following.

1. Use of fear of what is different

The stigmatization of minorities who do not exactly fit the archetype of the “average citizen” or who live through different forms of cultural expression is common in fascist regimes. This allows us to reinforce the idea of ​​national identity, which can be used to vindicate any political objective.

2. Control and repression of sexuality

The control of sexuality, especially female sexuality, is a propaganda system thanks to which the political project is thought about even in the most intimate and domestic moments On the other hand, it also allows minorities to be repressed, whether based on their sexual orientation or the way in which sexual and emotional matters are conceived.

3. Systematic opposition to the slightest criticism

The total rejection of criticism allows you to make and break any kind of initiatives without having to explain or be accountable to anyone

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4. Valuation of strength and action over intellect

Distrust towards the intellectual It causes the country’s critical thinking to be mortally wounded. Reason is seen as a way to cover up reason-based interests and is therefore a waste of time.

5. Constant appeal to a threat that does not go away

be there all the time appealing to an eternal threat allows us to introduce a state of exception, thanks to which the political party can violate current legislation “for the good of the people.” Cases of state terrorism are a clear example of this.

6. Use of simple vocabulary and topic-based speeches

The use of words with a very broad meaning allows us to produce speeches that, Although they seem very clear, they do not contact reality Normally the only message that is given has to do with the most striking ideas, such as who is to blame for something or the attitude that the party is going to have towards an event, but it is not very specific.

7. Ridiculation of what is innovative or novel

T Everything that deviates from the traditional way of seeing the world is rejected and ridiculed as if it were a distraction, a lie or a banal pastime.

8. Emphasis on the importance of tradition and national identity

Constantly appealing to the identity of a people and to tradition is an easy way to claim it as the “natural” mirror of the voice of that group. It is not necessary to propose policies that benefit the majority symbols, icons and customs are simply used as pieces of propaganda.

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9. Constant appeal to a dissatisfied social class

This is not a characteristic that in itself defines fascism, since it is done from many political tendencies. However, Fascism claims to be the only voice of that part of the population as if plurality did not exist in it.

10. Use of a charismatic leader who represents the people

The leader is the reflection of the people, and as such speaks in their language and tries to express the same concerns as the stereotype of the part of the population to which he appeals. Your personal decisions and your tastes and preferences are taken as a public matter since it is the embodiment of the popular will.

11. Constant search for external culprits

Blaming everything on those who are outside the propaganda system and cannot defend themselves allows shift attention to the party’s failures or, if they are revealed, they are shown as mistakes made in the fight against a greater evil.

12. Constant appeal to the will of the people

An attempt is made to appropriate popular demands making them move to the institutional and there they dissolve and become confused with the political objectives of the leaders of the fascist movement.